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03/01/2016 18:27 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Strongly condemning the "heinous" terror attack on a key Indian Air Force base by Pakistani terrorists, the US today asked all countries in the region to work together to disrupt and dismantle terrorist networks.
Tags US
03/01/2016 18:19 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi: Pakistan's powerful army chief Gen Raheel Sharif has vowed to rid the country from the scourge of terrorism, asserting that "all negative forces" would be scuttled.
03/01/2016 18:15 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry summoned on Saturday the Iranian ambassador to Riyadh to protest Iran's "aggressive" statement over the execution of prominent Shia Muslim cleric Nimr al-Nimr, Saudi Press Agency reported.
02/01/2016 17:34 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A petition against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to Pakistan has been filed in the Lahore High Court.
02/01/2016 17:30 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: Saudi Arabia carried out at least 157 executions in 2015, with beheadings reaching their highest level in the kingdom in two decades, according to several advocacy groups that monitor the death penalty worldwide.
02/01/2016 17:21 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: A terror warning in Munich on New Year's Eve that led to the evacuation of two train stations was not a false alert, security officials said Friday, although there have been no arrests.
02/01/2016 17:13 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Prime Minister David Cameron in his New Year message for 2016, said his country was in "one of the great reforming decades in history".
02/01/2016 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran's defence minister said on Friday that despite the US pressures, Iran will not slow down the pace of development in its missile programme.
02/01/2016 17:06 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: A gunman opened fire at a popular bar in the central Israeli city of Tel Aviv on Friday afternoon, killing two people and wounding at least three others before fleeing the scene, police said.
02/01/2016 17:02 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: A moderately heavy explosion rocked the capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul, an Afghan official said, adding that there were no immediate details on the cause of the blast or possible casualties.
01/01/2016 18:52 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Couples in China are now allowed to have two children as the new family planning law came into effect from today, ending the world’s most populous country’s controversial one-child policy amid concerns over an ageing population and shrinking workforce.
01/01/2016 13:10 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: Police in Munich warned of a "serious, imminent threat" by Islamic State group suicide bombers wanting to commit an attack on New Year's Eve and asked people to stay away from the city's main train station and a second train station in the city's Pasing neighborhood.
01/01/2016 11:11 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iranian president Hassan Rouhani on Thursday ordered to proceed the country's missile programme "with high speed and seriously" and expand Iran's missile capabilities, in response to the US considered sanctions, state media reported.
Tags US
31/12/2015 16:22 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: National Security Advisor Ajit Doval will visit China next week to hold informal talks with his Chinese counterpart to discuss the vexed border dispute and other strategic issues, it was announced here today.
31/12/2015 15:50 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Nepalese Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli on Thursday telephoned Prime Minister Narendra Modi and apprised him of the political developments in the Himalayan nation.
31/12/2015 13:41 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A US expert has suggested that Washington can bring about a thaw in India-Pakistan relations without any direct intervention by pressing Pakistan to crack down on Lashkar e-Taiba, responsible for the Mumbai attacks.
31/12/2015 13:38 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: As the debate over Free Basics and net neutrality entered an interesting phase in India, Egypt has decided to shut down Facebook's controversial free internet service, media reported on Thursday.
31/12/2015 13:33 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama will hold talks with leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in California on February 15-16, the White House said on Wednesday.
31/12/2015 13:26 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: The US has accused Iran of launching a "highly provocative" rocket test last week near its warships and commercial traffic passing through the Strait of Hormuz, exposing how tensions between the two countries could escalate even after a landmark nuclear deal.
31/12/2015 13:23 Comments 0 Comments
United Nation: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday congratulated Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abad on re-taking most of the Ramadi city from the Islamic State terror group, according to a satatement issued by the UN office.
31/12/2015 12:56 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Authorities in the Belgian capital Brussels have decided to cancel the city's fireworks show on New Year's Eve amid high alert for possible terrorist attacks.
31/12/2015 12:53 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: At least 16 people were killed and 35 others wounded on Wednesday when twin bombings targeted a predominantly-Kurdish city in northern Syria, pro-government Sama TV reported.
31/12/2015 12:49 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistani and Afghan top military officials established a "Hot Line" and talked for the first time on Wednesday, amid renewed efforts to increase security cooperation, the Pakistani military said.
31/12/2015 12:24 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US federal and local security officials are tightening security in high-profile locations tied to New Year's celebrations, considering possible security threats on the New Year holiday, local media reported on Wednesday.
30/12/2015 18:56 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Nearly 200 fighters at an al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) terror training camp in the Af-Pak border region were killed in a recent attack by the US and Afghan commandos, amid growing concerns that Qaeda camps are resurfacing in Afghanistan, according to a media report.
30/12/2015 18:48 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: U.S. and coalition airstrikes killed 10 Islamic State leaders over the past month, including several linked to the Paris attacks or other plots against the West, a U.S. military official in Iraq said Tuesday.
30/12/2015 18:45 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: Afghan security forces have killed more than two dozen armed militants and captured 19 others during a series of operations over the past 24 hours, officials said on Tuesday.
29/12/2015 17:50 Comments 0 Comments
Peshawar: At least 22 people were killed and 40 injured today when a motorcycle-borne Taliban suicide bomber crashed through the gate of a crowded government office in northwest Pakistan and detonated his explosives-laden vest.
29/12/2015 17:46 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed-led Jamaat-ud-Dawah’s activists are joining ISIS and eight of them were arrested by intelligence agencies who raided a hideout of the terror group in Pakistan’s Punjab province.
29/12/2015 17:21 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured a massive landslide on Mars, showing a boulder-covered landslide along a canyon wall.
29/12/2015 17:17 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Ramping up his attacks against Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has now trained his guns on her husband, former President Bill Clinton. But the Clinton campaign is pushing back.
29/12/2015 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Pakistan is the only "all-weather strategic cooperation partner" of China, said a state-run daily which noted that the cooperation between the two countries has expanded from political and security fields to economy and trade, climate change, food and energy security.
29/12/2015 17:07 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: As many as 300 family members of the Islamic State (IS) militants fled a northern Syrian city following the recent military progress made by the Syrian army and a newly-formed rebel group called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a monitor group reported.
29/12/2015 17:04 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The UN health agency has delivered more than 100 tonnes of medicines and supplies for 1.2 million people in strife-torn Yemen's central Taiz governorate, Xinhua reported.
29/12/2015 17:01 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond on Monday congratulated the Iraqi government on the raising of the Iraqi flag in Ramadi, a city once held by the Islamic State (IS).
29/12/2015 16:52 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes drove Islamic State militants out of the center of Ramadi on Monday and seized the main government complex there, according to military officials, who said insurgents are still dug into pockets of the city west of Baghdad.
29/12/2015 16:49 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Prime Minister David Cameron was on Monday heckled by the victims of devastating floods during a visit to the worst-hit historic city of York in the UK.
29/12/2015 16:45 Comments 0 Comments
Lagos: Many people are feared dead as two suicide bombers on Monday attacked a motor park in northeast Nigeria's Madagali city in the Adamawa State, Xinhua reported.
28/12/2015 18:32 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: For Mohammed, the perils of staying in Damascus crystalized when a sniper's bullet whizzed past his head while he and his cousins were on his rooftop, watching the Syrian air force bomb rebel forces.
28/12/2015 18:24 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: By striking breakthrough deals across Russia and Afghanistan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has cemented his ties with his allies, bringing Pakistan in the mix with diplomatic ingenuity, said a daily on Monday.
28/12/2015 18:17 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul (Afghanistan): A suicide car bomb attack killed at least one civilian Monday near the Kabul international airport, an Afghan government official said.
28/12/2015 18:14 Comments 0 Comments
Sanaa: Yemen's former President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Sunday said that the war against Saudi Arabia has yet to begin, vowing his supporters to continue fight unless the Saudi-led coalition halts air and ground campaigns against his country.
28/12/2015 18:07 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan and Afghanistan on Sunday agreed to resume the peace process with a mutually agreed quadrilateral framework which includes China and the US.
27/12/2015 17:02 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Iraqi security forces on Saturday moved deeper into the heart of the city of Ramadi, where they have been fighting for five days in fierce clashes against the Islamic State (IS) militants.
26/12/2015 20:51 Comments 0 Comments
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii: President Barack Obama is one of the most powerful men in the world. He's commander in chief of one of its mightiest militaries, too.
