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19/07/2015 17:37 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles:   A fast-moving wildfire swept across a Southern California freeway in a mountain pass, destroying 20 vehicles and sending motorists running to safety before burning at least four structures. Two people suffered minor injuries, authorities said Friday.
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19/07/2015 17:31 Comments 0 Comments
Sanliurfa, Turkey: The children were each given a doll and a sword. Then they were lined up, more than 120 of them, and given their next lesson by their Islamic State group instructors: Behead the doll.
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18/07/2015 15:46 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: In an embarrassing disclosure for Pakistan, Chinese official media today reported that the "spy" drone Pakistani army shot down along the LoC, claiming it belonged to Indian security forces, was made in China.
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18/07/2015 15:43 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A New Jersey-based construction management firm has been charged with bribing Indian officials several crores of rupees to win two major water developmental projects in Goa and in Guwahati.
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18/07/2015 14:27 Comments 0 Comments
Srinagar: Protests erupted at some places in the Kashmir Valley on Saturday after the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers ended.
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18/07/2015 14:21 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Two Indian-origin students have helped the US win the prestigious International Mathematical Olympiad after more than two decades.
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18/07/2015 14:17 Comments 0 Comments
Sanliurfa, Turkey: More than 120 children were lined up and each of them were given a doll and a sword. They were given their next lesson by their Islamic State group instructors: Behead the doll.
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18/07/2015 14:07 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Mumbai terror attack mastermind Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi's voice samples cannot be used as evidence as their is no law to prove its authenticity, a media report said on Saturday.
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18/07/2015 14:04 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: A suicide car bombing in Iraq's eastern Diyala province killed at least 80 people gathered at a marketplace to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan.
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18/07/2015 13:58 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: The German parliament on Friday voted an overwhelming "yes" to start formal negotiations on a third Greek bailout plan.
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17/07/2015 20:51 Comments 0 Comments
Melbourne: Prime Minister Tony Abbott today said Australia “owes it to the dead” to bring to justice those guilty of downing the Malaysia Airlines MH17 over eastern Ukraine last year, killing all 298 on board, as he led the memorial service to mark the first anniversary of the tragedy.
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17/07/2015 20:26 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra: A new footage emerged on Friday reportedly showing pro-Russian rebels at the scene of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash last year in eastern Ukraine after they realised they had shot down a commercial airliner.
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17/07/2015 20:12 Comments 0 Comments
Abuja: At least 49 people were killed and dozens injured by twin blasts that rocked a market in Nigeria's northeastern state of Gombe on Thursday, sources said.
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17/07/2015 20:10 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Top Pakistani model Ayaan Ali was freed from a high-security jail near to the capital on Thursday, four months after she was caught trying to fly to Dubai with half a million dollars in cash stashed in her luggage, a defence lawyer said.
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17/07/2015 19:48 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has pointed to another possible windfall from a nuclear deal with world powers - his country may soon be able to buy badly needed new planes for its aging fleet, the official IRNA news agency reported.
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17/07/2015 18:48 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Shootings at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, left four US military personnel and the lone gunman dead and three others wounded on Thursday, authorities said.
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17/07/2015 18:43 Comments 0 Comments
Athens:  Greece got a triple dose of good news on Thursday, when creditors agreed to open talks on a third bailout package, to give the country an interim loan to cover its debts, and to provide more support to its shuttered banks.
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17/07/2015 18:36 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi:  A leading Pakistani Hindu group has expressed concern over the forced conversion and marriage of young Hindu girls to Muslim men in the country’s southern Sindh province.
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16/07/2015 16:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, which successfully made a historic flyby of Pluto, has discovered young ice mountains on the dwarf planet which are as high as 11,000 feet and about 100 million years old.
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16/07/2015 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
KENNEBUNKPORT:  Former President George H.W. Bush fell at home on Wednesday and broke a bone in his neck but was doing OK, a spokesman said.
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16/07/2015 16:37 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Six Britons who were detained along with an Indian and 13 other foreigners in China for their alleged "terror links" have been deported to UK while Indian embassy officials were expected to have consular meeting with Rajiv Mohan Kulshrestha, who remained under detention.
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16/07/2015 13:29 Comments 0 Comments
New York:  Nearly 200 Indian workers, brought to the US by an American marine construction firm to repair damaged oil rigs and other facilities in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina, have won a USD 20 million settlement against the company accused of defrauding and exploiting them.
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16/07/2015 13:25 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan today summoned Indian envoy to Foreign Office here claiming violation of its territory by an alleged Indian "spy" drone which was being used for aerial photography near the Line of Control (LoC).
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16/07/2015 13:18 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: An Indian American woman is among 12 faith leaders to be honoured as “Champions of Change” by the White House for their efforts in protecting environment and communities from the effects of climate change.
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16/07/2015 13:07 Comments 0 Comments
New York: A hotelier and former banker of Indian origin has admitted in a federal court to defrauding an investor of $500,000 and now faces a prison sentence, according to a federal prosecutor in Tennessee.
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16/07/2015 13:04 Comments 0 Comments
Athens (Greece): Greek lawmakers voted overwhelmingly early Thursday to approve a harsh austerity bill demanded by bailout creditors, despite significant dissent from members of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' left-wing party.
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16/07/2015 13:02 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama today rebuked a reporter from a major news outlet who asked a question about American citizens languishing in Iranian jails at a time when he led a successful negotiations with Iran on the nuclear deal.
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16/07/2015 12:58 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: The world's largest solar-powered aircraft, Solar Impulse 2, was forced to push back the second half of it's round-the-world flight to early spring 2016 due to irreversible damage to overheated batteries, the team behind the project announced on Wednesday.
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16/07/2015 12:55 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: India yesterday took up with Pakistan twice the issue of firing by its forces in a "major ceasefire violation" of the LoC in the Akhnoor sector in Jammu in which one woman was killed, saying it was "disappointed" at the fresh breach.
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16/07/2015 12:35 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faced a rising wave of hostility from members of his own party on Wednesday ahead of a parliament vote on an austerity bill that condemns the country to years of spending cuts but is required to get a new bailout package.
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16/07/2015 12:31 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran will implement in around four months' time the landmark nuclear deal agreed with major world powers, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said here on Wednesday.
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16/07/2015 12:26 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that the Iran nuclear agreement was the best way to avoid a nuclear arms race and more wars in the Middle East, urging Congress to approve the deal.
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15/07/2015 21:28 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  With the US sealing a deal over Iran's nuclear programme, the Obama Administration has said countries like India andJapan have paid an economic price for sanctions against the Islamic republic and they may no longer feel obliged to do so if the pact is scuttled by the Congress.
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15/07/2015 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Pakistan army today claimed to have shot down an Indian “spy” drone which it alleged was being used for aerial photography near the Line of Control.  The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), in a brief statement, said the Indian drone was brought down near the Line of Control in Bhimber area of Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
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15/07/2015 21:23 Comments 0 Comments
Barmer:  Pakistan has removed spy cameras installed at several places along the international border with Rajasthan about a fortnight ago, following objections by Border Security Force (BSF).
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15/07/2015 14:51 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: So far there seems to be "much rhetoric and little substance" following the talks between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi, said a Pakistani daily on Wednesday.
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15/07/2015 14:46 Comments 0 Comments
London/Beijing : An Indian was among 20 foreigners associated with a religiously inspired African charity arrested by Chinese authorities at an airport in northern Inner Mongolia for suspected links to "a terror group", British officials and the charity group said today.
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15/07/2015 13:46 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: The Nepalese government unveiled the annual budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year on Tuesday with a total amount of 819.468 billion Nepalese rupees (about $8.11 billion) focusing on the reconstruction of thousands of earthquake-damaged infrastructures.
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15/07/2015 13:43 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Louisiana's Indian-American governor Bobby Jindal has joined other 2016 Republican presidential contenders in decrying the historic nuclear deal with Iran saying it doesn't go far enough.
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15/07/2015 13:38 Comments 0 Comments
Cape Carnival: NASA's New Horizons spacecraft got humanity's first up-close look at Pluto on Tuesday, sending word of its triumph across 3 billion miles to scientists waiting back home.
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15/07/2015 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: On the eve of the vote in the Greek parliament for the ratification of the agreement for the resolution of the Greek debt crisis which was reached in Brussels on Monday, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras defended on Tuesday evening his choice of sealing a harsh deal rather than a disorderly default and Grexit.
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15/07/2015 13:05 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The UN Security Council is preparing to ratify the nuclear accord reached between major world powers and Iran by approving a resolution that is expected to be voted on very soon.
