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Kidnapped by terrorists, sold as sex slave: Yazidi girl recounts ISIS captivity horror
Date 06/11/2019 17:31  Author admin  Hits 731  Language Global
A minor Yazidi girl has narrated her ordeal and has told the media about what she felt in the ISIS captivity. Talking to the media, the 13-year-old girl said she was sold multiple times as a sex slave and was forcefully converted to Islam.

Iman Abdullah

Mumbai: Iman Abdullah was 13 when ISIS terrorists kidnapped her and sold her multiple times as a sex slave, and she was raped repeatedly before she was rescued and reunited with her family. One of the Yazidis, a minority community in Iraq that suffered untold brutalities at the hands of ISIS terrorists, Abdullah spoke to the media about her ordeal on Tuesday.

Abdullah and some other Yazidis were here to be felicitated with Harmony Foundation's annual Mother Teresa Award last week.

"ISIS not only made Yazidi girls sex slaves. They also converted us to Islam. We suffered physically and psychologically," said Abdullah, who was accompanied by Hussein Al Qaidi, director, Office of the Rescue of Yazidis, and an interpreter.

After ISIS forces invaded Sinjar, the Iraqi town and home to Yazidis, in 2014, the US military allied with Kurdish forces to fight ISIS. The terrorists were forced to retreat and many were imprisoned. In October 2019, US President Donald Trump announced withdrawal of US military from northern Syria, leaving Kurdish forces to fight their own battles.

"We feel betrayed. With US withdrawing forces, Turkish attacks on Kurdish forces have increased. Kurdish forces have released ISIS terrorists who were under Kurdish military detention. We fear released ISIS terrorists may attack Yazidis again," said Al Qaidi.

He insisted that every Kurd is a proud citizen and Muslims, Christians and Yazidis have lived in complete harmony and were yearning for a militia-free Kurd territory.

"The betrayal by Trump, which has set free thousands of ISIS terrorists captured and kept under Kurdish control and their subsequent escape, is a big threat to the region and international peace. The world community must intervene and restore the confidence of Yazidis, who have suffered immensely," said foundation head Abraham Mathai.

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