26/12/2015 14:42 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China has said Nepal should not become a "boxing arena" between India and China vying for influence in the Himalayan nation even as it called on New Delhi to treat Kathmandu as an equal partner.
26/12/2015 14:39 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday made a surprise visit to Pakistan to meet Nawaz Sharif in a move that evoked positive reactions across the globe.
Tags US
26/12/2015 14:34 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Iraqi security forces on Friday continued their battles for the fourth consecutive day against the Islamic State (IS) militants and moved closer to the central part of Anbar's provincial capital city of Ramadi.
26/12/2015 14:28 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Taunted by Republicans to declare war on "radical Islamic terrorism," Democrats are turning to an unlikely ally: George W. Bush.
26/12/2015 14:24 Comments 0 Comments
Madrid: Two people drowned and at least 12 others were injured when they tried to get to a small patch of Spanish territory in North Africa by swimming from Morocco and scaling a barbed-wire fence that juts into the sea, Spanish and Moroccan news agencies reported Friday.
26/12/2015 14:22 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: A 6.9 magnitude earthquake jolted several parts of Pakistan, including the capital Islamabad and Punjab’s provincial capital Lahore, around midnight  yesterday.
25/12/2015 21:23 Comments 0 Comments
London: A counterterrorism expert has warned that British cities could be a target of an Islamic State (ISIS) terror attack on Boxing Day, marked the day after Christmas.
25/12/2015 18:30 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: The memorable portrayal of a pathan 'Sher Khan' by actor Pran in Bollywood movie 'Zanjeer' today found its way into diplomacy as Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned it to underscore how Indians view Afghans as true and magnanimous friends.
25/12/2015 18:27 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: Pakistani authorities today put security on high alert in Lahore especially around the airport area following the announcement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's day-long visit to the city.
25/12/2015 18:23 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: Delegation-level bilateral talks between India and Afghanistan were held here on Friday, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani respectively.
25/12/2015 18:13 Comments 0 Comments
Abuja: A gas tanker truck has ignited an inferno at a crowded industrial gas plant in Nigeria, killing more than 100 people lining up to refill their cooking gas cylinders in time for Christmas.
25/12/2015 18:10 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan has withdrawn one of its diplomats from Bangladesh after "harassment", the foreign ministry said.
25/12/2015 18:06 Comments 0 Comments
CHARLOTTE, N.C.: A long-standing dispute sparked a shooting at a crowded North Carolina shopping mall on Christmas Eve, police said, and an off-duty officer fatally shot a man who pointed a gun in his direction.
25/12/2015 17:58 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India has succeeded in convincing the world that there was a need to unite against terrorism and the menace can be easily fought if all powers having faith in humanity come together.
25/12/2015 17:55 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today wrapped up his two-day visit to Russia, during which the two countries signed 16 pacts to expand cooperation in various sectors, including nuclear and defence.
25/12/2015 17:48 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: In a bid to ensure that railway locomotives do not pollute the environment, National Green Tribunal has directed Environment Ministry and Ministry of Railways to fix emission standards for diesel locomotive engines in India.
Tags NGT
24/12/2015 16:09 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama will host ASEAN leaders at a Southern California retreat next year as part of his pivot to Asia policy, officials have said.
24/12/2015 16:06 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday visited Russia's National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC), also known as EMERCOM, in Moscow.
24/12/2015 15:59 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan's former military strongman General Pervez Musharraf could face "renewed legal jeopardy", a leading Pakistani daily said on Thursday.
24/12/2015 15:56 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin presented visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi a page from the diary of Mahatma Gandhi and an 18th century Indian sword, an official statement said on Thursday.
24/12/2015 14:03 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: Japan's Cabinet approved a record-high military spending plan Thursday, endorsing plans to purchase pricey U.S. surveillance drones and F-35 fighter jets as Tokyo steps up cooperation with Washington amid China's increasingly assertive activity in regional seas.
24/12/2015 14:00 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi: Pakistan People's Party chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was on Wednesday embroiled in a political storm following the death of a 10-month-old baby girl who was denied entry in a state-owned hospital in Karachi closed due to his visit.
24/12/2015 13:55 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: The French cabinet backed reform proposals on Wednesday that could see the state of emergency called after last month's Paris attacks enshrined in the constitution, prompting criticism from rights groups.
24/12/2015 13:52 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Notwithstanding widespread criticism after his call to ban Muslims entering America, Donald Trump emerged as the most popular Republican candidate in an opinion poll released on Wednesday that placed the runner-up at a distant second with less than half the support.
24/12/2015 13:49 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: Smoking e-cigarettes and vaping has been declared ‘haram’ for Muslims in Malaysia, the country’s national fatwa council has announced.  The council after a special meeting decided to issue fatwa declaring e-cigarettes and vaping ‘haram’—forbidden for Muslims.
23/12/2015 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Muslim family heading to Disneyland was barred from boarding a flight to Los Angeles by US authorities at Gatwick airport here, prompting a lawmaker to seek Prime Minister David Cameron's intervention into the matter.
Tags UK
23/12/2015 18:49 Comments 0 Comments
Heidelberg, Germany: The Qasus do not normally cry, but this felt nothing like normal. Like hundreds of thousands before them and untold more to come, the Iraqi family had just completed a disorienting dash across Europe and found refuge in Germany.
23/12/2015 18:46 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Amid a debate on intolerance, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that India has an ancient tradition of "openness, respect for diversity of beliefs and cultures".
23/12/2015 18:43 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: The Sri Lankan Government is set to move a resolution in Parliament next month to convert the House into a Constitutional Assembly which will initiate the process of drafting a new Constitution and abolishing the executive presidential system.
23/12/2015 18:40 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: Greece's parliament has overwhelmingly approved legislation legalizing civil partnerships for gay couples, two years after the country was condemned by a European human rights court for discrimination.
23/12/2015 18:37 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Call it bizarre or insane, but a 82-year-old elderly woman called police after she reportedly heard her female neighbour chanting "ISIS (Islamic State) is good, ISIS is great" while having sex, media reported on Wednesday.
Tags US
23/12/2015 18:34 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A "strong and productive relationship" between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi helped seal a historic deal at the Paris climate change conference, according to a senior US official.
23/12/2015 18:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US space agency NASA said it has suspended the planned launch of a Mars lander called InSight in March 2016 due to unsuccessful attempts to repair a leak in a French-built seismological instrument.
23/12/2015 18:09 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday rejected reports that he used vulgarity in describing Democrat Hillary Clinton's primary loss to now-President Barack Obama in 2008.
22/12/2015 20:57 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Reeling under the worst smog of the year, China’s pollution problems continue to be compounded as 40 cities including Beijing are under red alert with schools canceling classes and factories cutting their production.
22/12/2015 20:52 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: India has sought from the US 100 latest unmanned aerial vehicles, both armed and surveillance versions, worth USD 2 billion to bolster its arsenal amid recurring incursions by Chinese troops.
22/12/2015 20:37 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Donald Trump on Monday accused Hillary Clinton of lying when she said the Islamic State group used videos of his comments about Muslims to recruit militants.
22/12/2015 20:33 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Private US space firm SpaceX has conducted its first rocket launch since a June failure that destroyed its cargo ship bound for the ISS and then safely landed the rocket's first stage back at the launch site.
22/12/2015 20:30 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A war of words between Republican and Democratic presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has intensified over her charge that he has become a recruiting tool for ISIS.
22/12/2015 20:25 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Acknowledging "legitimate terrorism concerns and threats" in South Asia, US says it continues to welcome and encourage efforts by India and Pakistan to work bilaterally to solve very difficult, complicated issues between them.
Tags US
22/12/2015 20:13 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: A suicide attacker rammed an explosives-laden motorcycle into a joint NATO-Afghan patrol Monday, killing six American troops in the deadliest attack on international forces since August. Two U.S. troops and an Afghan were wounded.
22/12/2015 20:09 Comments 0 Comments
Honolulu: President Barack Obama, in a broadside against the leading Republican presidential candidate, says billionaire Donald Trump is "exploiting" the fears that working-class men in particular have about the economy and stagnant wages.
22/12/2015 16:14 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: Amid a growing outcry over the recent emergence in Kabul of a Islamic State radio station, the Afghan spy agency arrested a journalist who allegedly worked for the station.
22/12/2015 16:11 Comments 0 Comments
Kabu: The Afghan National Directorate of Security said troops arrested a suicide bomber, thwarting his plans to attack the Indian consulate in Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, local officials said on Monday.