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15/07/2015 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
Geneva: The AIDS epidemic can end by 2030, the UN said today, highlighting the global response that has averted 30 million new HIV infections worldwide in the last 15 years including in India, which ranks among the top five worst affected countries.
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14/07/2015 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  The Pentagon's current regulations banning transgender individuals from serving in the military are outdated, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Monday, ordering a six-month study aimed at formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to military service.
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14/07/2015 21:02 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna : After 18 days of intense and often fractious negotiation, world powers and Iran struck a landmark deal Tuesday to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions an agreement designed to avert the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran and another U.S. military intervention in the Muslim world.
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14/07/2015 20:57 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In what may rewrite science books soon, NASA's New Horizons mission - launched in 2006 and has travelled over 4.8 billion km so far at the speed of 45,000 km per hour - fly past the mysterious dwarf planet on Tuesday.
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14/07/2015 20:39 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: It would have been politically unwise to keep India out of the SCO and push it towards other groups, "especially given India's increasing role in global affairs", said an opinion piece in a state-run Chinese daily on Tuesday.
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14/07/2015 13:42 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: A senior diplomat says a landmark Iran nuclear agreement was reached Tuesday after clearing final obstacles. The diplomat says it includes a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow U.N. inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties.
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14/07/2015 13:38 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US federal authorities arrested and charged with terrorism the estranged son of a Boston police captain who allegedly was planning an attack inspired by the Islamic State (IS) group, the Department of Justice announced on Monday.
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14/07/2015 13:34 Comments 0 Comments
Madrid: Rocks rich in silica similar to those in the oldest part of Earth's continental crust are scattered throughout the area where NASA's Curiosity probe is exploring on Mars, according to a study published on Monday in Nature Geoscience.
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14/07/2015 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: An Afghan official says a bomb blast inside a mosque in Baghlan province north of the capital, Kabul, has wounded 29 people.
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14/07/2015 13:11 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Some key issues in negotiations with Iran over its contentious nuclear programme have been resolved but “sticking points” still remain, the White House said yesterday.
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14/07/2015 13:04 Comments 0 Comments
London: The Duke of Cambridge started his duties as an air ambulance pilot on Monday, saying he was feeling nervous about starting his new job.
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13/07/2015 21:45 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul, Afghanistan : A suicide car bombing near a military base in eastern Afghanistan that once hosted CIA employees killed at least 26 people Sunday, local officials said, the latest insurgent attack after foreign forces ended their combat mission there.
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13/07/2015 21:42 Comments 0 Comments
Dushanbe (Tajikistan):  Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said India and Central Asia must reconnect - through surface, digital and air connectivity.
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13/07/2015 20:16 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: In a turnaround, Pakistan today asked for “more evidence and information” from India on the Mumbai attack case and asserted that talks cannot take place without Kashmir being on the agenda, barely three days after the two countries agreed to re-engage.
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13/07/2015 17:51 Comments 0 Comments
Villeneuve-La-Garenne, France : A group of gunmen broke into a discount clothing store near Paris on Monday, trapping 18 people inside for hours before fleeing and prompting a manhunt throughout the area, police said.
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13/07/2015 17:48 Comments 0 Comments
Mexico City: Mexico mounted an all-out manhunt Sunday for its most powerful drug lord, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who authorities said escaped from a maximum security prison through a 1.5-kilometer (1 mile) tunnel from a small opening in the shower area of his cell.
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13/07/2015 17:44 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran's negotiating team will come out victorious in the nuclear talks with P5Ư group of world powers, President Hassan Rouhani told a group of women and family rights activists here.
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13/07/2015 17:41 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: A summit of eurozone leaders reached a tentative agreement with Greece on Monday for a bailout program that includes "serious reforms" and aid, removing an immediate threat that Greece could collapse financially and leave the euro.
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13/07/2015 13:03 Comments 0 Comments
Naperville (US): The Chicago suburb of Naperville is to officially host the India Independence Day parade this year, making it the first city in Midwest America to do so.
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13/07/2015 12:58 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: Negotiators at the Iran nuclear talks plan to announce Monday that they've reached a historic deal capping nearly a decade of diplomacy that would curb the country's atomic program in return for sanctions relief, two diplomats told The Associated Press on Sunday.
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13/07/2015 12:49 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: Italy's Embassy in Egypt says it is suspending all consular services in Cairo, a day after its consulate was hit by a car bomb that killed a passer-by and blasted a gaping hole in the historic building.
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13/07/2015 12:40 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Greece moved closer today to a desperately needed deal with European creditors which would stave off immediate financial collapse and the country's potential exit from the euro but impose more hardship on its people.
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13/07/2015 12:35 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: A series of bombings Sunday across the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, killed at least 29 people and wounded 81, police officials said.
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13/07/2015 12:24 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: A suicide car bombing near a military base in eastern Afghanistan that once hosted CIA employees killed at least 17 civilians Sunday, local officials said, the latest insurgent attack after foreign forces ended their combat mission there.
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13/07/2015 12:18 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing/New Delhi: The stem cells donated by a Chinese man have been transplanted into a 16-year-old Indian boy suffering from blood cancer, in what could be the first of its kind case involving a patient from India and a donor from China.
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12/07/2015 19:58 Comments 0 Comments
Boston: A new supersonic luxury plane that could fly people from New York to London in just three hours is being developed by a team of engineers, including those of Indian-origin.
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12/07/2015 19:22 Comments 0 Comments
Bishkek:  Voicing grave concern over rising trend of extremism and terrorism worldwide, India and Kyrgyzstan today signed four agreements including one to boost defence cooperation and hold annual joint military exercises.
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12/07/2015 19:05 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels:  A summit of all European Union (EU) members planned for Sunday has been cancelled as talks over a third bailout deal for Greece would continue, said European Council President Donald Tusk.
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12/07/2015 18:51 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing:  Beijing issued this year's first heat alert on Sunday as the maximum temperature in the Chinese capital soared above 40 degrees Celsius.
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12/07/2015 18:48 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: The Islamic State terrorist group has released new video footage showing last year's mass execution of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers in the northern city of Tikrit, media reported on Sunday.
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12/07/2015 18:41 Comments 0 Comments
London :  An Australian boy, who fled his home in Sydney last year to join the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, on Sunday threatened of attacks on Britain, media reported.
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11/07/2015 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Srebenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina:   Anger boiled over Saturday at a massive commemoration of the slaughter of Bosnia Muslims at Srebrenica 20 years ago as people pelted Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic with stones, water bottles and other objects. An aide said he was hit in the face with a rock.
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11/07/2015 19:23 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  The chief of the Islamic State militant group in Af-Pak region has been killed in a US drone strike in eastern Afghanistan, three days after another top leader of the terror outfit died in a similar American air assault, a media report said today.
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11/07/2015 19:19 Comments 0 Comments
Ashgabat (Turkmenistan):  Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that connectivity is a key aspect of the relationship between India and the Central Asian republic of Turkmenistan.
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11/07/2015 16:55 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought to improve ties with Pakistan, said a leading daily which noted that Modi's meeting with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif has produced "several specific breakthroughs".
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11/07/2015 15:44 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: An explosion Saturday morning in downtown Cairo heavily damaged the building housing the Italian Consulate.
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11/07/2015 15:40 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad (Pakistan): Shortly after welcoming today's meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif, leaders and the media in Pakistan have criticised the government over the absence of any mention of Kashmir in the joint statement.
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11/07/2015 15:36 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese authorities have evacuated more than 800,000 people and canceled hundreds of flights as a strong typhoon with wind gusts up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) per hour headed toward the country's southeastern coast on Saturday.
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11/07/2015 15:33 Comments 0 Comments
Houston:  An Indian-origin doctor has been sentenced to 71 months in a federal prison and ordered to repay over $2.2 million for health insurance fraud, the Federal Bureau of investigation announced on 11th July.
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11/07/2015 14:13 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: Greece's parliament backed the government's reform plan containing austerity measures to win a third bailout early today, but with the government suffering significant losses from dissenting lawmakers.
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11/07/2015 14:07 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Indian origin astronaut Sunita Williams is among the four persons selected by American space agency NASA to lead the way back into orbit from US soil.
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11/07/2015 14:03 Comments 0 Comments
Kolkata:  A joint India-Bangladesh team of mountaineers have scaled the 7,135 metre high Mt. Nun in Punjab Himalaya under Jammu and Kashmir, a release said on Friday.
