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27/07/2017 04:31 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani Wednesday said that his country will respond if US legislation imposing sanctions on people involved in Tehran’s ballistic missile program becomes law.
27/07/2017 04:26 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least eight Islamic State (ISIS) militants were killed when security forces pounded the outfit's positions in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan, an official said on Wednesday.
27/07/2017 04:20 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: Muslim worshippers have once again held their morning prayers outside al-Aqsa mosque compound, Jerusalem’s most contested holy site, despite Israel’s removal of the metal detectors that sparked the protest.
25/07/2017 09:48 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China on Tuesday denied its fighter jet pilots operated dangerously during an encounter with a US surveillance plane+ in international airspace in which the American pilot took evasive action to avoid a possible collision. Spokesman Ren Guoqiang said in a statement on the defence ministry's microblog that the performance of the pilots of the two J-10 fighters was "legal, necessary and professional."
25/07/2017 09:41 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: At least 30 civilians were killed when a US-led airstrike hit a prison run by the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria's city of Raqqa.
Tags US
24/07/2017 09:48 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: The Maldivian opposition said that the military locked down parliament on Monday on the orders of the country's president in a bid to prevent lawmakers from taking part in a vote to impeach the parliamentary speaker.
24/07/2017 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: A deadly shooting at Israel’s Embassy in Jordan further complicated Israeli government efforts on Monday to find a way out of an escalating crisis over Jerusalem’s most contested holy site, including mass Muslim prayer protests and Israeli-Palestinian violence.
24/07/2017 09:38 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: At least 26 people have been declared dead and 58 others reported injured in an explosion that struck a police team near residence-cum-office of Pakistan's Punjab province Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Lahore. The explosion took place near the Arfa Karim IT Tower on Lahore's Ferozepur Road. The deceased include eight policemen and at least one woman. Lahore police chief Capt (R) Amin Wains confirmed that it was a suicide attack and the "target was police".
24/07/2017 09:28 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: An Afghan government official says the death toll in a suicide car bombing in a western neighbourhood of Kabul has climbed to 24.
23/07/2017 09:39 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: Iran and Iraq signed an agreement on Sunday to step up military cooperation and the fight against "terrorism and extremism", Iranian media reported, an accord which is likely to raise concerns in Washington.
23/07/2017 09:24 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: The Taliban fighters have executed seven civilians after abducting at least seventy people in the southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan over the alleged cooperation with the government and the security forces.
23/07/2017 09:14 Comments 0 Comments
Iraqi authorities are trying to trace 39 Indians taken hostage by the IS terrorist group in Mosul in 2014, the war-ravaged country’s embassy said on Sunday.
22/07/2017 08:03 Comments 0 Comments
Honolulu: Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update Cold War-era plans for coping with a nuclear attack as North Korea develops nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that can reach the islands.
22/07/2017 07:56 Comments 0 Comments
Ramallah (West Bank): Israel sent more troops to the West Bank on Saturday, a day after a Palestinian stabbed to death three members of an Israeli family in their home and widespread Israeli-Palestinian clashes erupted over escalating tensions at the Holy Land’s most contested shrine. The 20-year-old Palestinian assailant wrote in a pre-attack Facebook post that he planned to avenge what he alleged was Israel’s “desecration” of the Jerusalem holy site.
22/07/2017 07:51 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: An errant US airstrike confirmed by the Pentagon killed 12 Afghan National Police officers and wounded two others on Friday, Helmand provincial police chief Abdul Ghafar Safi said today.
22/07/2017 07:45 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Trump Administration today announced plans to ban its citizens from travelling to North Korea, attributing it to the serious risk of arrest and long-term detention of Americans in the reclusive nation. The move comes following the death of university student Otto Warmbier, who was returned to the U.S. in a coma after spending time in a North Korean prison.
21/07/2017 08:52 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: Germany said on Friday it was reviewing all arms sales to Turkey amid a bitter row between the NATO partners that has sharply worsened since Ankara arrested several human rights activists.
21/07/2017 08:28 Comments 0 Comments
Rescue authorities said two men from Turkey and Sweden died in the collapse as the 6.5 magnitude quake about 1:30 am Friday rattled Greek islands and the Turkish Aegean coast in a region where quake are common. The dead vacationers were not named.
21/07/2017 08:16 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: Israel police severely restricted Muslim access to a contested shrine in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday to prevent protests over the installation of metal detectors at the holy site. Police set up a series of checkpoints, turning away worshippers heading to Jerusalem from Israel and the West Bank. About 3,000 officers were deployed around the Old City, barring entry to Muslim men under the age of 50, except for area residents.
20/07/2017 09:32 Comments 0 Comments
MANILA: The Philippine president flew for the first time Thursday to a besieged southern city to cheer troops who have been trying to quell a nearly two-month uprising by Islamic State group-linked militants, who he warned were plotting to attack other cities.
19/07/2017 09:44 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Donald Trump had another, previously undisclosed conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in Germany this month.
19/07/2017 09:40 Comments 0 Comments
A Saudi woman has been arrested for defying the kingdom’s strict dress code by walking around in a miniskirt and crop top in a video that sparked public outrage.
19/07/2017 09:33 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: Four Arab nations that cut ties with Qatar have urged the tiny Gulf nation to commit to six principles on combatting extremism and terrorism and negotiate a plan with specific measures to implement them a step that could pave the way for an early resolution of the crisis.
19/07/2017 09:28 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta: The Indonesian government today banned Hizbut Tahrir, an organization that wants to establish a global caliphate, under a new presidential decree criticized as draconian by rights groups.
19/07/2017 09:24 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Donald Trump declared that it’s time to “let Obamacare fail” after the latest GOP health care plan crashed and burned in the Senate, a stunning failure for the President, Republican leader Mitch McConnell and a party that has vowed for years to abolish the law.
19/07/2017 09:20 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: The Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Tuesday said that Israel has no sovereignty over al-Aqsa Mosque.
18/07/2017 09:36 Comments 0 Comments
Torture is "routine and endemic" in Sri Lanka and the Tamil community in the country has taken the brunt of it, a UN expert has concluded at the end of a fact-finding mission to the island-nation.
Tags UN
18/07/2017 09:14 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Walk into almost any market in Iraq and the shelves are filled with goods from Iran — milk, yogurt, chicken. Turn on the television and channel after channel broadcasts programs sympathetic to Iran.
18/07/2017 08:52 Comments 0 Comments
Muzaffarabad (PoK): Islamabad has banned tourists from visiting Pakistani-occupied part of Kashmir a day after it said four of its soldiers drowned after their vehicle was hit by Indian gunfire and plunged into the Neelum River.
17/07/2017 09:22 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korea offered Monday to talk with North Korea to ease animosities along their tense border and resume reunions of families separated by their war in the 1950s.
17/07/2017 09:08 Comments 0 Comments
Yangon: Over 80,000 children under the age of five living in Muslim-majority areas of western Myanmar are "wasting" and will need treatment for acute malnutrition over the next year, the World Food Programme (WFP) warned in a report on Monday.
16/07/2017 09:24 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: Israel reopened Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary-Temple Mount compound on Sunday, drawing a protest by Muslim religious authorities over the installation of metal detectors at entrances two days after a deadly shooting. On Friday, three Arab-Israeli gunmen shot dead two Israeli policemen on the outskirts of the holy site, holy to Muslims and Jews, and were then killed by security forces. It was one of the most serious attacks in the area in years.