21/12/2015 16:05 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese lawmakers consider amending the family planning law to allow couples to have two children amid efforts to counter shrinkage of the work force and an ageing population.
21/12/2015 16:00 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Two Indians were among three persons killed when a missile fired from strife-torn Yemen struck Saudi Arabia's southwestern border city of Najran, the third such incident this year involving Indians.
21/12/2015 15:54 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Leading Republican presidential aspirant Donald Trump on Sunday dismissed Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton's assertion that the Islamic State was using his videos as a recruitment tool saying she "made up" the claim.
21/12/2015 15:39 Comments 0 Comments
Nairobi: A fake explosive rigged with cardboard, sheets of paper and a household timer forced an Air France flight into an emergency landing in Kenya on Sunday, sending hundreds of passengers down emergency slides in what the airline's CEO said was the fourth bomb hoax against the airline in recent weeks.
21/12/2015 15:35 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: Sri Lanka's military is set to be modernized with assistance from militarily advanced nations such as India, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said on Sunday.
20/12/2015 16:45 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China on Saturday urged the United States to stop provocative actions following the flight of two B-52 bombers over the area near China's Nansha islands.
19/12/2015 16:09 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama signed into law a USD 1.8 trillion spending package which among other things introduces a hefty USD 4,000 fee for certain categories of H-1B visa and USD 4,500 for L1 visa.
19/12/2015 16:06 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A full moon will light up the skies this Christmas, a rare event which has not occurred since 1977 and will not happen again till 2034, according to NASA.
19/12/2015 16:02 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's popularity rating has soared to a new height as he gained 11 points in the last one month to have his popularity at 39%.
19/12/2015 15:58 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama has slammed the Republican Party and its presidential candidates for opposing the historic Paris agreement on climate change, saying they were the only major party in the world to deny climate change.
19/12/2015 15:56 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama said the federal government would work with high-tech companies to find better ways to track terrorists.
19/12/2015 15:53 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The IMF on Friday approved nearly $500 million in its latest tranche of financial assistance to Pakistan, bringing the total amount of money released to revive the country's economy to $5 billion.
19/12/2015 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama closed his next-to-last year in office with rare praise for congressional Republican leaders who helped orchestrate a bipartisan budget deal Friday, then vowed to work hard to beat the GOP and get a fellow Democrat elected to succeed him in the White House.
19/12/2015 09:34 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: Some 20 foreign ministers gathered on Friday for the latest conference on Syria's civil war, hopeful about arranging a cease-fire and launching peace negotiations in the new year.
Tags UN
19/12/2015 09:31 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Urging an end to tensions between two U.S. partners, President Barack Obama asked Turkey on Friday to keep pulling its troops from a training camp in Iraq and respect the country's integrity as a sovereign nation.
19/12/2015 09:27 Comments 0 Comments
Verona, Virginia: Schools in a Virginia county were closed on Friday and a weekend holiday concert and athletic events were cancelled amid an angry backlash about a school exercise about Islamic faith.'
19/12/2015 09:24 Comments 0 Comments
Nairobi: India is keeping its “fingers crossed” as the uncertainty continues over the fate of the WTO ministerial meeting, with developed countries taking a hard line on issues of public stockholding and a special safeguard mechanism.
Tags WTO
18/12/2015 21:57 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russian officials on Friday invited British, Chinese and Indian diplomats to witness the opening of the black box of a Russian warplane downed in Turkey last month.
18/12/2015 21:54 Comments 0 Comments
Singapore: India's recent agreement with Japan on developing environmentally-friendly nuclear energy for civilian use is the right step and will boost the country's renewable energy plans, the IEA said here today.
18/12/2015 21:51 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Beijing has issued its second red alert for air pollution in December as a new bout of smog is forecast to hit the capital from Saturday to Tuesday.
18/12/2015 21:48 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A leading Pakistani daily on Friday lauded Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj for her belief in the continuation of sub-continental talks, but warned that "another act of terror could sabotage the nascent dialogue".
18/12/2015 21:06 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Pakistan is not focusing on taking action against terror groups operating on its soil, that pose a threat to both India and Afghanistan, a top US official has said.
Tags US
18/12/2015 21:03 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: In Vladimir Putin's view, Donald Trump is "bright and talented." But as much as those words sound overtly like praise, there are some murky nuances.
18/12/2015 20:59 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The White House is promising President Barack Obama will deliver a "non-traditional" State of the Union address next month, eschewing the standard litany of policy proposals for a broader discussion on the challenges facing the country.
18/12/2015 20:47 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Thursday aimed at disrupting revenue that the Islamic State extremist group gets from oil and antiquities sales, ransom payments and other criminal activities   a goal that finance ministers agree will be challenging.
Tags UN
18/12/2015 20:35 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A leading American foreign policy journal today alleged that India is building a top-secret nuclear city to produce thermos nuclear weapons which would upgrade the country as a nuclear power and unsettle its two major neighbours - Pakistan and China.
18/12/2015 20:31 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has been ordered to stand trial in France over her role in a 2008 arbitration ruling that handed 400 million euros ($434 million) to French businessman Bernard Tapie.
17/12/2015 21:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: As Republican presidential candidates engaged in fiery debate on the threat posed by radical Islam, top party aspirant Ted Cruz cited the example of India and said millions of Muslims live in peace there without any such problem, as he differed with front-runner Donald Trump's idea of banning Muslim immigrants.
17/12/2015 21:26 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Obama administration announced on Wednesday a $1.83 billion arms sale to Taiwan, the first offered by the US to the self-governing island in four years.
17/12/2015 21:24 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China today said it had summoned US Ambassador to strongly protest America's massive USD 1.83 billion weapons sales, including two warships, to Taiwan and warned that it will take "new measures" including sanctions against the US firms involved in such business.
17/12/2015 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
An influential US lawmaker has sought the closure of 600 Deobandi madrassas in Pakistan, describing them as an "infrastructure of hate".
17/12/2015 21:13 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Voicing concern over Pakistan's nuclear and missile programmes, the US has asked it to restrain them and avoid any developments that might lead to increased risk to nuclear safety and strategic stability.
Tags US
17/12/2015 21:08 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama has announced his intent to appoint Harold d'Souza, an Indian-American activist from Vadodara, to the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.
17/12/2015 21:05 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: One day after a debate clash with Jeb Bush, Donald Trump said he's been "a little bit divisive" and wants to see Republicans come together.
17/12/2015 21:01 Comments 0 Comments
Madrid: A young man punched Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy hard in the head Wednesday evening after managing to get next to him at a campaign appearance in the northern city where Rajoy grew up.
17/12/2015 20:58 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Obama Administration on Wednesday ruled out any India-type nuclear agreement with Pakistan as top American lawmakers expressed serious concerns over Pakistan's growing nuclear arsenal.
17/12/2015 20:54 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US Congress has imposed a special fee of up to USD 4,500 on the H-1B and L-1 visas popular among Indian IT companies to fund a 9/11 healthcare act and biometric tracking system.
17/12/2015 20:51 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: Weeks of Russian airstrikes in Syria appear to have restored enough momentum to the government side to convince President Bashar Assad's foes and the world community that even if he doesn't win the war he cannot quickly be removed by force.
17/12/2015 20:47 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US has expressed concern over development of Pakistan's nuclear weapons with lawmakers asking the American government to be tough on Islamabad as it does not seem to be sincere in improving ties with India and has accelerated the pace of arsenals' production.
Tags US
16/12/2015 21:40 Comments 0 Comments
Nairobi: India today expressed fear that the WTO’s Doha Development Agenda (DDA) appears to be in “jeopardy” and stressed that history will “judge us (WTO ministers) poorly” if inequities in global trade are allowed to perpetuate.
16/12/2015 21:38 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her family members faced the risk of being massacred but were saved by a group of Indian soldiers during the 1971 liberation war, her father’s close aide said today, as Bangladesh marked the 44th anniversary of its triumph over Pakistan.
16/12/2015 21:29 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The UN has kicked off the process to elect the next Secretary General, with the Security Council and General Assembly making an unprecedented call to member states to recommend woman candidates for the top job that has been held by a man for the past 70 years.
Tags UN
16/12/2015 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
Las Vegas: Republican front-runner Donald Trump defended his provocative call for banning Muslims from the United States in Tuesday night's presidential debate as the candidates pushed their own plans for fighting Islamic State militants. Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz clashed over government access to Americans' communications.