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11/07/2015 13:34 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: The Iran nuclear talks shifted today to a blame game, as Iran's foreign minister accused the United States of shifting its demands and dismissed a warning that the US was ready to quit the negotiations.
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11/07/2015 13:29 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations:  UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today hailed the bilateral talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif, saying positive development in relations between the two countries is important for them and the sub-region.
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11/07/2015 13:13 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Indian-origin Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal might be trailing behind in recent polls, but is the smartest candidate in the race for 2016 presidential elections, a top US daily has said.
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10/07/2015 21:06 Comments 0 Comments
London: A French pilot is slated to fly a plane powered solely by electricity across the English Channel later on Friday, a media report said.
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10/07/2015 21:03 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China today said it wants to step up maritime cooperation and dialogue with India and other South Asian countries to allay their concerns over increased Chinese naval activity in the Indian Ocean including docking of its submarines in different ports in the region.
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10/07/2015 20:47 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) today decided to include India as a full member, prompting Prime Minister Narendra Modi to offer to work with the six-member grouping to enhance connectivity, combat terror and create an environment for boosting trade by easing barriers.
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10/07/2015 17:32 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin:  A man shot and killed two people in the southern German region of Bavaria on Friday, and fired at two others before being apprehended by authorities, police said.
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10/07/2015 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia): In a breakthrough, India and Pakistan today decided to revive the stalled dialogue process as Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif agreed to cooperate to eliminate terrorism from South Asia.
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10/07/2015 13:18 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: At least 23 people, mostly women and children, were today trampled to death in a stampede during a charity handout of free clothes in northern Bangladeshi city of Mymensingh.
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10/07/2015 13:16 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta: Four airports in Indonesia were shut on Friday due to an ash cloud from a volcanic eruption in East Java.
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10/07/2015 13:13 Comments 0 Comments
Kuala Lumpur: Two Malaysians, with suspected links to the terrorist group Islamic State (IS), were arrested, police said on Friday. They were plotting to launch attacks in the country.
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10/07/2015 13:11 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: Islamic State has welcomed more than 1,100 minors among its ranks in Syria since the beginning of this year, referring to them as the "caliphate cubs," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, or SOHR reported on Thursday.
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10/07/2015 13:08 Comments 0 Comments
RIYADH (Saudi Arabia): Saudi Arabia's prince Saud al-Faisal, who was the world's longest-serving foreign minister with 40 years in the post until his retirement this year, has died, the ministry spokesman said Thursday. He was 75.
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10/07/2015 13:05 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia): Aspects like distrust between countries, long-standing disputes, trade barriers and terrorism can pose obstacles in the development of Eurasian region, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said here on Thursday.
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10/07/2015 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The governor of the US state of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, signed a bill on the removal of the controversial Confederate battle flag from the state capitol grounds amid heated debates over the symbolism of the flag that belonged to the pro-slavery side in the US Civil War.
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10/07/2015 12:55 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia):  BRICS nations, including India, today disapproved of selective approach to terrorism as Prime Minister Narendra Modi said there should be no discrimination between the sponsors, or groups or targeted nations, in an apparent message to China which recently protected Pakistan at the UN from action over release of 26/11 mastermind Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi.
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10/07/2015 12:45 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  In a tacit acknowledgement that Pakistan continues to rely on terrorist outfits as proxies to serve as an instrument of national security policy, a top American general today told lawmakers that the US and Pakistan have differences on the issue, but asserted that financial and military aid to Islamabad would continue.
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09/07/2015 19:51 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had taken strongly taken up with China over blocking action in the UN against Pakistan on the release of Mumbai attack mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Beijing today defended its step saying it was based on “facts” and in the spirit of “objectiveness and fairness”.
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09/07/2015 19:46 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai, United Arab Emirates:  A new TV satire program has become a hit in the Arab world by mocking some of the region's most serious issues, from the intractable Sunni-Shiite divide and religious extremism to the brutality of militants like the Islamic State group.
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09/07/2015 17:46 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia):  Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that "unilateral sanctions" are hurting the global economy, in a veiled attack on the West which has imposed sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine crisis.
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09/07/2015 17:43 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Reconstruction of timing and related radiative forcing of nearly 300 individual volcanic eruptions dated as far as the early Roman period shows that large volcanic eruptions were drivers of climate change, says new study.
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09/07/2015 17:37 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul, South Korea:  Young North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed 70 officials since taking power in late 2011 in a "reign of terror" that far exceeds the bloodshed of his dictator father's early rule, South Korean officials said Thursday.
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09/07/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia): The next informal meeting of the BRICS leaders will be held at the G20 summit in November in Turkey, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Thursday.
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09/07/2015 17:25 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: The world cannot be only subject to the US and the West, said a state-run Chinese daily which warned that "things will get tough if Washington suspects any organization that includes China and Russia".
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09/07/2015 17:22 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Two and a half months after the death of a black man in police custody sparked days of rioting in Baltimore, close to the American capital, the troubled city's mayor has fired the police commissioner.
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09/07/2015 17:17 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: A heart-shaped feature was viewed on Pluto's surface in the most detailed photo yet returned by NASA's New Horizons probe, which has now begun its final run of its historic flyby of the planet.
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09/07/2015 17:14 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: A typhoon is slated to hit the East China Sea on Friday, bringing strong winds and rainstorms to the coastal Zhejiang province.
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09/07/2015 17:09 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: The Greek government has extended bank closures and a 60 euro($66) daily limit on ATM withdrawals until Monday, media reported on Thursday.
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09/07/2015 17:04 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: The first-ever female nominee for the Supreme Court in Afghanistan has failed to garner enough votes of approval from the parliament.
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09/07/2015 17:01 Comments 0 Comments
Lhasa: Even eight decades later, one of the most widely-travelled Indian writers, Rahul Sankrityayan, is close to the heart of the Chinese people.
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09/07/2015 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia): China and India should work together to build a closer, and more comprehensive partnership among the BRICS countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping said here.
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09/07/2015 16:52 Comments 0 Comments
Chicago: United Airlines (UA) resumed flights at all airports that had been grounded on Wednesday morning for about two hours due to a computer glitch, according to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
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09/07/2015 16:29 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem:  Israel today hailed India's abstention at the UNHRC vote on Gaza war as a "qualitative" leap in bilateral ties that made it a "normal relation without hangups", even as India maintained that the vote does not mark any shift in its policy on the Palestinian cause.
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08/07/2015 20:11 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa: Russia is likely to participate in railway projects in India, funding for which could be routed through the newly-set up BRICS’ New Development Bank.
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08/07/2015 20:09 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia):  After visiting two Central Asian countries, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here today on a three-day trip during which he will attend the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summits.
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08/07/2015 20:07 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing:  China today said President Xi Jinping’s meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Ufa is an opportunity to enhance strategic mutual trust and “pragmatic” cooperation to take bilateral ties forward.
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08/07/2015 20:04 Comments 0 Comments
Astana: India and Kazakhstan today inked five key agreements including a defence pact to enhance military cooperation and a contract for supply of uranium after Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev held comprehensive talks in which they decided to actively engage in the fight against terrorism and extremism.
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08/07/2015 20:02 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: If we need to use nuclear weapons for "our survival, we will", said Pakistan defence minister Khawaja Asif.
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08/07/2015 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Washington : Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal has been mocked on Twitter for posting a photo of himself holding and admiring a weapon while at a campaign stop in Iowa last week.
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08/07/2015 19:57 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Democratic frontrunner presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attacked her Republican rivals on immigration saying they are on a "spectrum of hostility" that was really regrettable in a nation of immigrants like America.
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08/07/2015 19:54 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan has ruled out the possibility of banning Jamaat-ud Dawah led by Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed, claiming that there is no evidence to link it with terrorism and the outlawed Lashkar-e-Toiba.
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08/07/2015 19:50 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan today said it hosted a meeting between Afghan government and the Taliban that was also attended by the US and Chinese representatives, in the first publicly acknowledged talks with the militant group.
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08/07/2015 19:47 Comments 0 Comments
Moncks Cormner(South Carolina): An F-16 fighter jet smashed into a small plane over the southern state of South Carolina on Tuesday, killing two people and raining down plane parts and debris over a wide swath of marshes and rice fields.
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08/07/2015 17:51 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Frustrated and angered eurozone leaders gave Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras a last-minute chance Tuesday to finally come up with a viable proposal on how to save his country from financial ruin.
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08/07/2015 17:45 Comments 0 Comments
Tashkent: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that importance of Hindi was set to increase with India marching rapidly towards economic prosperity.