16/07/2017 09:16 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: A total of 49 tourists who had been stranded on Nanpeng Island in the South China Sea were picked up and moved to safety on Sunday morning, authorities said.
15/07/2017 09:21 Comments 0 Comments
Istanbul: Turkey is commemorating the first anniversary of quashing last summer’s coup attempt with events over the weekend in Istanbul and Ankara. Thousands are expected at “national unity marches” in the two cities, and speeches are planned in the Parliament and at an iconic Istanbul bridge.
15/07/2017 09:17 Comments 0 Comments
Pyongyang: North Korea's state-run daily Rodong Sinmun on Saturday published an article branding the South Korean president's offer of cross-border rapprochement as misleading.
14/07/2017 09:56 Comments 0 Comments
GENEVA: More than a million people were displaced from Mosul by the battle in the Iraqi city against the Islamic State group, but nearly 200,000 have returned home, the UN said Friday.
Tags UN
13/07/2017 09:22 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: The top U.S. diplomat returned to the besieged nation of Qatar on Thursday for a final round of talks on a shuttle-diplomacy tour aimed at breaking a deadlock between the tiny OPEC member and four Arab neighbors.
Tags US
13/07/2017 09:12 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: President Donald Trump and his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, are looking to set aside differences on trade and climate change and find common ground as they meet Thursday ahead of Bastille Day celebrations in Paris.
13/07/2017 09:04 Comments 0 Comments
At least 10 Indians were killed and six others injured on Wednesday when a major fire ripped through a windowless house in Saudi Arabia.
12/07/2017 09:57 Comments 0 Comments
Seven bus passengers were killed on Tuesday  in Afghanistan's Farah province after they were intercepted by terrorists in Bala Buluk district.
12/07/2017 09:50 Comments 0 Comments
Egypt on Tuesday accused Qatar of supporting terrorism in Libya, Syria and Yemen and said that Doha should not be included in the US-led anti-Islamic State (ISIS) coalition.
12/07/2017 09:43 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj on Tuesday held extensive talks with the Deputy Prime Minister of Yemen during which she conveyed India's concern over the safety of Father Tom Uzhunnalil, who was abducted in the Arab country last year, the ministry said.
11/07/2017 09:37 Comments 0 Comments
Strasbourg: The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday upheld Belgium’s ban on wearing Islamic full-face veil in public. The court found that Belgian’s 2011 law banning clothing that partly or totally covers the face did not violate the right to respect for private and family life nor freedom of religion, and that it did not disproportionately discriminate against the Muslim community. In its ruling, the court in Strasbourg, France said that the restriction on veil sought to guarantee social cohesion, the "protection of the rights and freedoms of others" and that it was "necessary in a democratic society".
11/07/2017 09:33 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: It's dusk. The shadows of three men brandishing assault rifles welcome the reader to the Facebook page of Lashkar-e-Islam, one of 65 organizations that are banned in Pakistan, either because of terrorist links or as purveyors of sectarian hate.
11/07/2017 09:27 Comments 0 Comments
In what could be yet another provocation on part of the Israeli government, intelligence minister Yisrael Katz on Monday proposed to annex five settlements into the Jerusalem municipality besides removing around 100,000 Palestinians from the city's census.
11/07/2017 09:21 Comments 0 Comments
Sixteen people were killed after an American  military plane crashed into a field in rural Mississippi on Monday.
10/07/2017 09:35 Comments 0 Comments
With tensions heightening between India and China amid the border stand-off and Beijing looking its presence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), the Malabar exercise involving warships, submarines, aircraft personnel from India, Japan and the US is all set to kick off in the Bay of Bengal from today.
09/07/2017 09:33 Comments 0 Comments
Mosul: Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Sunday arrived in Mosul and declared victory over the Islamic State group in the eight-month operation to drive the militants from the city. Iraq’s state-owned Al-Iraqia TV said that al-Abadi “congratulated the fighters and the people on the big victory” in the key city.
08/07/2017 09:17 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: At least 23 Egyptian soldiers were killed and 33 others injured Friday when terrorists attacked several army checkpoints with car bombs in the restive North Sinai, triggering fierce clashes that left 40 militants dead. The military said it killed the heavily-armed terrorists during clashes with them in the North Sinai city of Rafah, bordering the Palestinian Gaza Strip ruled by the Hamas.
08/07/2017 09:13 Comments 0 Comments
Hamburg (Germany): Fresh from his lengthy head-to-head encounter with Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump on Saturday was meeting with a long list of world leaders, including British Prime Minister Theresa May and President Xi Jinping of China, as he wraps up his second trip abroad.
07/07/2017 09:51 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: A diplomatic standoff between Qatar and four other Arab nations that accuse it of sponsoring terrorism has turned a spotlight on an opaque network of charities and prominent figures freely operating in the tiny Gulf country. It also raises questions about what constitutes a “terrorist” in the Middle East.
07/07/2017 09:46 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korean President Moon Jae-in reiterated that he was willing to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un even as he condemned the North’s first intercontinental ballistic missile test-launch this week as a ‘reckless’ move that incurred punishment by the international community.
07/07/2017 09:41 Comments 0 Comments
Hamburg (Germany): The Group of 20 leaders’ summit is getting underway Friday in the German port city of Hamburg in the wake of clashes between police and protesters, with terrorism, global trade and climate change among the issues on the agenda.
06/07/2017 09:51 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: For Russian President Vladimir Putin, a meeting with U.S. counterpart Donald Trump on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Germany offers a long-sought opportunity to negotiate a rapprochement with Washington. But controversy over the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia will loom over the talks, making any agreements unlikely.
06/07/2017 09:44 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korean jets and navy ships fired a barrage of guided-missiles into the ocean during drills Thursday, a display of military power two days after North Korea test-launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile.
05/07/2017 09:47 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Amid stand-off in the Sikkim sector, China today claimed that there is no dispute with Bhutan in the Doklam area as both the countries have a "basic consensus" on the boundary. There is currently a military stand-off between Indian and Chinese armies in the region and diplomatic tension has also heightened.
05/07/2017 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
London: One of three terminals at Britain's Manchester Airport was evacuated for several hours on Wednesday while authorities investigated a suspicious bag. The airport said routine baggage screening had revealed "a bag which appeared to contain a suspicious item."
04/07/2017 09:20 Comments 0 Comments
After North Korea fired a ballistic missile in Japan sea today, US President Donald Trump slammed Kim Jong-Un for the provocative action and urged China to make a “heavy move” on Pyongyang to “end this nonsense once and for all”.
04/07/2017 09:11 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China on Tuesday criticised North Korea's ballistic missile launch earlier during the day and warned Pyongyang to stop violating UNSC resolutions in this regard.
04/07/2017 09:02 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: Israel supports India ‘hook, line and sinker’ on the issue of terrorism emanating from Pakistan and within the country, a top Israeli official has said while asserting that New Delhi has the right to defend itself against terrorists. Noting that both India and Israel suffer from the ‘evil’ forces of terrorism, deputy director general of Israel's foreign ministry Mark Sofer said outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hamas were no different from each other and both countries have the right to defend themselves.