16/12/2015 21:24 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday accepted Russia's long-standing demand that President Bashar Assad's future be determined by his own people, as Washington and Moscow edged toward putting aside years of disagreement over how to end Syria's civil war.
16/12/2015 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: The nation's two biggest school systems   New York City and Los Angeles   received threats Tuesday of a large-scale jihadi attack with guns and bombs. LA reacted by shutting down the entire district, while New York dismissed the warning as an amateurish hoax and held classes.
16/12/2015 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama is resolute in his refusal to allow America and its citizens be terrorised, the White House has said, hours after all public schools in Los Angeles were closed after electronic threat.
16/12/2015 21:15 Comments 0 Comments
Nairobi: Trade ministers of as many as 47 countries, including India, China and several African nations, today asked the WTO members to “redouble” efforts to conclude pending issues of the long-stalled Doha Round.
Tags WTO
16/12/2015 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: The U.N. nuclear agency closed the books Tuesday on its decade-long probe of allegations that Iran worked on atomic arms, and Tehran proclaimed that it would implement commitments within weeks to cut back on present nuclear programs that could be used to make such weapons.
Tags UN
15/12/2015 21:44 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama on Monday said the US-led coalition is making progress against Islamic State militants in both Iraq and Syria, as he delivered an update on the campaign aimed at reassuring Americans worried about the spread of extremism-fueled terrorism.
15/12/2015 21:41 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan on Tuesday successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable ballistic missile with a range of 900 kilometres, days after testing a similar missile capable of hitting targets as far as 2,750 kilometres away, bringing many Indian cities under its range.
15/12/2015 21:35 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: US Secretary of State John Kerry opened talks in Moscow on Tuesday with Russia's foreign minister to try to narrow broad gaps on ways to end Syria's civil war and restore stability in eastern Ukraine.
15/12/2015 21:32 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan today executed eight convicted murderers in different jails of its Punjab province, bringing the total number of executions to 310 since it lifted a moratorium on the death penalty following a terror attack on an army run school in December last year.
15/12/2015 21:30 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: At least six Indians and two locals were killed and 24 others injured after a brick kiln chimney collapsed in Nepal after an explosion, police said.
15/12/2015 21:28 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Saudi Arabia said Tuesday that 34 nations have agreed to form a new "Islamic military alliance" to fight terrorism with a joint operations center based in the kingdom's capital, Riyadh.
15/12/2015 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: Few days after opening up about his desire to enter politics, actor Will Smith says the kind of comments Republican party hopeful Donald Trump is making about Muslims may provoke him to run for President.
15/12/2015 21:23 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A special $2,000 fee could return on H-1B and L-1 visas for Indian IT companies to fund a 9/11 healthcare act in the US with a group of Congressmen quietly mounting fresh efforts to reimpose it.
15/12/2015 21:15 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Want to become an astronaut and fly to Red Planet? NASA is now accepting applications for future explorers and the final selection list will be announced in mid-2017.
15/12/2015 21:12 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton proposed Monday that people applying to be U.S. citizens should get a break in fees and lamented complex immigration laws that she said can tear families apart.
15/12/2015 16:49 Comments 0 Comments
Maryland: A Maryland man is in federal custody after being charged with trying to provide support to ISIS terrorists and receiving money allegedly intended for carrying out a terrorist attack on US soil, authorities said Monday.
15/12/2015 16:46 Comments 0 Comments
Tripoli: The Islamic State jihadist group has executed a woman for "witchcraft" and a man accused of spying in its Libyan stronghold, news agencies close to the country's rival authorities on Monday.
15/12/2015 16:42 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Barack Obama on Monday discussed measures to be taken by their countries, the world's two biggest polluters, to effectively implement the Paris climate deal and vowed to work together for addressing global warming.
15/12/2015 16:38 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Amid a strain in bilateral ties, India on Monday said it will work closely with Nepal for further strengthening its cooperation in all the areas of mutual interest, including in water resources.
15/12/2015 16:36 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Senior White House officials will hold meetings with Sikh and Muslim community leaders, a US presidential spokesman said yesterday, as the country reels under a spate of hate-crimes directed against these communities in the aftermath of San Bernardino terrorist attack.
14/12/2015 20:53 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China's capital Beijing is set to build a UNESCO international centre for creativity and sustainable development, the first of its kind, an official said on Monday.
14/12/2015 20:49 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: Japan today said it will ease requirements for issuing multiple-entry visas to short-term Indian travellers from January 11, days after India announced 'visa on arrival' to all Japanese citizens from March 1.
14/12/2015 20:47 Comments 0 Comments
Manila: More than 700,000 people fled the central Philippines amid threats of giant waves, floods and landslides as powerful Typhoon Melor approached the archipelago nation, officials said today.
14/12/2015 20:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US space agency NASA has released enhanced colour mosaics of Pluto that combines some of the sharpest views of the mysterious landscape.
14/12/2015 20:39 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Fears of terrorism are hanging over America's holiday season, so President Barack Obama is planning a series of events this week aimed at trying to allay concerns about his strategy for stopping the Islamic State group abroad and its sympathizers at home.
14/12/2015 20:36 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Americans' confidence in the federal government's ability to protect its citizens from future acts of terrorism has dropped to a record low, according to a new Gallup poll.
14/12/2015 20:23 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Marine Le Pen's far-right National Front collapsed in French regional elections Sunday, failing to take a single region after dominating the first round of voting, pollsters projected. The conservatives surged against the governing Socialists, changing the political map of France.
14/12/2015 20:17 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: A Russian destroyer used small arms fire on Sunday to ward off a Turkish fishing ship and prevent a collision in the Aegean Sea, the Defense Ministry said, calling the actions of Turkey's vessel "provocative."
14/12/2015 20:05 Comments 0 Comments
Chicago: Members of the Sikh religion are feeling more uneasy amid simmering anti-Muslim sentiment because many are being mistaken for Muslims.  But instead of distancing themselves, Sikhs increasingly are working with Muslims to combat hateful rhetoric and dispel misconceptions about their respective faiths.
14/12/2015 20:01 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli on Sunday said his dream to develop the Himalayan nation as "vibrant" had been shattered by the "embargo imposed by India".
14/12/2015 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: A fire swept through a Russian home for people with mental illnesses, killing 23 patients and injuring another 23, many of whom were on medication or otherwise unable to walk, the emergency services said today.
14/12/2015 19:54 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: At least 19 Saudi women have won seats on local municipal councils a day after women voted and ran in elections for the first time in the country's history, according to initial results released.
13/12/2015 21:04 Comments 0 Comments
Mary (Turkmenistan): Vice President Hamid Ansari, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and leaders from Turkmenistan and Afghanistan today broke the ground here for the ambitious USD 7.6 billion TAPI pipeline project which will provide energy-hungry India gas to run its power plants.
13/12/2015 20:04 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Initial results show at least three Saudi women have won seats on local municipal councils a day after women voted and ran in elections for the first time in the country's history.
12/12/2015 20:45 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Reiterating that it wants the perpetrators of the November 2008 Mumbai terror attack brought to justice, the US has offered to do anything it can to support Indian authorities in that task.
Tags US
12/12/2015 20:41 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least two people were killed and seven injured after a Taliban suicide bomber struck a foreign guesthouse here on Friday, sources said.
12/12/2015 20:35 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Oil prices dived on Friday as market expected the global supplies to exceed the demand.
11/12/2015 20:52 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan today successfully test-fired the medium-range Shaheen-III surface-to-surface ballistic missile which can carry nuclear warheads up to 2,750 kms bringing many Indian cities within its range.
10/12/2015 16:08 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: India on Wednesday strongly asserted that the goal of capping global warming to within 1.5 degree Celsius from pre-industrial times will require developed countries to "massively" reduce their emissions and "scale up" the financial support to developing countries.
09/12/2015 19:53 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj today called on Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, amid efforts by both countries to revive the stalled dialogue process to improve ties.
09/12/2015 19:50 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta, Indonesia: A strong earthquake has struck off the coast of eastern Indonesia, but officials say there is no threat of a tsunami.
09/12/2015 19:46 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A police official says a text message to a woman announcing her son's death in the Nov. 13 attacks on Paris led authorities to identify the third attacker in the Bataclan concert hall.