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08/07/2015 17:42 Comments 0 Comments
Trenton, N.J.: It could trade for 400 times more than the price of crude oil and 2,000 times more than iron ore. If sold off the shelf, it could cost more than 150 times the price of a gallon of cow's milk and 15 times more than coffee.
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08/07/2015 17:35 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his brother and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif today figured in a list of 150 mega graft cases submitted by the country's anti-corruption body to the Supreme Court.
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08/07/2015 17:32 Comments 0 Comments
Ufa (Russia):  India and Pakistan will have to wait till next year to get full membership of the security and economic grouping the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a top Russian official today said, ahead of the six-nation bloc's leaders' summit here this week.
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08/07/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing:  Dismissing India’s objections to the USD 46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor passing through PoK, Pakistan Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has said such protests amount to “intervention” in his country’s internal affairs.
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08/07/2015 13:51 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: More than a billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty since 1990 with China and India playing a central role in global poverty reduction, a major UN report has said.
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07/07/2015 12:38 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A key witness in Pakistan's former prime minister Benazir Bhutto's murder case has retracted from his earlier statement during cross examination before the Anti-Terrorism Court, media reported on Tuesday.
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07/07/2015 12:35 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Vice president of the Euro and Social Dialogue of the European Commission (EC) Valdis Dombrovskis stressed on Monday that Greece's "no" vote in Sunday's bailout referendum widened the gap between the country and its European partners.
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07/07/2015 12:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday said it stands ready to assist Greece if required to do so.
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07/07/2015 12:25 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Islamic State terrorists have abducted 111 school children from various districts of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul to use them in terrorist moves, a media report said on Tuesday.
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07/07/2015 12:15 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama said that local forces should be the main forces to fight the extremist group the Islamic State (ISIS) and currently there was no plan for his administration to send more troops abroad.
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07/07/2015 12:12 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said "The door remains open for discussions," after a meeting held following Greek voters rejected creditors' bailout terms in a referendum Sunday.
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07/07/2015 11:58 Comments 0 Comments
London: A man was seen parading past Britain's Parliament draped in an Islamic State flag with a young girl on his shoulders waving the flag's smaller version, prompting the Scotland Yard to launch a probe after it was criticised for inaction.
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07/07/2015 11:54 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras thanked Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on Monday for his "ceaseless efforts" to defend the interests of Greece in negotiations with creditors, according to government spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis.
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07/07/2015 11:44 Comments 0 Comments
Tashkent: On his first visit to Central Asian countries, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held talks with Uzbek President Islam Karimov on key bilateral and regional issues including the situation in Afghanistan as the two countries inked three pacts to boost cooperation between their foreign offices and in the field of culture and tourism.
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07/07/2015 11:38 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut:  A video posted online Saturday purportedly shows Islamic State fighters killing some 25 Syrian government soldiers in the historic town of Palmyra in central Syria.
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06/07/2015 20:21 Comments 0 Comments
Srinagar : The Army has handed over an 11-year-old boy from Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK) who had inadvertently crossed into this side of the Line of Control (LoC), to the Pakistani Army.
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06/07/2015 20:17 Comments 0 Comments
Tashkent:  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on Monday accorded a ceremonial welcome by Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov at the Kuksaroy presidential complex after which the two leaders held discussions.
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06/07/2015 20:12 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: An Iraqi Russian-made fighter jet accidentally dropped a bomb over a Baghdad neighbourhood on Monday, killing at least 12 people on the ground, Iraqi officials said.
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06/07/2015 17:44 Comments 0 Comments
Washington : After a series of failed re-supply missions, astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) finally received crucial supplies when a Russian cargo spaceship successfully docked with the ISS on Sunday.
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06/07/2015 17:41 Comments 0 Comments
London: The infamous telegram which Hitler's deputy sent to the German dictator, asking him if he could take over the Nazi party in last days of the World War II, is expected to fetch 15,000 pounds at an auction.
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06/07/2015 17:38 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: A leading English daily of China on Monday lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi's diplomatic initiatives via social media, saying that it will "play a constructive role in the relationship between India and China".
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06/07/2015 13:40 Comments 0 Comments
Athens : Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on Monday announced his resignation in a statement issued after his compatriots voted “No” in a referendum on bailout conditions, media reported.
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06/07/2015 13:37 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: The European Union urged the Greek government to make "meaningful" and "possible" proposals in coming hours for renegotiation, following early results which have shown that Greece overwhelmingly rejected the bloc's bailout offer.
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06/07/2015 13:35 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: The French Champagne Vineyards where the world famous sparkling wine is produced has now been granted the 'World Heritage' site status, joining the likes of Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.
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06/07/2015 13:31 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: Courtesy an old family picture posted on Facebook, an emotional mother reunited with her son in the United States after 15 years, when the child was kidnapped by his father.
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06/07/2015 13:28 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: Greece lurched into uncharted territory and an uncertain future in Europe's common currency Sunday after voters overwhelmingly rejected demands by international creditors for more austerity measures in exchange for a bailout of its bankrupt economy.
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06/07/2015 13:19 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna:  Nine days into marathon nuclear talks, US Secretary of State John Kerry today said the diplomatic  efforts "could go either way," cutting off all potential pathways for an Iranian atomic bomb or ending without an agreement that American officials have sometimes described as the only alternative to war.
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06/07/2015 13:16 Comments 0 Comments
Athens, Greece:  Greeks lined up at polling stations and ATMs alike Sunday as the country voted on its financial future, choosing in a referendum whether to accept creditors’ demands for more austerity in return for rescue loans or defiantly reject the deal.
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05/07/2015 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut : U.S.-led coalition aircraft unleashed a series of airstrikes targeting the Islamic State group's stronghold of Raqqa in eastern Syria, killing at least 10 militants and wounding many others in one of the largest coalition operations carried out in Syria to date, the coalition said Sunday.
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05/07/2015 18:05 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has accused China of stealing commercial secrets and government information, saying the country is "trying to hack into everything that doesn't move in America", and urged vigilance, BBC reported on Sunday.
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05/07/2015 17:56 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: The Islamic State (IS) militants released has a video footage, purporting to show the execution of as many as 25 government forces in the ancient city of Palmyra in central Syria, according to a monitor group.
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05/07/2015 17:53 Comments 0 Comments
Sao Paulo: Whistle-blower Web site WikiLeaks has published the names of more than 29 members of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's administration who were spied on by the US National Security Agency at the start of her first term in office, which began in January 2011.
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05/07/2015 17:05 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin called for talks on an equal footing between Moscow and Washington, while congratulating Barack Obama, on the occasion of American Independence Day, the Kremlin has announced.
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05/07/2015 17:02 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: A series of attacks, mainly car bombs, in Iraq killed at least 19 people and wounded dozens, authorities said.
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05/07/2015 17:00 Comments 0 Comments
Tunis (Tunisia): Tunisia's president declared a state of emergency on Saturday in response to a second deadly attack on foreigners in three months, saying the country is "not safe" and risks collapse from further extremist attacks.
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05/07/2015 16:57 Comments 0 Comments
Glen (New Hampshire): Hillary Rodham Clinton has said that she remains hopeful the US can reach a "strong verifiable deal" to curb Iran's nuclear weapons program by next week's deadline.
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05/07/2015 16:51 Comments 0 Comments
Athens: Greece is set to vote in a referendum on Sunday to decide whether to accept the debt draft deal with international creditors to restart financial aid to the country, or to reject the lenders' programme that requires Greeks to accept further austerity measures and economic reforms.
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04/07/2015 20:20 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu:  A mild 4.6-magnitude tremor was felt in Nepal's capital Kathmandu early this morning, over two months after the country's worst temblor in decades claimed nearly 9,000 lives and caused widespread devastation.
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04/07/2015 17:26 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Former RAW chief AS Dulat's claim of a "goof up" in Kandahar hijack response by the Vajpayee government in 1999 triggered a controversy on Friday with BJP outrightly rejecting it while Congress alleged that its "soft" approach laid the "foundation of terrorism".
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04/07/2015 17:13 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: An Islamic State (IS) affiliate has claimed responsibility for firing three rockets into Israeli territory on Friday.
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04/07/2015 17:11 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: India for the first time on Friday abstained from voting on a resolution on Palestine adopted at the UN rights body that calls for accountability by parties involved in last year's conflict in Gaza.
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04/07/2015 17:08 Comments 0 Comments
London: A school headmistress has banned skirts at a secondary school in the UK’s West Midlands region to prevent male teachers and pupils getting “distracted”.