03/07/2017 09:08 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China on Monday responded to India's Defence Minister Arun Jaitley's remarks that India of 2017 is different from what it was in 1962, saying it too is different and will take "all necessary measures" to safeguard its territorial sovereignty. Reacting to China’s oblique reference to the war the two countries had fought 55 years ago and asking India to learn from "historic lessons", Jaitley had said last week, "If they are trying to remind us, the situation in 1962 was different an India of 2017 is different."
03/07/2017 08:58 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: The passage of a US warship close to a disputed island in the South China Sea was a "serious political and military provocation", Beijing said, one that could further strain relations between the superpowers.
02/07/2017 04:46 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran has opened its airspace to the passenger planes of Qatar over the past days, media report said on Saturday.
02/07/2017 04:41 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: Ehud Olmert, Israel's former prime minister, was released from prison today days after a parole board granted him early release from his 27-month corruption sentence, a Prison Service official said.
02/07/2017 04:30 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Amid standoff in Sikkim sector, China has released a ‘map’ to back its claim that Indian troops entered its territory -- Donglong region of the Sikkim sector to prevent the People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops from building a road in the area.
01/07/2017 09:22 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Less than three months after President Donald Trump and China’s leader strolled the manicured lawns at Mar-a-Lago, the White House is suddenly engaged in a multipronged pressure campaign against Beijing, born of frustration with the limited results of their much-touted cooperation on ending North Korea’s nuclear threat.
30/06/2017 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The United States will sell arms to Taiwan worth a total of USD 1.4 billion Rs 9,185 crore), the first such deal with the self-governing island since President Donald Trump took office. The State Department has approved the deal that is expected to anger China, which regards Taiwan as part of its territory. The decision by the State Department comes at a delicate time for relations between Washington and Beijing over efforts to rein in nuclear-armed North Korea.
30/06/2017 09:38 Comments 0 Comments
On the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to Beijing’s rule, China asserted its authority with President Xi Jinping inspecting Chinese troops based in Hong Kong in an open-top jeep.
30/06/2017 09:34 Comments 0 Comments
With anti-Islamic State group forces on the offensive in both the Iraqi city of Mosul and the Syrian city of Raqqa, Iraq's prime minister made the bold assertion of ISIS caliphate coming to an end.
30/06/2017 09:29 Comments 0 Comments
The scaled-back version of Trump’s executive order came into effect after the US Supreme Court partially reinstated the ban this week after it was blocked by lower courts.
29/06/2017 07:29 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China has justified the construction of a road in the Sikkim sector, saying the area "undoubtedly" is located on its side of the border as per the 1890 Sino-British Treaty.
29/06/2017 05:52 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Thousands of people across the country today took to the streets in a citizens' protest named 'Not in My Name' against the recent incidents of mob killings. Holding placards that read: "Break the Silence", "No Place for Islamophobia" and "Shed Hate not Blood" among others, the protesters said they had gathered to send out a message that there is a need to unite for a cause.
28/06/2017 07:21 Comments 0 Comments
Caracas: President Nicolas Maduro said a helicopter fired on Venezuela’s Supreme Court Tuesday in a confusing incident that he claimed was part of a conspiracy to destabilise his socialist government.
27/06/2017 09:58 Comments 0 Comments
Amsterdam: Describing the Netherlands as India's "natural partner" in its economic development, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said the bilateral ties with the country's major trading partner will grow rapidly. After the bilateral talks between Prime Minister Modi and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte, the two countries signed three MoUs in the fields of social security, water cooperation and cultural cooperation. During the talks, the two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to climate change accord and strengthen cooperation in developing renewable energy.
27/06/2017 09:41 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: In what can be seen as a ‘game changer’ for bilateral ties between the two nations, the US has cleared the sale of 22 predator Guardian drones to India, as President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi pledged today to deepen their defence and security cooperation.
27/06/2017 09:35 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Handing a victory to President Donald Trump, the US Supreme Court on Monday allowed the entry into force of some portions of his travel ban denying entry to refugees and citizens of six Muslim-majority nations.
26/06/2017 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Donald Trump is eager to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin with full diplomatic bells and whistles when the two leaders visit Germany for G20 Summit next month. But the idea is exposing deep divisions within the administration on the best way to approach Moscow in the midst of an ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the US elections.
26/06/2017 09:37 Comments 0 Comments
Los Angeles: A SpaceX rocket carried 10 communications satellites into orbit from California, two days after the company successfully launched a satellite from Florida. The Falcon 9 rocket blasted off on Sunday through low- lying fog at 1.25 pm pacific daylight time (PDT) from Vandenberg Air Force Base northwest of Los Angeles. It carried a second batch of new satellites for Iridium Communications, which is replacing its orbiting fleet with a next-generation constellation of satellites.
25/06/2017 09:28 Comments 0 Comments
Istanbul: Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today rejected a demand by major Arab states to remove Turkish troops from Qatar, saying their sweeping list of ultimatums has threatened the small Gulf country's sovereignty.
25/06/2017 09:23 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least 10 policemen were killed and four others were injured when Taliban militants attacked a checkpost near India-made Salma Dam (also known as Afghan-India Friendship Dam) in the landlocked nation’s Herat province.
25/06/2017 09:18 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: An oil tanker overturned and burst into flames as crowds rushed to collect fuel that spilled over on a highway in Pakistan's Punjab Province, killing over 150 people and injuring more than 140 others, in one of the deadliest accidents in the country.
25/06/2017 09:13 Comments 0 Comments
Lisbon: India and Portugal today announced a four million euros joint fund to bolster research in science and technology as Prime Minister Narendra Modi held in-depth talks with his Portuguese counterpart on cooperation in areas like counter-terrorism, space and climate studies.
24/06/2017 09:11 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Faced with a sweeping set of demands, Qatar insisted Friday it can indefinitely survive the economic and diplomatic steps its neighbours have taken to try to pressure it into compliance, even as a top Emirati official warned the tiny country to brace for a long-term economic squeeze.
24/06/2017 09:06 Comments 0 Comments
Lisbon: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today arrived here on the first leg of his three-nation tour during which he will hold talks with his Portuguese counterpart Antonio Costa to boost bilateral ties. "Ola Portugal. PM @narendramodi arrives in Lisbon, departing from protocol Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva receives the Prime Minister," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Gopal Baglay tweeted along with some photographs.
24/06/2017 09:01 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Around 100 people are feared buried after a landslide smashed some 40 homes in southwest China's Sichuan Province on Saturday morning. The landslide from a high part of a mountain in Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba fell to Xinmo Village at about 6 a.m., blocking a 2-km section of a river course, according to a report in state news agency Xinhua.
24/06/2017 08:56 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Three major cities of Pakistan were targeted by terrorists on Friday, killing at least 62 people and wounding nearly 100. In the first attack, a suicide bomber blew up his explosives-laden car near Inspector General of Police Ehsan Mehboob's office in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province, killing at least 13 people, including seven policemen, and wounding 21 others. The blast was claimed by both the local affiliate of the Islamic State terror group and by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), a splinter group of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.