09/12/2015 19:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: With his call for blocking Muslims from entering the United States, Donald Trump may be tapping into deep concern among Republican voters about allowing Middle Eastern immigrants into the country, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.
09/12/2015 19:31 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A former Pakistani minister has alleged that India was a main hurdle in normalisation of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, the media reported on Wednesday.
09/12/2015 19:28 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Oil prices fell on Tuesday as market expected that global supplies will continue to exceed demand.
09/12/2015 19:25 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia attacked the Islamic State positions in Syria with Kalibr missiles fired by the submarine deployed in the Mediterranean Sea, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.
09/12/2015 19:22 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: US Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday held a “positive and constructive” meeting with Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar at the climate change conference here on various bilateral efforts made to reach a deal for reducing emissions.
09/12/2015 19:08 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Half of smog-hit Beijing's 5.5 million private cars were today kept off the roads, with the Chinese capital enforcing its first-ever red alert for pollution as air in the city of over 22 million people turned "hazardous" and schools and construction sites remained shut.
09/12/2015 19:04 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: The twitter account of well known Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir was hacked today and his handle posted controversial tweets about the visit of External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to the country.
09/12/2015 14:16 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Air France flight from San Francisco to Paris was diverted to Montreal after an unspecified anonymous threat, and the passengers landed and disembarked safely before authorities declared it a false alarm.
09/12/2015 14:13 Comments 0 Comments
Mount Plesant,South Carolina: Donald Trump on Tuesday stood by his call to block all Muslims from entering the United States, even as the idea was widely condemned by rival Republican presidential candidates, party leaders and others as un-American.
08/12/2015 16:33 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Stating that militant outfits like al-Qaeda and ISIS are using internet and social media to radicalise people, the White House has urged technology companies to come out with ways to end what it described as “terrorist safe havens in cyber space“.
08/12/2015 16:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: As the US prepares to sell F-16s to Pakistan, the country's former top diplomat has warned the Congress that such fighter jets would end up being used against India and not against terrorists.
Tags US
08/12/2015 16:25 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Pursuing a civil nuclear deal with Pakistan is not only unrealistic, poorly timed, and unwise, but also counterproductive to the US’ national interest in the near term, a leading South Asia expert on terrorism has told American lawmakers.
08/12/2015 16:23 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China was happy to see a thawing of relations between India and Pakistan, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here, after a meeting between the two South Asian neighbours.
08/12/2015 16:10 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Monday said that the Islamic State group smuggled most of its oil through Turkey.
08/12/2015 16:00 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Four journalists of an official Chinese news agency have been suspended after committing a typographical error which suggested President Xi Jinping was resigning, a media report said on Monday.
08/12/2015 15:54 Comments 0 Comments
Budapest: Hungarian police on Monday said that no explosives have been found aboard an Egypt-bound plane that made an unscheduled landing in Hungary because of a bomb threat.
07/12/2015 19:43 Comments 0 Comments
Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian police say a flight from Berlin to the Egyptian beach resort of Hurghada has made an unscheduled landing in Hungary and is being checked for explosives after police received information about a bomb threat.
07/12/2015 19:40 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China’s capital today issued the first-ever red alert as the city of over 22 million people faced the worst ever smog, forcing authorities to shut down schools and putting restrictions on factories and traffic.
07/12/2015 19:20 Comments 0 Comments
London: Prime Minister David Cameron has chaired the government's emergency response committee after record rainfall hit northern England and Scotland, flooding some 2,000 homes.
Tags UK
07/12/2015 13:52 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Carrying 7,000 pounds of research materials that will directly support over dozens of key investigations on the orbiting laboratory, a cargo-laden Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft soared towards the ISS.
07/12/2015 13:29 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: US-led coalition airplanes struck positions of the Syrian army in the country's eastern province late Sunday, local media reported.
Tags US
06/12/2015 17:35 Comments 0 Comments
London: A stabbing at a Tube station in east London is being treated as a "terrorist incident," the Metropolitan Police said.
06/12/2015 17:23 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said on Saturday that the deployment of Typhoons and two further Tornados would double the number of British fighter jets taking the fight against the Islamic State militant group.
06/12/2015 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French President Francois Hollande and the US President Barack Obama on Saturday expressed determination to boost common efforts in a bid to combat terrorist cells after suspected followers of the Islamic State killed 14 people in California on Wednesday.
06/12/2015 17:05 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Salah and Brahim Abdeslam, the two brothers identified by French authorities in connection with the Paris terror attacks, were already known to the international police cooperation body Interpol and Europe's Schengen Information System before the attacks happened, Belgian media reported on Saturday.
06/12/2015 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama will tonight address the nation to reiterate his commitment and action to defeat ISIS - a terrorist organisation which claims to be behind the San Bernardino shooting in California this week that left 14 people dead.
05/12/2015 19:50 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Unidentified attackers hurled three homemade bombs on the premises of a Hindu temple in northern Bangladesh during a drama performance early Saturday, injuring 10 people, police said.
05/12/2015 13:10 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The deadly mass shooting in California this week carried out by a Pakistani-origin couple has put the focus on radicalisation in Pakistan and its madrasas.
05/12/2015 13:06 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama discussed with British Prime Minister David Cameron, the fight against the Islamic State (IS) group, the White House has said.
05/12/2015 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: Egypt's Electoral Supreme Committee said on Friday that 28.3 percent of country's eligible voters participated in the first parliamentary election since the army-led ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi in 2013.
05/12/2015 12:53 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Three weeks after the Paris terror attacks which left 130 victims dead, the French government on Friday issued a guide showing citizens how to survive an attack and to learn how to live with the risk of terrorism.
05/12/2015 12:49 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The FBI is investigating the deadly mass shooting in California by a Pakistani-origin couple that killed 14 people as an act of terrorism, officials said today.
Tags FBI
05/12/2015 12:23 Comments 0 Comments
San Bernardino, California: The woman who helped her husband kill 14 people at a holiday banquet for his county co-workers pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group and its leader on Facebook using an alias, then deleted the messages before the attack, a U.S. law enforcement official said Friday, providing the strongest evidence to date that the rampage may have been a terrorist attack.
04/12/2015 18:13 Comments 0 Comments
Le Bourget, France: India has expressed satisfaction with the first draft of the climate change accord released here with the new document retaining all its inputs as negotiators made "some progress" in hammering out a deal.
04/12/2015 18:11 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: A firebomb attack on a small nightclub in Cairo early Friday killed 16 people and wounded three others, authorities said.
04/12/2015 13:05 Comments 0 Comments
London: The world needs an aggressive climate policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global warming to two degrees, says an analysis of the emission targets from 159 countries.
04/12/2015 13:00 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US has expressed its deepest condolences to the families of the people affected by the worst floods in Chennai and has offered assistance to address the humanitarian challenge "especially in the case of strong partners like India".
03/12/2015 19:05 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia's President Vladimir Putin called Thursday for a broad international front against terrorism and accused Turkey of trading oil with the Islamic State group.
03/12/2015 19:02 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: The Islamic State group on Wednesday released a video in which a Russian-speaking man confesses to spying for Russia's security service and then is shown apparently being beheaded by another Russian-speaking man.
03/12/2015 18:49 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: White House heaped high praise on Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying he has a clear understanding of the India-US relationship and a clear vision for where he wants to take his country.
03/12/2015 18:38 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Russia has offered to lay a pipeline for gas exports to energy-starved Pakistan that will run parallel to the TAPI pipeline, a proposal that stems from fears that Moscow may lose the European Union market due to political tensions, according to a media report.
03/12/2015 18:08 Comments 0 Comments
Reyhanli, Turkey: Before a crowd of men on a street in the Syrian city of Palmyra, the masked Islamic State group judge read out the sentence against the two men convicted of homosexuality: They would be thrown to their deaths from the roof of the nearby Wael Hotel.
02/12/2015 16:38 Comments 0 Comments
Chennai: Chennai and several coastal areas of the state were today marooned in flood waters following incessant heavy rains that pounded the city and the neighbouring districts cutting the state capital from rail and road links even as the airport was shutdown for the day.
02/12/2015 13:28 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan today hanged four militants for involvement in a Taliban massacre at an army-run school in north-western city of Peshawar last year, the first executions in the country’s deadliest terror attack which killed 150 people, mostly children.
02/12/2015 13:17 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The U.S. military will deploy a new special operations force to Iraq to step up the fight against Islamic State militants who are unleashing violence and are determined to hold territory they have seized in Iraq and Syria, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told Congress on Tuesday.