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03/07/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA's New Horizon spacecraft has captured stunning coloured images of Pluto as it gets ready for a close flyby of the mysterious planet system on July 14.
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03/07/2015 17:27 Comments 0 Comments
Shanghai: It’s not possible for China to surround India in a ‘string of pearls’ bases as has been stated by some commentators, according to a top PLA naval official.
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03/07/2015 17:03 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Three people were killed when a 6.5 magnitude earthquake jolted China’s northwestern Xinjiang province today.
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03/07/2015 17:00 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Police said a woman called from inside a Washington navy yard building, located less than 2 miles (3 kilometers) from the Capitol, to report that she might have heard sounds of gunshots early in the morning. However, investigators found no sign of a shooting, a shooter or anyone injured. No arrests have been made and no weapons were found, officials said.
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03/07/2015 16:56 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: One week after the US Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples can marry nationwide and states cannot ban such marriages, Louisiana's Indian-American governor Bobby Jindal has finally fallen in line.
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03/07/2015 16:51 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: The basic elements for reaching a comprehensive nuclear deal has been provided, and there should be an accord to be agreed on in the final talks, Chinese Foreign Minster Wang Yi told reporters.
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03/07/2015 16:37 Comments 0 Comments
Maidugiri (Nigeria) : Boko Haram extremists gunned down nearly 150 Muslims praying in mosques in a northeast Nigerian town during the holy month of Ramadan, a government official and a self-defense fighter said Thursday.
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03/07/2015 16:12 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Pakistan today did not rule out a possible meeting between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the annual SCO summit in Russia next week, saying such meetings in a multilateral setting are a “normal feature”.
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03/07/2015 16:09 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: At least 17 people, including senior officers of Pakistan Army, were killed today when four bogies of a special train carrying troops fell into a canal in Punjab province after the bridge it was passing over collapsed, with top officials describing the incident as an act of “sabotage”.
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02/07/2015 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Srinagar:  In an audacious move, 11 young Kashmiri militants donning army fatigues and holding firearms, posted their photographs on Facebook, forcing the security forces to sit up and take notice.
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02/07/2015 17:21 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Bangladesh's Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has nabbed the country's chief of an Al Qaeda affiliate and his top advisor and 10 other Islamist radicals, an RAB spokesperson said on Thursday.
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02/07/2015 17:16 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Amid India's concerns over China's move to block action against Pakistan over release of Mumbai attack mastermind Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi, China has proposed to discuss the issue with India in the joint mechanism on counter-terrorism.
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02/07/2015 17:14 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan has not shared with the US any evidence of India's involvement in terrorist activities on its soil, a US official said.
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02/07/2015 17:11 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China has denied any of its armed personnel were posted in Pakistani Kashmir, stating that these were "just stories".
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02/07/2015 17:08 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: Iran and six world powers are making progress in the latest round of talks over Iran's long-disputed nuclear programme, said top diplomats of the US and Iran here.
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02/07/2015 17:02 Comments 0 Comments
New York: US customs officials have recovered a bronze religious statue from the 11th or 12th century that they say was looted from a temple in India.
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02/07/2015 16:59 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: A robot has killed a contractor at one of Volkswagen's production plants in Germany, the automaker has said.
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02/07/2015 16:56 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa on Wednesday announced that he would contest the August 17 parliamentary elections.
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02/07/2015 16:51 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that the U.S. and Cuba have finalized an agreement to reopen embassies in each other's capitals, a major step in ending hostilities between the Cold War foes, a senior administration official said.
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02/07/2015 16:48 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: The Eurogroup has decided not to hold further talks before the outcome of Greece referendum on Sunday, Slovak Finance Minister Peter Kazimir tweeted on Wednesday.
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02/07/2015 16:36 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In the two weeks after a racially motivated massacre claimed lives of nine African-Americans, at least six predominantly African-American churches in south US had been burnt down, Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday.
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02/07/2015 16:32 Comments 0 Comments
New York: A 74-year-old Indian-American motel owner has pleaded guilty to benefiting financially from sex traffickers who beat women for prostitution in the rooms he rented them at inflated rates.
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02/07/2015 16:08 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai (United Arab Emirates): Saudi Arabia's billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the world's richest people, announced Wednesday that he will donate all of his wealth of $32 billion to charity over the coming years.
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02/07/2015 16:01 Comments 0 Comments
Williams, Oregon: Forty-two years after Oregon became the first state to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, the state is taking its first steps toward allowing state-licensed stores to sell limited amounts of it to anyone over 21.
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02/07/2015 15:58 Comments 0 Comments
London: A UK-based Bangladeshi family of 12, including three children and two grandparents, who were on holiday in Dhaka are feared to have fled to Syria to join Islamic State terrorists.
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02/07/2015 15:36 Comments 0 Comments
London:  Maggi noodles produced in India and elsewhere are safe to consume, British authorities today said after conducting tests on all samples of the product.
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02/07/2015 15:33 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: Heavily-armed IS militants in Egypt today launched a wave of simultaneous suicide attacks on army checkpoints in the restive Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 60 soldiers in the biggest assault and triggering a massive retaliatory strike by the military using troops and F-16s.
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02/07/2015 15:30 Comments 0 Comments
WASHINGTON: Kalashnikov assault rifles - they are not just Russian anymore.
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01/07/2015 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Bisexual males and females report poorer health than gays, lesbians and heterosexuals (LGBs), according to a study by sociologists atRice University.
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01/07/2015 19:52 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore:  The head of Al-Qaida’s Pakistan wing has been killed in a raid by counter-terrorism commandos earlier this week near Lahore, foiling their plot to attack the offices of a spy agency, Punjab Home Minister said today.
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01/07/2015 17:43 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  A Pakistani anti-terrorism court today exempted the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attack Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi from appearing in-person after the LeT operations commander cited “serious threats to his life.”
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01/07/2015 17:40 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: The Indian Ocean cannot be a backyard of India which navies of other countries could not visit, according the Chinese ministry of defence here.
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01/07/2015 15:59 Comments 0 Comments
Jammu:  A photograph of Jammu and Kashmir Minister Chaudhary Lal Singh purportedly touching the collar of a woman doctor has gone viral on social media.
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01/07/2015 13:16 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s greetings to Prime Minister Li Keqiang on the 94th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s establishment has gone viral in China.
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01/07/2015 13:11 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: NASA's New Horizon probe -- set for a Pluto flyby on July 14 -- has confirmed that there is frozen methane on Pluto's surface.
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01/07/2015 13:08 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: A Chinese submarine's visit to Pakistan was in no way a threat to India, according to a military spokesman of the defence ministry here.
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01/07/2015 13:05 Comments 0 Comments
Baton Rouge : Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's executive order that aims to give special protections to people who oppose same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and should be thrown out, gay rights advocates argue in a lawsuit filed today.
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01/07/2015 12:04 Comments 0 Comments
Brisbane: An Australian man, fighting alongside Kurdish forces against the Islamic State (IS) terror group, was killed when he stepped on a landmine in Syria, media reported on Wednesday.
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01/07/2015 12:00 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Five Indian-origin persons are among seven charged with conspiring to commit bank fraud in the US through a scheme that resulted in losses of over USD three million to the victims.
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01/07/2015 11:47 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta:  All 113 people on board a Hercules C-130 military cargo aircraft were feared killed when the military plane crashed into a residential area in Medan city on Indonesia's Sumatra island on Tuesday, media reported.
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30/06/2015 21:45 Comments 0 Comments
Athens, Greece: Greece is set to become the first developed nation to not pay its debts to the International Monetary Fund on time, as the country sinks deeper into a financial emergency that has forced it put a nationwide lockdown on money withdrawals.
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30/06/2015 21:41 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: The country received 16% more rainfall than its normal limit in June, the India Meteorological Department on Tuesday said.
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30/06/2015 21:38 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Pakistan’s army chief General Raheel Sharif today discussed with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif India’s alleged involvement in funding terrorism in the country, a media report said.
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30/06/2015 21:35 Comments 0 Comments
London:  Experts at the University of Southampton have developed a software that can ‘predict’ impact corridors of  known asteroids and calculate the risk to humans, reports The Daily Telegraph.
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30/06/2015 21:31 Comments 0 Comments
London:  Close on the heels of India leading worldwide International Yoga Day celebrations, Yoga classes have been banned in a central Russian city by the authorities to check spread of 'religious occultism'.
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30/06/2015 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul, Afghanistan :  A suicide attacker driving an explosives-packed vehicle targeted a NATO military convoy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Tuesday, police and a NATO official said.