24/06/2017 08:52 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Saudi security forces foiled a terror plot targeting the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, exchanging gunfire with one of the suspects who blew himself up inside a home Friday, injuring six foreign pilgrims, Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry said. Five people, including a woman, were arrested Friday in security operations in Mecca, the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news website said, citing the security spokesman of the Saudi Interior Ministry, Mansour al-Turki.
23/06/2017 10:01 Comments 0 Comments
Dipa Karmakar, who secured a historic fourth-place finish at last year's Rio Olympics, is recovering from a knee surgery.
23/06/2017 09:55 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: British Prime Minister Theresa May promised Thursday that EU citizens will not be immediately kicked out of Britain when it leaves the union and says their fate will be a top priority in Brexit negotiations — prompting guarded praise from other EU leaders at a tense time for the continent.
22/06/2017 09:34 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least 20 people were killed and more than 50 injured after a car bomb exploded outside a bank in Lashkar Gah, capital of the southern Afghan province of Helmand on Thursday.
21/06/2017 09:46 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman today appointed his 31-year-old son Mohammed bin Salman as crown prince, upending the line of succession in the kingdom by removing previous prince Mohammed bin Nayef. In a series of royal decrees issued Wednesday and carried on the state-run Saudi Press Agency, the monarch stripped Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who was first in line to the throne, from his title as crown prince and from his post as the country’s powerful interior minister overseeing security.
21/06/2017 09:39 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: Several Indians employed in Saudi Arabia are likely to return to the country soon with the kingdom all set to impose the much talked about ‘dependant fee’ for expats from July 1.
21/06/2017 09:33 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: At least 4,500 people remained lodged in some 50 shelters in southeastern Bangladesh and more evacuees continue to trickle in as the death toll from ongoing heavy rains touched 170, various sources said.
21/06/2017 09:28 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: A suspect was shot dead by soldiers after a small explosion at a busy train station in heart of Brussels on Tuesday. Belgian authorities re treating the incident as a “terror attack” that continued a week of attacks in the capitals of Europe.
20/06/2017 09:33 Comments 0 Comments
Lisbon: The death toll in the wildfire that devastated central Portugal has risen to 64, according to the latest assessment by the authorities. They also said on Monday that 70 per cent of the fire that was raging since Saturday has been controlled, Efe news reported. The official death toll was updated by a lieutenant of the Republican National Guard (GNR).
20/06/2017 09:28 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A man on the radar of French authorities for extremism was killed Monday after ramming a car carrying arms and explosives into a police convoy on Paris' famed Champs-Elysees Avenue, setting off a fiery blast and a cloud of orange smoke, officials said. France's anti-terrorism prosecutor opened an investigation.
20/06/2017 09:25 Comments 0 Comments
Cincinnati: An American college student who was released by North Korea in a coma last week after almost a year and a half in captivity, died on Monday, his family said. Suffering from severe brain damage, 22-year-old Otto Warmbier was medically evacuated to the United States on Tuesday last week. He died six days later surrounded by family members in his home town of Cincinnati, Ohio.
19/06/2017 09:58 Comments 0 Comments
Bamako: Suspected jihadists attacked a hotel resort Sunday in Mali's capital, taking hostages at a spot popular with foreigners on the weekends. More than 30 people managed to escape though at least two people were killed, authorities said.
19/06/2017 09:51 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: In apparent revenge to Islamic State attack in Tehran on June 7, Iran's Revolutionary Guard launched missiles into eastern Syria targeting terrorists and warning that it would similarly retaliate on anyone else carrying out attacks in the Islamic Republic.
19/06/2017 09:47 Comments 0 Comments
London: A van ploughed into a crowd of worshippers leaving a mosque in north London early Monday morning, killing at least one person and injuring eight others in what Prime Minister Theresa May described as a "potential terrorist attack". The attack took place just after midnight outside the Muslim Welfare House, which houses a mosque, on Seven Sisters road. The site of the incident is close to another mosque near the Finsbury Park on the same road.
18/06/2017 09:40 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: The Taliban stormed a police headquarters in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday after striking it with two suicide car bombs, killing at least five police, officials said.
18/06/2017 09:35 Comments 0 Comments
Avelar: Raging forest fires in central Portugal killed at least 57 people, many of them trapped in their cars as flames swept over a road, in what the prime minister on Sunday called “the biggest tragedy of human life that we have known in years.”
18/06/2017 09:29 Comments 0 Comments
A homemade bomb placed in a women’s bathroom rocked one of the busiest shopping centers in Colombia’s capital Saturday, killing three people, including a French woman, and wounding nine others.
18/06/2017 09:24 Comments 0 Comments
Yokosuka (Japan): Crew members from the destroyer USS Dewey were helping stabilize the damaged USS Fitzgerald after it collided with a container ship off the coast of Japan before dawn Saturday, leaving seven sailors missing and at least three injured. Family members were frantically seeking news, appealing via social media for calls from sailors aboard from the ship as it slowly made its way to its home base at Yokosuka, south of Tokyo.
17/06/2017 09:01 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: The Islamic State group today claimed responsibility for the fatal stabbing of an Israeli policewoman on duty near Jerusalem's Old City, a claim rejected by the Hamas. The three armed Palestinians who were shot dead after killing the officer belonged to local Islamist and leftist movements, Hamas, which rules the Gaza strip, said.
17/06/2017 08:57 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Thrusting the US and Cuba back on a path toward open hostility, President Donald Trump on Friday vowed to roll back his predecessor Barack Obama's signature Cuba policy, saying it was "one-sided" and his administration will seek a "much better" deal for the Cuban people and America. Denouncing the island’s communist government, Trump clamped down on some commerce and travel but left intact many new avenues Obama had opened.
17/06/2017 08:49 Comments 0 Comments
The minority Hindus in Thar area of Pakistan is enraged over the alleged abduction, forcible conversion and marriage of a minor Hindu girl  from their community.
16/06/2017 09:55 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The United Nations on Friday said that the Islamic State jihadists may be holding more than 1,00,000 Iraqi civilians as human shield in the Old City of Mosul.
16/06/2017 09:50 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least six people were killed and another 10 injured after a mosque in the Afghan capital Kabul was targeted late on Thursday in what the Interior Ministry called a "terrorist attack".
16/06/2017 09:45 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: An explosion struck the entrance to a kindergarten in eastern China, leaving 7 dead and 59 injured, state media reported.
15/06/2017 09:57 Comments 0 Comments
Mogadishu(Somalia): A suicide bomb attack on a Mogadishu restaurant claimed lives of at least eight people on Wednesday.
15/06/2017 09:49 Comments 0 Comments
Even after more than 24 hours when the devastating fire began at the Grenfell Tower block, flames are still visible in the 24-storey building.
15/06/2017 09:43 Comments 0 Comments
San Francisco: San Francisco police confirmed a shooting at a sprawling UPS warehouse and customer service center, in which at least four people were injured, including the suspected gunman.
14/06/2017 09:06 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Bangladesh today launched a fresh rescue campaign as the death toll due to landslides triggered by heavy monsoon rains climbed to 137 with the majority of them reported in a remote hill district close to the Indian border. Southeastern hilly districts of Chittagong, Bandarban and Rangamati are the worst affected districts, officials said, adding that the toll will rise further as many are still missing under tonnes of debris in southeastern hills.