02/12/2015 13:12 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In support of the World AIDS Day, the White House released an action plan for combating AIDS in the US over the next five years.
02/12/2015 13:07 Comments 0 Comments
Le Bourget (France): President Barack Obama has said that parts of the global warming deal being negotiated in Paris should be legally binding on the countries that sign on, setting up a potential fight with Republicans at home.
02/12/2015 13:04 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: For four hours every day, for 100 days, Chinese artist Wang Renzheng held up the attachment of an industrial vacuum cleaner to suck in Beijing's notoriously polluted air at various landmarks.
02/12/2015 12:55 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: A total of 888 Iraqis were killed and 1,237 others wounded in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in November, a UN spokesman said here on Tuesday.
Tags UN
01/12/2015 13:02 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US has taken steps to tighten the US Visa Waiver Programme (VWP) for citizens of 38 countries in the wake of Paris terrorist attacks.
Tags US
01/12/2015 12:58 Comments 0 Comments
Le Bourget (France): Pushing for a powerful climate deal, President Barack Obama called the global talks opening on Monday outside Paris an "act of defiance" against terrorism that proves the world stands undeterred by Islamic State-linked attacks in Europe and beyond.
01/12/2015 12:35 Comments 0 Comments
Ankara: Turkey won't apologize to Russia for shooting down a warplane operating over Syria, the Turkish prime minister said Monday, stressing that the military was doing its job defending the country's airspace.
01/12/2015 12:23 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US State Department said on Monday that the downed Russian warplane violated Turkish airspace, urging Russia and Turkey to de-escalate the situation through dialogue.
Tags US
01/12/2015 12:06 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Severe shortages of food and vaccines due to border protests have left millions of children in quake-hit Nepal at risk of disease or death this winter, UNICEF said on Monday.
30/11/2015 18:39 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday held a bilateral meeting with French President Francois Hollande on the sidelines of the Conference of Parties (CoP) 21 climate summit that got underway here.
30/11/2015 18:33 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected a meeting with Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the climate conference in Paris on Monday, the Kremlin said, as a dispute rages over Ankara's downing of a Russian warplane.
30/11/2015 14:51 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: The European Union (EU) late on Sunday clinched an agreement with Turkey, offering $3.18 billion in aid and more promising access for Ankara's membership to the bloc to trade for massive reduction of illegal migrant arrivals.
Tags EU
30/11/2015 14:48 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: Improved relations between India and Pakistan could create a more conducive environment for the two nations to stem the threat posed by terrorism, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said, asserting that dialogue is the only way for them to resolve the differences.
Tags UN
30/11/2015 14:44 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: The wave of suicide bombers and gunmen who terrorized Paris marked a new stage in the war against extremism that will leave no country in the world untouched, Iraq's foreign minister said Sunday.
30/11/2015 14:40 Comments 0 Comments
Colorado Springs (Colo): Robert Lewis Dear told authorities "no more baby parts" after being arrested for the shooting of a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic, according to a law enforcement official, part of a rambling statement that investigators are parsing to understand the reasoning behind an assault that left three dead.
30/11/2015 14:34 Comments 0 Comments
The Hague: Around 6,000 to 7,000 people demanded measures to protect the climate in a demonstration held in Amsterdam on Sunday, a day before the opening of the United Nations climate change conference in Paris.
30/11/2015 14:30 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: On the eve of the crucial climate change summit, India said the developed world must walk the talk and pledged to strive for a balanced, just and equitable agreement to limit global warming.
30/11/2015 14:24 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: The gathering of world leaders in Paris to negotiate ways to combat climate change should provide "a political impulse" to reach a "binding" and "ambitious" deal, French President Francois Hollande said on Sunday.
30/11/2015 14:21 Comments 0 Comments
London: Prime Minister David Cameron is set to order Britain's Royal Air Force to target Islamic State militant group leadership in Syria which masterminded the Paris massacre and is now targeting the UK, if his MPs back his plans of air strikes in the strife-torn country.
30/11/2015 14:14 Comments 0 Comments
Sydney: After eight years of intense negotiations, bureaucratic hurdles and a shifting nuclear policy, the Australian government has finally given the green signal to the export of uranium to India "which can begin immediately".
29/11/2015 20:32 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: At least 40 people were arrested in Nepal today for trying to enforce a strike called by a breakway CPN-Maoist party faction against "India's blockade" of major border trading points with the landlocked country.
29/11/2015 20:29 Comments 0 Comments
NONSAN: Many of his students are Kims. So are his fellow teachers, an elementary school alumnus and the owners of restaurants and pubs that he patronizes in his small farming village. Lots of Kims in his neighborhood, too. Such is everyday life for Kim Sun Won, who, obviously, is a Kim too.
29/11/2015 20:26 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: Turkey increased its support to the militant groups in Syria in exchange for stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil and artefacts, Syrian army has said.
29/11/2015 20:23 Comments 0 Comments
Singapore: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has paid tribute to Singapore’s Sikh community, saying the government will continue to support them in many ways. The Singaporean government has and will continue to support the Sikh community in many ways, he said yesterday at the Sikh community dinner.
29/11/2015 20:20 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.
29/11/2015 20:17 Comments 0 Comments
VALLETTA, MALTA: Queen Elizabeth II on Saturday wrapped up a nostalgic visit to Malta, her one-time home, where she joked that Canada's youthful new leader had made her feel old.
29/11/2015 20:13 Comments 0 Comments
Valletta (Malta): Ahead of the Paris summit, the Commonwealth yesterday committed itself to working towards an "ambitious" and "legally-binding" climate deal as it asserted that vulnerable countries must be assisted by the rich nations in combating climate change.
29/11/2015 20:10 Comments 0 Comments
Colorado Springs (Colo):  A gunman who police say staged a deadly attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic was a recluse who stashed food in the woods, avoided eye contact, warned neighbors about government spying and passed out anti-Obama pamphlets, those who knew him said.
29/11/2015 20:04 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French President Francois Hollande met with environmental groups today, pushing for an ambitious global deal to reduce man-made emissions blamed for global warming with emphasis on helping developing countries adapt to a changing world.
29/11/2015 20:01 Comments 0 Comments
Ankara (Turkey): Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday voiced regret over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane, saying his country was "truly saddened" by the incident and wished it hadn't occurred.
29/11/2015 19:57 Comments 0 Comments
Dakar (Senegal): Mortars lit up the dawn sky when they were fired on a United Nations base in the northern Mali city of Kidal early Saturday, killing at least three people.
28/11/2015 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A high level committee in Pakistan has been working on reforms to bring the country's tribal regions to the national mainstream as violent extremism and terrorism has badly disrupted the lives of the people.
28/11/2015 14:28 Comments 0 Comments
Tirana: Albania and India have signed an agreement on the removal of visa requirements for diplomatic and service passport holders between the two countries, Albanian Foreign Affairs Ministry has said.
28/11/2015 14:25 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: At least three people, including a police officer, were killed and 11 injured in a standoff with a gunman in the US state of Colorado, police said.
28/11/2015 14:05 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: A Swiss court has convicted in absentia a former employee with international bank HSBC for economic espionage and sentenced him to five years in prison.
27/11/2015 19:52 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: The Islamic State (IS) today claimed responsibility for the attack on a Shia mosque in Bangladesh that killed one person, the latest in a series of incidents in the country linked to the dreaded terror group.
27/11/2015 13:56 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Prime Minister David Cameron said that British air strikes against Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria will make his country safer.
27/11/2015 13:53 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The White House was placed on lockdown on Thursday after a person jumped the fence, CNN reported, adding that the jumper was immediately caught.
27/11/2015 13:50 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Donald Trump denied Thursday that he mocked a reporter with a disability in a South Carolina speech, despite appearing to imitate mannerisms of the "poor guy" and make fun of him.
27/11/2015 13:46 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: The presidents of France and Russia agreed Thursday to tighten cooperation in the fight against the Islamic State group, although they remained at odds over their approach toward Syrian President Bashar Assad.
27/11/2015 13:39 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia plans to retaliate against Turkey for the downing of a warplane by imposing sanctions, cutting economic ties and scrapping major investment projects.
27/11/2015 13:36 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal today demanded an early probe into the alleged shooting of four of its unarmed civilians by India's Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) personnel, seeking strong action against those involved in the incident and restrain from such actions in future.