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30/06/2015 21:24 Comments 0 Comments
Medan, Indonesia:   An Indonesian air force transport plane crashed Tuesday into a residential neighborhood in the country's third-largest city of Medan, killing dozens of people.
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30/06/2015 21:20 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations:  Days after China blocked its move in the UN for action against Pakistan over Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi's release, India has slammed the "indifference" of some permanent UNSC members towards restraining terrorists, saying it has questioned the Security Council's ability to combat terrorism.
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30/06/2015 21:13 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: Militants of Islamic State group have beheaded two women in Syria for the first time on charge of sorcery, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Tuesday.
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30/06/2015 21:10 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan is mulling dragging India to the UN for alleged interference in its affairs after a news report claimed India has been helping the Muttahida Qaumi Movement with funds and training to create unrest in Karachi.
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30/06/2015 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta:  An Indonesian air force transport plane crashed Tuesday into a residential neighborhood in the country's third-largest city of Medan, killing at least 20 people.
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30/06/2015 20:24 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The son of immigrant parents from India, two-term Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal believes that people coming to the US should learn English and adopt American values.
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30/06/2015 12:59 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: A passenger on one of Japan's high-speed bullet trains set himself on fire Tuesday, filling a carriage with smoke, Japanese officials said. National broadcaster NHK said the man and a female passenger were dead.
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30/06/2015 12:57 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Indian Foreign Secretary Subrahmanyam Jaishankar had a series of interactions with interlocutors in the US government on issues ranging from ease of doing business to cooperation on terrorism and climate change.
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30/06/2015 12:02 Comments 0 Comments
West columbia:  Campaigning in South Carolina, where residents are still reeling from a white gunman's massacre of nine black churchgoers, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush told voters Monday that he removed the Confederate battle flag from the Florida Capitol grounds in 2001 when he was governor.
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30/06/2015 11:58 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: A prominent Islamic State leader was killed in airstrikes launched by the US-led international coalition west of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
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30/06/2015 11:54 Comments 0 Comments
San Juan: Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla on Monday announced his intention to call together the island's creditors and bondholders to seek a "negotiated moratorium" lasting several years on paying its huge debt, which has choked the public finances in an economy that has been practically stalled for the past 20 years.
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30/06/2015 11:51 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon on Monday deplored coalition airstrikes on a UN compound in Aden, Yemen, urging a full investigation into the incident.
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30/06/2015 11:44 Comments 0 Comments
New York: French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has dismissed rumours that a new date may be set for the conclusion of a deal on Iran's nuclear programme as ongoing negotiations are expected to go past the June 30 deadline.
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30/06/2015 11:41 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing:  A considerably long stretch of the Great Wall of China has disappeared due to natural erosion and unchecked human activity in the absence of preservation measures, says a report in Beijing Times.
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30/06/2015 11:38 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: Egypt’s Prosecutor General, who has referred thousands of Islamists to trial in recent months, was today killed after militants targeted his convoy in a powerful bomb attack, the senior-most official to be assassinated since violence erupted after the ouster of Mohamed Morsi in 2013.
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29/06/2015 20:15 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing:  India’s indigenous main battle tank Arjun was today praised by a top Chinese military official who said it is “very good” for Indian conditions as the PLA for the first time opened its facilities for Indian media to provide an insight into its massive modernisation.
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29/06/2015 13:21 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: The Swiss-made solar-powered plane, Solar Impulse 2, on Monday started its second bid at a record-breaking flight across the Pacific Ocean.
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29/06/2015 13:19 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: No new cases of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) were reported in South Korea on Monday for the second consecutive day.
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29/06/2015 13:16 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Indian-American Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has lashed out at US President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton for their views on same sex marriage, alleging that they evolved their views based on opinion polls.
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29/06/2015 12:07 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: An Egyptian court on Sunday sentenced 47 supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood group from three to 15 years in prison over violence charges, MENA news agency reported.
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29/06/2015 12:04 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: At least 21 people have died in devastating flash floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains that lashed southeastern hilly districts of Bangladesh, officials said on Sunday.
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29/06/2015 12:02 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Nine people died after they sneaked into and got trapped in an abandoned coal mine in China's Fujian province, authorities said.
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29/06/2015 11:59 Comments 0 Comments
KARACHI: Twenty six people died today of high temperatures in Pakistan's Karachi, taking the death toll to around 1,300 as residents grappled with the week-long heatwave that has crippled life and overwhelmed the healthcare system.
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29/06/2015 11:56 Comments 0 Comments
Miami: A SpaceX falcon 9 rocket which was on a routine cargo mission to the International Space Station., exploded minutes after its launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida.
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28/06/2015 19:24 Comments 0 Comments
Kuwait City:  Two Indians were among 26 people killed in a ISIS suicide attack at a Shia mosque here, according to Indian Embassy, which asked the Indian nationals to take precautions for their safety and security in Kuwait.
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28/06/2015 19:16 Comments 0 Comments
Tunis:  Thousands of tourists fled from Tunisia on Saturday after the country's worst terrorist attack killed 38 people  including 15 Britons as the government struggles to prevent future jihadi attacks against the all-important tourism sector.
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28/06/2015 19:13 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS) are all set to receive two virtual reality headsets that will help them beam back to Earth what they see in space.
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28/06/2015 18:58 Comments 0 Comments
Kuwait city:  Police have arrested a number of people, among them a Kuwaiti citizen, suspected of being behind a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque that killed 27 people, Kuwait's Interior Ministry said early Sunday.
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28/06/2015 18:37 Comments 0 Comments
Taipei: The number of injured in a recreational water park blaze, caused by large amount of flammable powder explosion in Taiwan on June 27  and swelled to 516 on June 28 morning, authorities said. No death was reported.
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28/06/2015 18:34 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  As part of a three-year loan programme, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given nod to release around $506 million for Pakistan, the state media reported.
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28/06/2015 18:16 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Strictly speaking, a day lasts 86,400 seconds. On June 30, the day will officially be a bit longer than usual because an extra second or "leap" second will be added and NASA has an explanation for this.
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28/06/2015 18:13 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna: Nuclear negotiators for Iran, obligated to dispose tons of enriched uranium under an approaching deal, are focusing on a US-backed plan for Iran to send the material to another country for sale as reactor fuel, diplomats told The Associated Press today.
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28/06/2015 17:58 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: A devastating weeklong heatwave in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi has killed 1,233 people, an official said.
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28/06/2015 17:33 Comments 0 Comments
Charleston: President Barack Obama sang a hymn of hope and spoke with the fervor of a preacher as he eulogized a pastor and eight parishioners gunned down at a historic black church in an apparent hate crime - and he minced no words in calling for an end to racial injustice and gun violence in the United States.
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28/06/2015 17:15 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama has praised South Carolina's Indian-American Governor Nikki Haley after she called for the removal of the controversial slavery- era Confederate flag from the State capitol 150 years after the end of the American Civil War.
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28/06/2015 17:13 Comments 0 Comments
Taipei: A fire, which was suspected of resulting from explosion of a large amount of unknown flammable powder, in a recreational park in Taiwan's New Taipei city on Saturday has injured at least 474 people.
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28/06/2015 17:10 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: At least 24 people were killed and 24 wounded on Saturday in Iraqi airstrikes and clashes with Islamic State (IS) militants across Iraq, security sources said.
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27/06/2015 20:03 Comments 0 Comments
Wellington: India's high commissioner to New Zealand Ravi Thapar on Saturday said he was leaving the country not because of assault allegations against his wife but because he wanted to take care of his mother living in India.
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27/06/2015 13:56 Comments 0 Comments
Charleston (South Carolina): President Barack Obama delivered a passionate discourse on America's racial history Friday and then broke into song during a eulogy for a state legislator and pastor, slain along with eight other black churchgoers in what police called a hate crime.
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27/06/2015 13:50 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US on Friday condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in France, Kuwait and Tunisia, the White House said in a statement.
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27/06/2015 13:47 Comments 0 Comments
Sousse, Tunisia:  A young man unfurled an umbrella and pulled out a Kalashnikov, opening fire on European sunbathers in an attack that killed at least 28 people at a Tunisian beach resort — one of three deadly attacks from Europe to the Middle East on Friday that followed a call to violence by Islamic State extremists.
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27/06/2015 13:44 Comments 0 Comments
Kuwait City:  A suicide bomber purportedly from an Islamic State affiliate unleashed the first terrorist attack in Kuwait in more than two decades on Friday, killing at least 25 people and wounding scores more in a bombing that targeted Shiite worshippers after midday prayers.