14/06/2017 09:02 Comments 0 Comments
Members of the Baloch Voice Association on Monday protested in front of the iconic “Broken Chair” in Geneva against the atrocities being committed by the Pakistan Army on the residents of Balochistan.
14/06/2017 08:56 Comments 0 Comments
Pukekohe (New Zealand): Christians of Marawi town in Philippine are reportedly borrowing hijabs to escape the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists group that has been holding 1,500 people hostage.
13/06/2017 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
Munich: Several people, including a police officer, were injured in a shooting at a commuter rail station near the southern Germany city of Munich early Tuesday, police said. The policewoman was shot in the head and her injuries were serious. The suspect was also injured and was taken into custody.
13/06/2017 09:34 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: In a pleasant surprise, China has backed India’s plans to set up a tsunami warning system in the disputed South China Sea.
13/06/2017 09:27 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Donald Trump's travel ban barring people from six Muslim-majority nations entering the country faced another setback on Monday as a US appeals court upheld a decision blocking the revised executive order, saying the administration violated federal immigration law and failed to provide a valid reason for keeping people from six mostly Muslim nations from coming to the country.
13/06/2017 09:17 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: In a new challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin, tens of thousands of protesters held anti-corruption rallies across Russia on Monday.
12/06/2017 09:56 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French President Emmanuel Macron’s party “The Republic On The Move” (LREM) and its ally MoDem took the lead in the first round of French legislative election on Sunday.
11/06/2017 09:46 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has denied plotting to topple Prime Minister Theresa May, whose hold on power remained tenuous Sunday as she tried to finalize a deal with a small Northern Irish party to prop up her minority government after a disastrous election.
11/06/2017 09:39 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French voters are choosing lawmakers in the lower house of parliament on Sunday in a vote that is crucial for newly-elected president Emmanuel Macron. A total of 7,882 candidates are running for 577 seats in the National Assembly in Sunday’s first round of the two-stage legislative elections. Top vote-getters advance to the decisive second round June 18.
11/06/2017 09:34 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Prime Minister Theresa May struck a deal in principle with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party on Saturday to prop up the Conservative government, stripped of its majority in a disastrous election. The result has demolished May’s political authority, and she has also lost her two top aides, sacrificed in a bid to save their leader from being toppled by a furious Conservative Party.
11/06/2017 09:28 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: Three US soldiers were killed and another was wounded Saturday in eastern Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province, the Pentagon said. An Afghan official said the deaths and injury stem from an attack by an Afghan soldier, who also died. In a statement from Washington, the Pentagon did not provide details about what led to the deaths of the US soldiers. It said the incident was under investigation. The wounded soldier had been evacuated for medical treatment, it said.
10/06/2017 08:48 Comments 0 Comments
Manila: The Philippine military today said that thirteen of its marines were killed on Friday in fierce gun battles with Islamist militants who have laid siege to southern Marawi city for nearly a month now.
10/06/2017 08:43 Comments 0 Comments
London: The number of casulaties in London Bridge attack that killed eight people could have been much higher if terrorists had succeeded in their original plan of renting a seven-and-a-half tonne lorry to carry out the rampage. One of the terrorists Khuram Butt originally tried to rent a 7.5 ton truck. The intended truck was smaller but similar to the one used in the Nice attack last year that killed 86 people and injured hundreds in the resort town in the south of France, the police said on Saturday.
10/06/2017 08:34 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Even as his Secretary of State attempted to pacify the diplomatic rift in the Middle East, US President Donald Trump lambasted Qatar on Friday for funding terrorism "at a very high level" and insisted that it stop. Trump's condemnation contradicted the message delivered by his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who had urged Qatar's neighbours to ease their blockade while calling for "calm and thoughtful dialogue." Only an hour later, Tillerson sat in the front row in the Rose Garden as Trump enthusiastically embraced the move by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others to punish Qatar.
09/06/2017 09:48 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iranian leaders on Friday accused the United States and Saudi Arabia of supporting the Islamic State-claimed dual attacks that killed 17 people in Tehran this week, as thousands of Iranians attended a funeral ceremony for the victims.
09/06/2017 09:42 Comments 0 Comments
London: Spectacularly punished by voters who took away her majority in Parliament, a politically wounded but defiant Theresa May soldiered on Friday as Britain’s Prime Minister, resisting pressure to resign after the failure of a high-stakes election gamble that made the massive challenge of untangling Britain from the European Union only more complex and uncertain.
09/06/2017 09:35 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: The Japanese Parliament today passed a bill allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate in view of his failing health.
09/06/2017 09:30 Comments 0 Comments
The Islamic State (ISIS) on Thursday claimed the responsibility for killing the two Chinese nationals who were kidnapped from south-west Pakistan last month.
09/06/2017 09:25 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Hours after former FBI director James Comey testified in front of Congress on Thursday, US President Donald Trump said that “we’re under siege” but will emerge “bigger and better and stronger than ever.” Talking to his evangelical supporters at Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual gathering, Trump said, “We will always support our evangelical community and defend your right and the right of all Americans to follow and to live by the teachings of their faith.”
09/06/2017 09:19 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Former FBI Director James Comey asserted Thursday that President Donald Trump fired him to interfere with his investigation of Russia’s role in the 2016 election and its ties to the Trump campaign.
Tags FBI
09/06/2017 09:15 Comments 0 Comments
Doha: Arab states have no right to “blockade” Qatar, the country’s top diplomat said Thursday, insisting the campaign by Saudi Arabia and its allies to isolate the tiny, energy-rich nation is based on “false and fabricated news.”
08/06/2017 08:00 Comments 0 Comments
Astana (Kazakhstan): Prime Minister Narendra Modi today arrived in the Kazakh capital of Astana on a two-day visit to attend the 17th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit.
08/06/2017 07:54 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Five of the men who launched an attack in the heart of Iran’s capital previously fought for the Islamic State group, the country’s Intelligence Ministry said Thursday, acknowledging the first such assault by the extremists in the Shiite power.
08/06/2017 07:46 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan today accused India of promoting ‘state-sponsored terrorism’ in Afghanistan to sabotage the Islamabad-Kabul ties.
08/06/2017 07:41 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard has indirectly blamed Saudi Arabia for the twin terrorist attacks in the capital city of Tehran.
08/06/2017 06:43 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Beijing says it is "firmly opposed" to a Pentagon report that highlighted China's construction of military facilities on man-made islands in the disputed South China Sea and speculated that Beijing would likely build more bases overseas.
08/06/2017 06:38 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: The Islamic State claimed its first attacks in Iran as gunmen and suicide bombers killed at least 12 people and left 42 others wounded in twin assaults on parliament and the tomb of the country's revolutionary founder in Tehran. A suicide bomber targeted the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
07/06/2017 09:30 Comments 0 Comments
Yangon: Debris from a Myanmar military plane carrying 105 people was found in the Andaman Sea on Wednesday, a local official and an air force source told AFP. The aircraft was reported missing earlier.
07/06/2017 09:26 Comments 0 Comments
Kathmandu: Sher Bahadur Deuba was sworn in as the 40th Prime Minister of Nepal on Wednesday.