27/11/2015 13:33 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran, Iran: Iran's top leader said Wednesday the United States is using "money and sexual attractions" to try to infiltrate the Islamic Republic and warned Iranians not to fall into the "enemy's trap."
27/11/2015 13:12 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran, Iran: Russia's President Vladimir Putin visited Tehran on Monday for talks with Iranian leaders that focused on the Syrian crisis and an international peace plan intended to end the conflict.
26/11/2015 17:53 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: As India commemorates the 7th anniversary of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, UN chief Ban Ki-moon has said that perpetrators of all terror attacks must be brought to justice and underlined that improved ties between India and Pakistan could stem the threat posed by terrorism.
Tags UN
26/11/2015 17:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama said there is currently no "specific and credible" intelligence indicating terrorist plot against the United States, as he sought to reassure anxious Americans ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.
26/11/2015 17:38 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande on Wednesday vowed determination "to fight together against terrorism".
26/11/2015 17:33 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: As police armed with automatic weapons stood guard, schools and some subway stations in the Belgian capital reopened today for the first time since emergency measures were imposed four days ago in the wake of the Paris attacks.
26/11/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Tunis: The body of a suspected suicide bomber was found at the scene of an attack on Tunisia's presidential guard, and the Islamic State group claimed responsibility today for the attack that left 13 people dead.
26/11/2015 17:26 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA is launching two sounding rockets over Norway to study how particles move in a region near the North Pole where the Earth's magnetic field is directly connected to the solar wind.
25/11/2015 20:11 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered state-of-the art air defense missile systems to be deployed at a Russian air base in Syria following the downing of one of its warplanes by Turkey, a move that raised the threat of a military confrontation between the NATO member and Moscow.
25/11/2015 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Four Nepalese nationals today sustained injuries after being allegedly shot by Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) personnel in southern Nepal near the border with India.
25/11/2015 13:32 Comments 0 Comments
Denver: Responding to criticism from immigration activists, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday said that her use of the term "illegal immigrants" was a "poor choice of words", pledging not to use it anymore.
25/11/2015 13:24 Comments 0 Comments
IRBIL, Iraq: Under the Iraqi town of Sinjar, Islamic State group militants built a network of tunnels, complete with sleeping quarters, wired with electricity and fortified with sandbags. There, they had boxes of U.S.-made ammunition, medicines and copies of the Quran stashed on shelves.
25/11/2015 13:19 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: The Belgian prosecutor has issued an international arrest warrant for a new suspect believed to be involved in the Paris attacks.
25/11/2015 13:16 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Oil prices soared on Tuesday after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane in Syria for alleged airspace violation.
25/11/2015 13:12 Comments 0 Comments
Lima: An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter Scale jolted Peru on Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said.
25/11/2015 13:09 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The United States and France on Tuesday decided to intensify airstrikes against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria and support those fighting against it on the ground.
25/11/2015 13:00 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The White House says President Barack Obama is hoping to give a boost to international climate talks in Paris next week by holding early one-on-one meetings with the leaders of China and India.
25/11/2015 12:56 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: One suspected gunman was found dead when a hostage-taking situation in the northern French town of Roubaix ended with the hostages being brought to safety, local officials said.
25/11/2015 12:48 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama is offering a harsh assessment of Russia's role as he addresses the global effort to fight the Islamic State.
25/11/2015 12:44 Comments 0 Comments
Singapore: Setting the tone for Paris climate change conference, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today asserted that India will not create any "problems" for the world in combating global warming, an apparent response to the US' contention that it will be a "challenge" at the meet.
25/11/2015 12:39 Comments 0 Comments
Tunis (Tunisia): An explosion hit a bus carrying members of Tunisia's presidential guard in the country's capital Tuesday, killing at least 12 people, the Interior Ministry said.
24/11/2015 20:19 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Indian ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae today expressed hope that the political deadlock in the country would soon end as talks progress between the agitating Madhesi groups and the government.
24/11/2015 20:16 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: A female pilot of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was killed today when a trainer fighter jet crashed in Punjab province, becoming the first woman fighter pilot to be killed in air crash in the country.
24/11/2015 20:08 Comments 0 Comments
Singapore: Promising more reforms to make India more attractive for foreign investments, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today assured investors that he would "carefully hold" their hands and expressed hope that the GST regime would be rolled out in 2016.
24/11/2015 16:29 Comments 0 Comments
ANKARA, Turkey: Turkish media reports say Turkish jets have shot down a warplane that violated national airspace at the border with Syria.
24/11/2015 16:26 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra: Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday said that a terrorist attack in the country is "likely" at some stage in the future.
24/11/2015 12:40 Comments 0 Comments
Singapore: India and Singapore today signed ten bilateral agreements including a joint declaration on ‘strategic partnership’ and pacts for enhanced cooperation in areas like defence, cyber security and civil aviation, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi met his Singaporean counterpart Lee Hsien Loong and President of Singapore Tony Tan Keng Yam.
24/11/2015 12:35 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A street cleaner on Monday found an explosive vest similar to those used in the Paris attacks near the place where a fugitive suspect's cellphone was found, raising the possibility that he aborted his mission, either ditching a malfunctioning vest or fleeing in fear.
24/11/2015 12:31 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: Sri Lanka yesterday called for a multilateral agreement and new maritime security arrangements to ensure free and safe passage through the Indian Ocean even as it asserted that there would be no naval bases allocated to other nations within the country.
24/11/2015 12:24 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Americans should be alert to the possible travel risks, especially during the holidays, following increased terrorist threats around the world, the State Department warned on Monday.
Tags US
24/11/2015 12:10 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The White House urged allies on Monday to do more in the campaign against the Islamic State, while President Barack Obama faced pressure in return to show the US-led coalition will intensify efforts in response to the Paris attacks, even without a major shift in strategy.
Tags US
23/11/2015 19:49 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Pakistan has proposed to host the 19th Saarc Summit in Islamabad in November 2016, and suggested three sets of dates to member states.
23/11/2015 19:31 Comments 0 Comments
New Orleans: New Orleans police say at least 16 people - and probably more - were wounded in an apparent shootout at a park in New Orleans' 9th Ward.
23/11/2015 19:24 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he saw people cheering the September 11 attacks across the river in New Jersey - a claim officials strongly deny.
23/11/2015 18:41 Comments 0 Comments
Clinton (Iowa): Pledging to invest in the "caring economy," Hillary Rodham Clinton proposed a new tax break Sunday for people caring for aging parents and grandparents.
23/11/2015 17:58 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Monday praised his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi saying the latter 'is a man of action'.
23/11/2015 17:52 Comments 0 Comments
Sydney: After 20 months of search operations, missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 could be found in a matter of months after the hunt switched to an area identified by a British Boeing 777 captain.
23/11/2015 17:49 Comments 0 Comments
Putrajaya (Malaysia): Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held talks with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak on ways to ramp up bilateral cooperation with the focus on building a "well-rounded partnership".
23/11/2015 17:04 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A powerful 6.2-magnitude earthquake yesterday night shook the Pakistani capital and north-western areas of the country though there were no reports of casualties.
23/11/2015 17:01 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: China on Sunday told other countries not to "deliberately stir up trouble" in the disputed South China Sea, while insisting it has no intention of militarizing the strategically vital area even though it has increased construction activities there.
22/11/2015 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: After two people were killed on Saturday midnight in a clash with police, curfew was clamped on some parts of Nepal's Tarai region already witnessing protests for 100 days.
22/11/2015 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: President Barack Obama vowed Sunday that the United States and its international partners "will not relent" in the fight against the Islamic State, insisting the world would not accept the extremists' attacks on civilians in Paris and elsewhere as the "new normal."
22/11/2015 19:47 Comments 0 Comments
Ottawa: A Turkish Airlines plane en route from New York to Ankara, was diverted to Canada following a bomb threat, officials said on Sunday.
22/11/2015 19:43 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: ASEAN leaders on Sunday declared the establishment of an EU-style regional economic bloc, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), a single market with a free flow of goods, capital and skilled labour in the region.
22/11/2015 19:29 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: The attack on a Mali hotel claimed by al-Qaida may have been partly aimed at asserting the global terror network's relevance as it faces an unprecedented challenge from the Islamic State group for leadership of the global jihadi movement.