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27/06/2015 13:39 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo:  Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena today dissolved the parliament, paving the way for fresh parliamentary elections in mid August, eight months ahead of the schedule.
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27/06/2015 13:36 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Obama describes Supreme Court gay marriage ruling as "justice that arrives like a thunderbolt"
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27/06/2015 13:31 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The U.S. Supreme Court declared Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the country, in a culmination of two decades of litigation over marriage, and gay rights generally.
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26/06/2015 20:31 Comments 0 Comments
In yet another incident of suicide attack, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shia Muslim mosque in Kuwait city during Friday prayers.
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26/06/2015 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisia's Interior Ministry spokesman has told the state news agency that the toll in an attack on a beach resort has risen to 27.
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26/06/2015 19:57 Comments 0 Comments
Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France:  An attacker with suspected ties to French Islamic radicals rammed a car into a gas factory Friday in southeastern France, and a severed head was staked on a post at the entrance, officials said. France immediately opened a terrorism investigation.
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26/06/2015 13:47 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In its bid for the next giant leap to Mars, NASA is seeking ideas for enabling human explorers to safely land, live and work on the Red Planet.
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26/06/2015 13:20 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Both Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, Democratic and Republican frontrunners respectively in the 2016 White House race, have lost some ground in New Hampshire, the state set to host the campaign's first primary.
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26/06/2015 12:02 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday called up US President Barack Obama to discuss Iran nuclear talks, situation in Syria and the need to counter Islamic State (IS) militants, the White House said in a communique.
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26/06/2015 11:58 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: German authorities have discovered a dozen female recruiters working for Islamic State (IS) who persuade other women in Germany to join the jihadist organisation, media reported on Friday.
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26/06/2015 11:55 Comments 0 Comments
Bogota: A Colombian woman who survived a plane crash with her months-old baby  was rescued four days after they were lost in the jungle.
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26/06/2015 11:53 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: As the US Supreme Court handed President Barack Obama a huge victory by upholding his signature healthcare law that opposition Republicans have tried to repeal countless times, he vowed to make it even better.
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26/06/2015 11:45 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia always seeks to settle disputes through political approaches, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.
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26/06/2015 11:41 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan has said that the BBC report that alleged the MQM received funds and training from India confirmed its "suspicions" about an Indian hand in creating instability in the country.
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26/06/2015 11:33 Comments 0 Comments
Paris : French taxi drivers smashed up livery cars, set tires ablaze and blocked traffic across the country on Thursday in a nationwide strike aimed at Uber after weeks of rising, sometimes violent tensions over the U.S. ride-hailing company.
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25/06/2015 21:19 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  US President Barack Obama was heckled during a White House event honouring LGBT Pride Month by an activist protesting his administration's policies on deportation of LGBT immigrants.
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25/06/2015 20:08 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today ordered a probe into the funding of Muttahida Qaumi Movement after a report alleged that India has helped the party with funds and training to create trouble in Karachi, the country's largest city.
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25/06/2015 20:05 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Pakistan today accused India of politicising the UN Security Council's Sanctions Committee by making unfounded "insinuations" against it, days after China blocked India's move calling for action against Pakistan over 26/11 mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi's release.
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25/06/2015 20:02 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  A Pakistani anti-terrorism court trying the seven accused including 26/11 mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi in the 2008 Mumbai attack case today summoned four more witnesses to record their statements on July 1.
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25/06/2015 17:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, while announcing his 2016 White House bid, today invoked the success story of his immigrant parents but once again distanced himself from his Indian roots by asserting that "we are all Americans" and not hyphenated Americans.
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25/06/2015 17:23 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Pakistan Army had planned a Kargil-type military operation much before the summer of 1999 when Benazir Bhutto was the prime minister but she stood her ground against the idea, a new book by a former diplomat says.
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25/06/2015 16:50 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi:  Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch three ambitious schemes today, which are aimed at developing cities and towns as "new engines for growth", projects which will entail an investment of over Rs. 3 lakh crore in the next five years.
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25/06/2015 16:26 Comments 0 Comments
Banihal (JK):  Several passengers had a narrow escape after landslides triggered by heavy rains buried some vehicles on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway, resulting in its blockade today.
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25/06/2015 16:22 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal today thanked India for its “tremendous assistance” and lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for playing an important role in ensuring that the quake-hit country gets back on its feet as soon as possible.
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25/06/2015 16:18 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  NASA will send an international crew to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean this summer to prepare for future deep space missions during the 14-day NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) 20 expedition to begin from July 20, NASA said in a statement.
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25/06/2015 16:14 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj today raised with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi China's blocking of India's move in the UN for action against Pakistan over 26/11 mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi's release, saying it was at "variance" with progress in ties.
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25/06/2015 13:51 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: The number of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) cases in South Korea has risen to 180 after a fresh case was reported, authorities said on Thursday.
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25/06/2015 13:48 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal's development partners on Thursday pledged to help rebuild its physical structures after the nation was hit by a series of quakes in April.
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25/06/2015 13:46 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: China and Japan on Thursday announced over $1 billion of aid to Nepal to reconstruct infrastructure after it was devastated by a series of quakes.
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25/06/2015 13:43 Comments 0 Comments
Paris:  The French Parliament has adopted a controversial surveillance law aimed at broadening eavesdropping of terrorism suspects, despite protests from privacy advocates and concern about US-style massive data sweeps.
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25/06/2015 13:40 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: India on Thursday announced an aid of $1 billion for rebuilding Nepal, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj announced at an international donors meet here.
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25/06/2015 13:37 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala on Thursday sought aid at an international donors conference here to rebuild the country after it was hit by a devastating quake in April.
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25/06/2015 13:30 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US Senate on Wednesday approved a so-called fast-track trade bill that empowers the president to negotiate trade deals, media reported on Thursday.
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25/06/2015 13:13 Comments 0 Comments
New Orleans: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Wednesday he was entering the already crowded Republican race for president in 2016, and the 44-year-old son of Indian immigrants quickly tried to set himself apart as "the youngest candidate with the longest resume."
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25/06/2015 13:11 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul:  Afghanistan's intelligence service today said a Pakistani intelligence officer helped the Taliban carry out an attack on the parliament in Kabul earlier this week.
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24/06/2015 20:43 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi:  The International Day of Yoga was observed in all 192 countries except strife-torn Yemen, the Union Cabinet was informed today.
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24/06/2015 20:37 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu:  Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj will attend Thursday's international donor conference here on Nepal's reconstruction post earthquake.
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24/06/2015 20:34 Comments 0 Comments
New York:  Emerging markets are expected to grow faster than developed economies, and India is likely to become the third largest economy by 2030 in the world after China and the United States, says a report.
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24/06/2015 20:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Hillary Clinton is the firm favourite to be chosen as the Democratic Party nominee for 2016 US presidential polls and go on to be elected as the first woman president of America, according to a new poll.
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24/06/2015 20:25 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  A judicial magistrate of an Islamabad court today testified before an anti-terrorism court, hearing the trial of 2008 Mumbai attack case, and said he had recorded the statements of two witnesses against seven accused, including 26/11 mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi.
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24/06/2015 20:21 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Amid India's objections to the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project passing through PoK, Pakistan has claimed that Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir were its part and not disputed territories.
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24/06/2015 20:16 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad:  Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today discussed Pakistan's nuclear, missile and space programmes with the newly-appointed chief of an army division which manages atomic arsenal, and expressed satisfaction over the safety and security of the strategic weapons.
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24/06/2015 16:35 Comments 0 Comments
Vienna : A confidential document obtained by The Associated Press shows that the U.S. and others negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran are ready to offer high-tech reactors and other equipment to Tehran if it crimps programs that can make atomic arms.
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24/06/2015 16:33 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: Four fresh cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in South Korea, raising the total to 179, health ministry officials said on Wednesday.
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24/06/2015 16:30 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Expressing the hope that Pakistan would be a responsible stakeholder on security issues, in particular the nuclear issue, the US has said that New Delhi and Islamabad need to work on issues between them peaceably on their own.
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24/06/2015 16:28 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  Louisiana governor Piyush "Bobby"Jindal is widely expected to launch a bid for the Republican presidential nomination Wednesday, becoming the first Indian-American and 13th Republican to join the 2016 White House race.
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24/06/2015 16:12 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut:  Backed by U.S.-led airstrikes and buoyed by battlefield successes, Kurdish fighters kept up an offensive through northern Syria on Tuesday, driving Islamic State militants out of a town near the extremists' de facto capital of Raqqa.