07/06/2017 09:04 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Hours after taking credit for diplomatic boycott of Qatar by Arab nations, US President Donald Trump on Tuesday spoke of Arab unity and told Saudi Arabia's King Salman that a united Gulf Cooperation Council is "critical to defeating terrorism and promoting regional stability."
06/06/2017 09:22 Comments 0 Comments
Herat: At least seven people were killed after a heavy explosion rocked the Jam-e-Mosque in Herat, Afghanistan, during a funeral ceremony on Tuesday.
06/06/2017 09:19 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: In a major security scare, a rocket landed today inside the India House, the country's Embassy in Kabul, but there were no reports of any injury, External Affairs Ministry sources in Delhi said.
06/06/2017 09:13 Comments 0 Comments
Dubai: Kuwait is trying to mediate a diplomatic crisis in which Arab countries-led by Saudia Arabia have cut diplomatic ties to Qatar and moved to isolate the energy-rich, travel-hub nation from the outside world, Qatar's foreign minister said early Tuesday.
06/06/2017 08:56 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin says claims about Russian involvement in U.S. elections are untrue, and says the United States actively interferes with elections in other countries.
05/06/2017 09:12 Comments 0 Comments
Melbourne: A man was shot dead today by Australian police who ended a hostage crisis at an apartment in south eastern suburb of Melbourne where a woman was held captive and a body of another man was found.
05/06/2017 09:04 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China today defended PLA helicopters hovering over Barahoti region of Uttarakhand's Chamoli district, saying India and China have a territorial dispute in the eastern section of their boundary and the Chinese military carry out regular patrolling in the relevant areas.
05/06/2017 08:50 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Five Arab nations – Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Monday cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism and interfering in its internal affairs.
04/06/2017 07:32 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Prime Minister Theresa May today strongly condemned the recent terror attacks in London and Manchester, saying ‘enough is enough’ -- and tougher measures to contain Islamic extremism in the country.
04/06/2017 07:25 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Donald Trump offered to help the United Kingdom after terror attacks in London and argued in favor of his controversial travel ban "as an extra level of safety."
04/06/2017 06:36 Comments 0 Comments
London: Terror struck at the heart of London when three knife-wielding attackers wearing fake suicide vests unleashed a rampage through central London, first plowing a van into pedestrians on the iconic London Bridge and then running to nearby Borough Market where they randomly stabbed multiple people, killing seven and injuring at least 40 others.
03/06/2017 09:00 Comments 0 Comments
US-backed Syrian coalition forces  are heading toward Raqqa to launch a decisive bid for taking control of the de-facto capital of the so-called “caliphate” of the Islamic State (ISIS).
Tags US
03/06/2017 08:53 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis turned up the heat on North Korea and its main benefactor, China, on Saturday, calling the North Koreans a “clear and present danger” and chastising the Chinese for coercive behaviour in the South China Sea.
03/06/2017 08:50 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan has frozen the accounts of 5,000 suspected terrorists, taking about USD 3 million out of their pockets, but Islamabad could still come under scrutiny at a crucial June meeting of an international watchdog that tracks terror financing.
02/06/2017 08:41 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: By backing off the US commitment to address climate change, President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable energy industry. In reacting to Trump’s announcement that he was withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate accord, China reaffirmed its commitment to the landmark agreement and is poised to spend heavily in coming years on renewables.
02/06/2017 08:31 Comments 0 Comments
Manila: At least 36 people were killed after a gunman stormed a casino in the Philippine capital and torched gambling tables in the crowded space, creating a choking level of smoke, authorities said. The incident is suspected to be botched robbery attempt, officials said.
01/06/2017 09:11 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan on Thursday dismissed accusations by Afghanistan linking it to the Haqqani network, blamed for Wednesday's horrific Kabul bombing that killed 90, and wounded over 400 people.
01/06/2017 09:00 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries today launched the latest version of the H-IIA rocket from the Tanegashim Island Space centre in Kagoshima, carrying a communication satellite with a local version of the U.S. global positioning system (GPS) called Michibiki 2.
01/06/2017 08:56 Comments 0 Comments
Saint Petersburg: Russian President Vladimir Putin today said that Moscow is ‘respectful toward all Indian interests’ and that it will never dilute its ‘trust-based’ ties with New Delhi.
01/06/2017 08:42 Comments 0 Comments
11 Philippine soldiers were killed and seven others wounded on Wednesday after a bomb dropped by their air force hit army troops locked in close-range combat with the extremists who have taken cover in buildings and houses.
31/05/2017 08:34 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: A powerful blast today rocked Kabul's high-security diplomatic quarter where the Indian embassy is located, killing at least 80 and wounding over 350 people, besides damaging buildings in the area.
31/05/2017 07:58 Comments 0 Comments
Mosul: Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists have reportedly started putting on fire their archives in Mosul after Iraqi forces launched a major offensive to route the jihadists by June 10.
31/05/2017 07:51 Comments 0 Comments
Orlando: An armed man at the Orlando International Airport was today taken into custody after a nearly three-hour standoff with police, authorities said. No one was hurt, but the terrifying situation created confusion and uncertainty as travelers posted video and photos online showing police at the airport with their weapons drawn.
31/05/2017 07:48 Comments 0 Comments
Shanghai: A man investigating working conditions at a Chinese company that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been arrested and two others are missing, the arrested man's wife and an advocacy group said Tuesday.
31/05/2017 07:42 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: A massive bombing by the Islamic State group outside a popular ice cream parlor in central Baghdad and a rush-hour car bomb in another downtown area have killed at least 31 people, Iraqi officials said.
30/05/2017 09:17 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Cyclone Mora made landfall in Bangladesh today damaging several houses and packing winds of up to 117 kilometres per hour after authorities evacuated hundreds of thousands of people from the coastal areas. In a special bulletin, Bangladesh Meteorological Department said the severe cyclonic storm 'Mora' moved northwards over North Bay and started crossing Cox's Bazar- Chittagong coast at 6:00 AM (local time).
30/05/2017 09:13 Comments 0 Comments
Mosul: Iraqi security forces are reportedly hopeful of liberating Mosul, the country’s second-largest city, from the Islamic State (ISIS) by June 10.
30/05/2017 09:07 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: At least 27 people were killed and more than 100 injured in two bombings in Baghdad, security officials said on Tuesday.
30/05/2017 09:03 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday described his interaction with German Chancellor Angela Merkel as "very good." Modi, who is in Germany on the start of his six-day, four-nation tour, met Merkel at her country retreat near Berlin for informal talks over a private dinner.
29/05/2017 09:06 Comments 0 Comments
Berlin: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here today on the first leg of his six-day, four-nation tour of Germany, Spain, Russia and France aimed at boosting bilateral economic engagement with them and inviting more investment for India's transformation.
29/05/2017 08:55 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: On a trip that will likely shape Russia-France ties for years to come, President Vladimir Putin is set to visit France for talks on Monday with newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron after expressing sympathy for his rivals during the campaign.
29/05/2017 08:48 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: North Korea has fired a short-range ballistic missile on Monday morning that landed in the ocean, the US military said.
28/05/2017 08:19 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan in 1998 created a balance of power in South Asia and gave a strong message to the "enemies" that aggressors would meet an exemplary fate, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said today.
28/05/2017 08:15 Comments 0 Comments
London: British Airways said Sunday it was still working to restore its computer systems but hoped to resume flights from London airports, a day after a global IT failure crippled its services.