22/11/2015 19:00 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury and Jamaat-e-Islami secretary general Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid were hanged on Sunday for the crimes against humanity they committed in 1971 to thwart the independence of Bangladesh.
22/11/2015 18:43 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Heavily armed police and soldiers patrolled key intersections, subways were closed and many stores shut their doors in Belgium's capital Saturday as the government warned of a threat of Paris-style attacks. At least one suspect from the deadly Paris attacks is at large, and was last seen crossing into Belgium.
22/11/2015 18:26 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a French-sponsored resolution Friday calling on all nations to redouble and coordinate action to prevent further attacks by Islamic State terrorists and other extremist groups.
Tags UN
22/11/2015 18:14 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today proposed a USD one billion line of credit to promote projects that support physical and digital connectivity between India and ASEAN.
22/11/2015 17:50 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: President Barack Obama promised today that Islamic extremists would find no safe haven anywhere, while the leader of Muslim-majority Malaysia branded the Islamic State group as a "new evil" that has blasphemed the religion, and urged world leaders to confront it forcefully.
21/11/2015 14:20 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: There is no proposal under consideration to give India the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status, Pakistan Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan has said.
21/11/2015 14:17 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA's New Horizons probe has captured some stunning images of how the day progresses on Pluto and its largest moon Charon.
21/11/2015 14:14 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday said that the India-Japan bilateral relationship has the "greatest potential".
21/11/2015 13:54 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: France imposed a night-time curfew in Sens, L'Yonne in north-central France after weapons were seized in the town, the media reported.
21/11/2015 13:51 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Republican presidential rivals rushed Friday to condemn Donald Trump's support for a government database to track Muslims in the United States, drawing a sharp distinction with the Republican front-runner on a proposal also deemed unconstitutional by legal experts.
21/11/2015 13:48 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved a French-sponsored resolution on Friday calling on all nations to redouble and coordinate action to prevent further attacks by Islamic State terrorists and other extremist groups.
Tags UN
21/11/2015 13:42 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Indian-origin Madhesi protesters in Nepal today torched an ambulance and a truck carrying medicines worth over Rs two million imported from India near the border as sporadic violence returned to the Himalayan nation amid a political logjam over the new Constititution.
21/11/2015 13:37 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Gunmen on motorcycles opened fire in Pakistan's largest city of Karachi on Friday, killing four members of the security forces who were deployed outside a mosque.
20/11/2015 19:47 Comments 0 Comments
Bamako (Mali): At least three people were killed after men shouting "God is great" and armed with guns and grenades stormed the Radisson Blu hotel in Mali's capital Friday morning and trapped guests inside, military officials said.
20/11/2015 18:44 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Islamic State terrorist group in a new video released on Thursday threatened to bomb the White House and launch more attacks in Paris.
20/11/2015 18:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In a bid to bolster its effort to prepare humans for deeper space missions, NASA engineers have refined the key thermal protection system of Orion - new exploration spacecraft designed to ferry astronauts to asteroid and Mars.
20/11/2015 18:39 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Nearly 30 years to the day after his arrest for turning over classified information to Israel, convicted spy Jonathan Pollard is to be released from federal prison in the culmination of an extraordinary espionage case that divided public opinion and became both an irritant and a periodic bargaining chip between two allies.
20/11/2015 18:11 Comments 0 Comments
Detroit: Over and over, Nedal Al-Hayk and his wife traveled up to three hours by bus from their temporary home in Jordan to an office where U.S. Homeland Security officials put them in separate rooms and asked them many questions in many different ways: Where were you born? Where were your parents born? Were you part of a rebel group? Were you politically outspoken?
20/11/2015 18:02 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US House of Representatives on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill that would block Syrian and Iraqi refugees from entering the US unless they pass strict background checks.
20/11/2015 17:59 Comments 0 Comments
Rome: Security around possible top targets for terror attacks in Rome and Milan was stepped up after information were provided by the US, local media reported on Thursday citing authorities.
20/11/2015 17:56 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Indian-American politician from Iowa Swati Dandekar has been nominated as Executive Director to Asian Development Bank with ambassadorial rank by US president Barack Obama.
19/11/2015 17:15 Comments 0 Comments
Manila, Philippines: US President Barack Obama says Russia and Iran must decide whether they want to prop up Syrian President Bashar Assad or "save the Syrian state" by finding a Syrian government that can be legitimate.
19/11/2015 16:29 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: The tide of global rage against the Islamic State group lends greater urgency to ending the jihadis' ability to operate at will from a base in war-torn Syria. That momentum could also force a reevaluation of what to do about President Bashar Assad and puts a renewed focus on the position of his key patrons, Russia and Iran.
19/11/2015 16:23 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Home Minister Rajnath Singh today kicked off his six-day visit to China with a visit to the control room of the Public Security University here and discussed issues concerning training in security related matters.
19/11/2015 16:19 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In measuring progress in the American-led air war against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, numbers tell one story but results tell another.
19/11/2015 16:09 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: The growing China-Pakistan ties are not against any other country and the latter has been simultaneously promoting relations with all major regional and world powers, Pakistan's adviser on foreign affairs, Sartaj Aziz has said.
19/11/2015 16:06 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif on Wednesday raked up the Kashmir issue in his meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry, his spokesman said.
19/11/2015 15:55 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China today voiced "great shock" over reports that a Chinese hostage held by the Islamic State (IS) had been killed saying that the claims by the extremist outfit needed to be verified.
19/11/2015 15:48 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Pentagon has said that the US military had no plans to conduct coordinated operations with the Russians in striking ISIS.
19/11/2015 15:43 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A Parisian's open letter to the killers of his wife is moving nations to tears as it spreads on social media and television.
19/11/2015 15:40 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: The Islamic State group has released a photo of the bomb it says was used to bring down a Russian passenger plane in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula last month, killing all 224 people on board.
18/11/2015 21:33 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA engineers are working on a unique "Chemical Laptop" - a portable, miniaturised laboratory that can help astronauts analyse samples for presence of life on the spot as they enter the alien world.
18/11/2015 21:30 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Bangladesh today shut down Facebook and messaging and voicecall services Viber and WhatsApp fearing violence by supporters of two opposition leaders whose death penalty was upheld by the Supreme Court for war crimes committed during 1971 independence war against Pakistan.
18/11/2015 21:26 Comments 0 Comments
Salt Lake City: Authorities cleared both Air France flights bound for Paris from the U.S. that had to be diverted Tuesday night because of anonymous threats received after they had taken off.
18/11/2015 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
Hartford (Conn) : Muslims around the U.S. are facing backlash following the deadly attacks in Paris, including vandalism to mosques and Islamic centers, hate-filled phone and online messages and threats of violence.
18/11/2015 21:10 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: India has said the multiple terror attacks in Paris and Beirut highlight the urgent need to finalise a global convention on terrorism, asserting that the financing being provided to terrorist groups such as ISIS and LeT needs to be addressed collectively.
18/11/2015 20:45 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russian air force intensified military operation against Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria, shortly after the Kremlin said that a passenger plane that crashed in Egypt last month was brought down by a bomb.
18/11/2015 20:37 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: President Vladimir Putin vowed vengeance as Moscow on Tuesday confirmed that a bomb attack brought down a Russian passenger jet over Egypt last month, killing all 224 people on board.
18/11/2015 20:33 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Saying "This is not my time," Louisiana's Indian-American Republican Governor Bobby Jindaal has abruptly dropped out o the 2016 US presidential race.
18/11/2015 20:28 Comments 0 Comments
Salt Lake City: Two Air France flight bound for Paris from the U.S. had to be diverted Tuesday night because of anonymous threats received after they had taken off, but both planes landed safely in North America, officials said.
18/11/2015 18:43 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama will host his French counterpart Francois Hollande here next week to coordinate on counter-terrorism efforts, the White House said on Tuesday.
18/11/2015 18:38 Comments 0 Comments
Yola: A night-time explosion blamed on Boko Haram extremists killed 32 people and wounded 80 Tuesday at a truck stop in northeastern Nigeria, an emergency official said.
17/11/2015 20:53 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A ceasefire between Syria's government and opposition could be just weeks away from reality, US Secretary of State John Kerry said today as he visited Paris to show solidarity with France after last week's attacks.
17/11/2015 20:50 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: France made an unprecedented demand for its European Union allies to support its military action against the Islamic State group as it launched new airstrikes on the militants' Syrian stronghold, days after attacks in Paris linked to the group killed at least 129 people.
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