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24/06/2015 16:07 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The United Nations said Tuesday it has received allegations that U.N. peacekeepers sexually abused street children in Central African Republic, where French troops are also being investigated for alleged sex abuse against boys.
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24/06/2015 16:00 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi: Nearly 700 people have been killed in Karachi due to Pakistan's worst heatwave in decades as the government today shut down all educational institutions and its offices and roped in the army to deal with the crisis.
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24/06/2015 15:57 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra:  Australia's prime minister said Wednesday he felt for the five children of an Australian man in the Islamic State who became notorious last year for posing for photographs while clutching the severed heads of Syrian victims.
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24/06/2015 13:05 Comments 0 Comments
Abuja:  Twenty villagers were killed when suspected Boko Haram fighters stormed a remote village in Nigeria's Borno state, shooting sporadically and razing houses, survivors said on Tuesday.
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24/06/2015 13:02 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi: The Home Minister of Punjab province in Pakistan, Col. (R) Shuja Khanzada on Wednesday alleged that Indian spy and intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), tried to sabotage Zimbabwe cricket team’s Pakistan tour in May and sent threatening message to its team manager.
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24/06/2015 12:58 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French President Francois Hollande, ex-presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac, and French cabinet ministers were surveilled by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the US, WikiLeaks said on Wednesday in a press release.
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24/06/2015 12:55 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: With the recent killings of three secular bloggers in Bangladesh by fundamentalists, the country’s intellectuals here are suspecting Pakistan’s hand behind the brutal attacks and feel that an international intervention is required to ensure their safety.
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24/06/2015 12:39 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul, South Korea :  North Korea says it has succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed.
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24/06/2015 12:34 Comments 0 Comments
Xiasima,Tibet : India might be suffering USD 47 billion trade deficit with China, but it is making a big splash in this border town with several shops using 'Made in India' sign boards and traders cashing on border trade through the Nathu La pass.
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24/06/2015 12:32 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama used the politically incorrect n-word during an interview to assert that racism persists in the US, including many forms that are not overt, and the nation was not "cured of it".
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24/06/2015 12:27 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: In a veiled attack on Pakistan, India has told the UN that it is "obvious" that thousands of foreign fighters in Afghanistan could not have entered it or sustain their terror attacks without support from beyond the war-torn country's borders.
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24/06/2015 12:24 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: China has blocked India's move at the UN demanding action against Pakistan over release of Mumbai attack mastermind and LeT commander Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi in violation of a resolution of the world body as it contended that India provided insufficient information.
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24/06/2015 12:21 Comments 0 Comments
Syria: Terrorist group ISIS, that has recently been in news for brutality, hanged two youths on Monday for eating during daylight hours in the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
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24/06/2015 12:18 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations : A project in West Bengal's Nadia district for improving heath by providing sanitary toilets and promoting their use has won a first place UN award for innovative public services.
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24/06/2015 12:09 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: A new offensive against the Afghan government and people is being compounded by “an unprecedented convergence” of Taliban insurgents, more than 7,000 foreign fighters, and violent groups including the Islamic State, Afghanistan’s UN ambassador said Monday.
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24/06/2015 12:05 Comments 0 Comments
Wellington : Limited flights out of Auckland are set to resume after a radar fault grounded planes across New Zealand on Tuesday.
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24/06/2015 12:02 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: Three new cases of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus were reported in South Korea on June 23, taking the total to 175, officials said.
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24/06/2015 12:00 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: On the eve of a new round of high-level talks, China and the US agreed to work to enhance strategic trust, media reported on Tuesday.
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24/06/2015 11:56 Comments 0 Comments
Bangkok:  Although the presence of women in media has more than doubled in two decades, they constitute only 28.6 percent of the media workforce in Asia and the Pacific. Men outnumber women 4:1 in India and 5:1 in Pakistan.
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24/06/2015 11:53 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: Within hours after terrorist suicide bombers attacked Afghanistan's parliament on Monday, India asked the international community to reconsider pulling troops from there because of the worsening security situation.
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24/06/2015 11:49 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Barack Obama said Monday that Americans stand united in rejecting the targeting of any religious or ethnic group as he marked Islam's holy month of Ramadan.
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24/06/2015 11:43 Comments 0 Comments
New York: Fuelling speculation that advanced civilisation once thrived on Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover has found a pyramid-like structure on the Red Planet, media reports said.
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23/06/2015 13:35 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: Taliban captured a second district in the northern Kunduz province on early Monday after heavy fighting with local security forces.
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23/06/2015 13:30 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi:  An intense heatwave sweeping across Pakistan's southern Sindh province has killed around 400 people, including women and children, in the capital Karachi, prompting the army to step in to help victims of the worst heatstroke that has hit the country in more than a decade.
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23/06/2015 13:06 Comments 0 Comments
Bauchi, Nigeria: Two girls blew themselves up on Monday near a crowded mosque in northeast Nigeria's biggest city, killing about 30 people, witnesses said.
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23/06/2015 13:01 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Barack Obama says the United States has not overcome its history of racism and is using the N-word to make his case.
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22/06/2015 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
London: Over 30,000 nurses from India and other non-European countries employed with Britain's state-funded National Health Service (NHS) could be forced to leave the UK under new immigration rules.
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22/06/2015 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
Washington:  NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft will complete its 60,000th orbit on June 23 since arriving at the Red Planet in 2001.
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22/06/2015 21:23 Comments 0 Comments
London:  Former UK-based Managing Director of Tata Limited, SA Hasan has been appointed by Queen Elizabeth II as an honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) for his services to the country's economy.
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22/06/2015 21:09 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad : Pakistan on Monday condemned the Taliban attack on the Afghan parliament and praised Afghan security forces for killing the attackers.
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22/06/2015 20:51 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: China on Monday opened the second land crossing in Tibet via Nathu La to allow the first batch of Indian pilgrims undertaking the arduous Kailash- Manasarovar Yatra, in the latest confidence-building measure between the two neighbours.
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22/06/2015 13:59 Comments 0 Comments
Wellington : New Zealand’s annual migration rose to a new annual record as more students from India and China arrived, a statistics agency said on Monday.
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22/06/2015 13:55 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing : A protection project will be launched this year to restore the natural environment along the key sections of the oldest section of the Great Wall of Qi in east China’s Shandong province, said an official.
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22/06/2015 12:21 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Thousands of yoga enthusiasts spread their mats for yoga sessions across America from East to West Coast to mark the First International Day of Yoga as governors of several states issued proclamations in support.
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22/06/2015 12:18 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: India and Pakistan are using arrested fishermen "as bargaining chips", a leading Pakistani daily said, adding that the fishermen want to make a decent living and are not a threat.
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22/06/2015 12:15 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: A prominent Al Jazeera journalist will remain in German custody for a second night, prosecutors said Sunday, adding they have not yet decided whether to extradite him to Egypt or set him free.
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22/06/2015 12:12 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korea on Monday reported two more deaths and three cases of infection due to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, taking the toll to 27 and the total number of people contaminated to 172.
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22/06/2015 12:09 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Charleston's historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church reopened its doors and held its first service four days after a 21-year-old white man gunned down nine black church members in one of the worst tragedies of its kind at a US religious institution.
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22/06/2015 12:07 Comments 0 Comments
Karachi: At least 141 people, including 132 alone in capital Karachi, have died due to an intense ongoing heatwave sweeping across many parts of Pakistan’s southern Sindh province.
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22/06/2015 11:55 Comments 0 Comments
Yadong (Tibet):  China and India will open the Nathu La border point in Sikkm tomorrow to enable pilgrims to travel Kailash-Manasarovar by bus from the border without the ordeal of trekking and travelling on horse backs.
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22/06/2015 11:51 Comments 0 Comments
London:  Leading NRI industrialist Lord Swraj Paul today complimented Prime Minister Narendra Modi for making the inaugural International Day of Yoga a success.
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21/06/2015 20:49 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo:  The Sri Lanka navy arrested 26 Indian fishermen and seized three Indian fishing trawlers allegedly for poaching in Sri Lankan waters, the navy media unit said on Sunday.
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21/06/2015 18:12 Comments 0 Comments
Berne:  In a first major admission of being an "attractive location" for laundering of assets amassed illegally abroad, Switzerland has said it needs to further strengthen systems for combating money laundering and terror by financing.
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21/06/2015 17:17 Comments 0 Comments
Srinagar:  Security forces have gunned down a second militant during an operation to thwart a major infiltration bid in Machil sector of north Kashmir's Kupwara district, army said today.
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