27/05/2017 07:31 Comments 0 Comments
Worried over growing missile threat from North Korea, the Pentagon will test a defence system next week that will try to shoot down an intercontinental-range missile.
27/05/2017 07:00 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least 18 people, mostly civilians, were killed Saturday when a suicide car bomber targeted a convoy of provincial security forces in eastern Afghanistan, an Interior Ministry official said.
27/05/2017 06:55 Comments 0 Comments
Colombo: Heavy floods and landslides triggered by the worst rainfall since 1970s have killed at least 92 people and left 110 missing in Sri Lanka, officials said on Friday, warning the situation could get worse.
27/05/2017 06:47 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: The Egyptian army has launched intensive airstrikes against what it said were militant training bases in Libya after suspected Islamic State militants ambushed a bus that killed 28 Coptic Christians south of Cairo, the army spokesperson said.
26/05/2017 09:09 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: Gunmen opened fire on a bus carrying Coptic Christians south of the Egyptian capital on Friday, killing 24 people and wounding 25, officials said.
26/05/2017 09:05 Comments 0 Comments
The ghastly Manchester terror attack that left 22 people dead and dozens others injured, has brought to fore how European nations are becoming increasingly unsafe.
26/05/2017 08:56 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban “speaks with vague words of national security, but in context drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination,” a federal appeals court said Thursday in ruling against the executive order targeting six Muslim-majority countries.
26/05/2017 08:49 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: US President Donald Trump on Thursday rebuked fellow NATO allies for failing to meet the military alliance's financial benchmarks, asserting that leaves it weaker and shortchanges "the people and taxpayers of the United States." Trump, who has often complained about NATO members not paying enough, declared yesterday, "Many of these nations owe massive amounts of money from past years."
25/05/2017 07:29 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta: A suspected suicide bombing near a bus terminal in Indonesia's capital wednesday night killed a policeman and injured nine other people, including four officers, police said.
24/05/2017 09:12 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: The Pakistani government has decided to draw red lines for the social media service providers in the country.
23/05/2017 08:55 Comments 0 Comments
California: A fresh set of evidences by a cyber security firm have sought to link the this month’s ‘WannaCry’ ransomware attack to the Lazarus hacker’s group, widely believed to be connected to North Korea.
23/05/2017 08:37 Comments 0 Comments
London: An explosion struck an Ariana Grande concert in northern England late Monday, killing at least 22 people and injuring dozens in what police say they are treating as a terrorist attack.
22/05/2017 09:13 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Refuting Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on Tehran, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday said that the US President should rather discuss how to prevent Saudi Arabia from carrying out another 9/11 attack.
22/05/2017 09:07 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: North Korea says it’s ready to deploy and start mass-producing a new medium-range missile capable of reaching Japan and major U.S. military bases there following a test launch it claims confirmed the missile’s combat readiness and is an “answer” to President Donald Trump’s policies.
21/05/2017 08:54 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: North Korea on Sunday launched an unidentified ballistic missile, which flew over 500 km, just a week after Pyongyang carried out its most successful missile test, South Korean military has confirmed.
21/05/2017 08:47 Comments 0 Comments
Jerusalem: President Donald Trump has cast the elusive pursuit of peace between Israelis and Palestinians as the “ultimate deal.” But he will step foot in Israel having offered few indications of how he plans to achieve what so many of his predecessors could not.
21/05/2017 08:42 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: Even as his administration fights for its travel ban from several Muslim-majority countries, President Donald Trump is using the nation that is home to Islam’s holiest site as a backdrop to call for Muslim unity in the fight against terrorism.
21/05/2017 08:36 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: President Donald Trump, who often ridiculed Muslims during his campaign last year, was on Saturday given a royal welcome by Saudi Arabia, one of the richest and most powerful Islamic nations. Trump left behind the snowballing controversies dogging him in Washington and basked in the glory of over a USD 100-billion arms package aimed at bolstering Saudi security.
20/05/2017 09:02 Comments 0 Comments
In two separate suicide car bombings targeting the Iraqi police in Baghdad, at least 18 persons were killed and 20 others were injured.
20/05/2017 08:58 Comments 0 Comments
Riyadh: The United States on Saturday announced military deals worth nearly USD 110 billion, during a visit by President Donald Trump to Saudi Arabia.
20/05/2017 08:55 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani won a resounding victory in the 12th Presidential polls on Saturday as voters yearning for more freedom at home and less isolation abroad have emphatically backed the moderate cleric.
20/05/2017 08:51 Comments 0 Comments
At least 141 people have been reportedly killed in an attack on an airbase in South Libya on Friday.
19/05/2017 08:50 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China on Friday said that it does not oppose the joint naval exercise by India and Singapore in the disputed South China Sea as long as it does not "hurt" its interest.
19/05/2017 08:47 Comments 0 Comments
Stockholm: After almost seven years of investigation, Sweden’s top prosecutor today said that the authority has decided to drop the inquiry into a rape charge against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
19/05/2017 08:33 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: In an election that is largely being seen as a referendum on incumbent Hassan Rouhani's outreach to the rest of the world following the country's landmark 2015 nuclear accord, Iran will elect its eighth president in elections tomorrow.
18/05/2017 08:23 Comments 0 Comments
Yemen: The airstrike carried out by the Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition in southwestern Yemen on Wednesday claimed lives of around 18 civilians.
17/05/2017 09:09 Comments 0 Comments
Sochi: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said that US President Donald Trump had not passed any secrets onto Russian Foreign Minister and offered to turn over to Congress the records of discussions held between the two leaders.
17/05/2017 09:06 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: Gunmen stormed the local headquarters of Afghanistan's state media in the eastern Nangarhar province on Wednesday, setting off clashes that killed seven people and wounded at least 18, officials said.
17/05/2017 09:02 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Protests outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in Washington DC turned violent on Tuesday while Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was visiting.
16/05/2017 09:19 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Monday deferred its ruling on India’s petition against the death sentence awarded to Kulbhushan Jadhav, a former Indian Naval officer, by a Pakistani military court.
16/05/2017 09:15 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The United States accused Syria on Monday of executing thousands of imprisoned political opponents and burning their bodies in a crematorium to hide the evidence.
15/05/2017 09:07 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: In ceremonies marked by youthful optimism and old-world Napoleonic pomp, Emmanuel Macron swept into office Sunday as France’s new president pledging to fortify the European Union, redesign French politics and glue together his divided nation.
15/05/2017 08:59 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: North Korea said Monday the missile it launched over the weekend was a new type of “medium long-range” ballistic rocket that can carry a heavy nuclear warhead. A jubilant leader Kim Jong Un promised more nuclear and missile tests and warned that North Korean weapons could strike the US mainland and Pacific holdings.
14/05/2017 06:31 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: The Islamic State  has executed more than 145 civilians for trying to flee the western part of the Iraqi city of Mosul, according to a top security official.
14/05/2017 06:27 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korea's military on Sunday claimed that North Korea today launched a ballistic missile that flew about 700 kilometers.
14/05/2017 06:22 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: Independent-centrist Emmanuel Macron will be sworn-in as the 25th President of France following his landslide 66 per cent victory against far-Right National Front candidate Marine Le Pen, at a ceremony at the Elysee Palace here, the media reported.
29/04/2017 23:46 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: The first freight train to link China directly to the UK reached in the eastern Chinese city of Yiwu on Saturday, covering 12,000 km in 20 days – making the journey the second-longest route in the world.
29/04/2017 23:41 Comments 0 Comments
Istanbul: Turkey has passed two new decrees, one that expelled more than 4,000 civil servants and another that banned television dating programmes.
29/04/2017 23:37 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: As Donald Trump marked 100th day in office on Saturday, thousands of people from all over the US marched in favour of protecting the environment while slamming the effects the President's policies on climate.
29/04/2017 08:27 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: On the eve of completing his first 100 days in office, President Donald Trump has said this landmark timeline has been the most successful in the US' history.
28/04/2017 19:54 Comments 0 Comments
Skopje (Macedonia): Chaos swept into Macedonia's parliament Thursday as demonstrators stormed the building and attacked lawmakers to protest the election of a new speaker despite a months-old deadlock in efforts to form a new government.
27/04/2017 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: A large explosion rocked the Syrian capital early Thursday, followed by a fire near the Damascus airport, Syrian opposition activists and a monitor said.
26/04/2017 19:22 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: In a defiant bit of timing, South Korea announced Wednesday that key parts of a contentious U.S. missile defense system had been installed a day after rival North Korea showed off its military power.
25/04/2017 21:28 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: The United States must confront Russia for providing weapons to the Taliban for use against American-backed forces in Afghanistan, top U.S. military officials said Monday.
24/04/2017 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
Manila: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has warned that he could be "50 times" more brutal than Muslim militants who stage beheadings and said he could even "eat" the extremists if they're captured alive by troops.
23/04/2017 16:55 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French voters began casting ballots for the presidential election Sunday in a tense first-round poll that's seen as a test for the spread of populism around the world.
23/04/2017 16:49 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen hopes to break through the ceiling of fear that stopped her father from winning in 2002.
22/04/2017 21:00 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: Many don't speak Arabic and their role in Syria is little known to the outside world, but the Chinese fighters of the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria are organized, battled-hardened and have been instrumental in ground offensives against President Bashar Assad's forces in the country's northern regions.
22/04/2017 20:52 Comments 0 Comments
In a significant statement, President Donald Trump has said that young immigrants brought to the United States will not be targets for deportation under his immigration policies.
22/04/2017 20:47 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least eight military personnel and one attacker were killed when Taliban militants attacked an Afghan Army Corps in the northern province ofBalkh on Friday, the Defence Ministry said.
21/04/2017 21:41 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Iran is failing to fulfill the "spirit" of its nuclear deal with world powers, President Donald Trump declared Thursday, setting an ominous tone for his forthcoming decision about whether to pull the U.S. out of the landmark agreement.
21/04/2017 21:37 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan's former army chief Gen Raheel Sharif left for Riyadh today to head a 41-nation Islamic military alliance after getting the government's approval, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said amidst concerns here about the Saudi-led grouping.
21/04/2017 21:31 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra: Analysis of a genuine Boeing 777 wing flap has reaffirmed experts' opinion that the missing Malaysian airliner most likely crashed north of an abandoned search area in the Indian Ocean, officials said Friday.
21/04/2017 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
Tel Aviv (Israel): The ear-splitting explosion from America's "mother of all bombs" has been followed by calculated silence about the damage it inflicted.
20/04/2017 21:29 Comments 0 Comments
Jakarta: Vice President Mike Pence praised Indonesia's democracy and moderate form of Islam after meeting Thursday with the president of the world's most populous Muslim nation.
20/04/2017 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Condemning the death sentence awarded to retired Indian Navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav, former Pakistan ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani has said that Islamabad’s “spy games” are making it tougher for the two South Asian neighbours to even explore peace.
20/04/2017 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Donald Trump will host his Palestinian counterpart Mahmud Abbas at the White House on May 3 for talks on efforts to revive the peace process in the region.
19/04/2017 21:45 Comments 0 Comments
Yokosuka (Japan): From the wind-swept deck of a massive aircraft carrier, Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday warned North Korea not to test the resolve of the U.S. military, promising it would make an "overwhelming and effective" response to any use of conventional or nuclear weapons.
19/04/2017 21:42 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, and says the U.S. has extended the sanctions relief given to the Islamic republic in exchange for curbs on its atomic program.
18/04/2017 21:16 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: US Vice President Mike Pence assured Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday that the United States stands "100 percent" behind its anchor ally in Asia in working to defuse risks from North Korea's nuclear program.
18/04/2017 21:12 Comments 0 Comments
London: In a surprise announcement, British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday called for an early general election to be held June 8 to seek a strong mandate for her vision of a "hard" Brexit.
18/04/2017 21:07 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China today sought to allay India’s concerns over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, saying it has "no direct link" with the Kashmir issue and New Delhi was welcome to participate in the One Belt One Road project.
18/04/2017 21:01 Comments 0 Comments
Tokyo: US Vice President Mike Pence today arrived in Japan for talks, focusing largely on trade with America's anchor ally in the region.
17/04/2017 18:33 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korean prosecutors today indicted ex-President Park Geun-hye on high-profile corruption charges that could potentially send her to jail for life.
17/04/2017 18:29 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Amid increasing tensions and heated rhetoric in the region, President Donald Trump on Sunday said that China was working with the United States on ‘the North Korea problem’.
17/04/2017 18:24 Comments 0 Comments
Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed victory in a Sunday referendum on granting him sweeping new powers, saying it was won by a clear majority.
16/04/2017 21:28 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: North Korea carried out a missile test on Sunday which failed "almost immediately," US and South Korean officials said.
16/04/2017 21:20 Comments 0 Comments
Istanbul: Voting opened on Sunday in Turkey in a landmark referendum on whether to approve reforms that would concentrate power in the hands of the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
16/04/2017 21:15 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: Nearly hundred people, including children, government supporters and opposition fighters, were killed on Saturday when a deadly explosion targeted an evacuation point near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.
16/04/2017 21:09 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: At least 43 persons were killed on Saturday when a car bomb struck an area near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo where an evacuation operation was underway.
16/04/2017 21:06 Comments 0 Comments
Mosul: An Iraqi military officer said that Islamic State militants have launched a gas attack in a newly-liberated area in western Mosul.
16/04/2017 21:01 Comments 0 Comments
Pyongyang: In a massive military display, North Korea saturday paraded its intercontinental ballistic missiles in central Pyongyang.
15/04/2017 16:47 Comments 0 Comments
Warning US against taking provocative actions in Korean Peninsula, North Korea today warned that it is "ready to hit back with nuclear attacks".
15/04/2017 16:44 Comments 0 Comments
The massive GBU-43 bomb also known as “mother of all bombs’, dropped by the US military in Afghanistan, has killed at least 90 Islamic State (ISIS) militants.
15/04/2017 16:40 Comments 0 Comments
Russian foreign ministry today said that Moscow is ready to host peace talks between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban.
15/04/2017 16:36 Comments 0 Comments
Amid fears of North Korea opting for sixth nuclear weapons test and a US aircraft carrier group steaming toward the Korean peninsula, China on Friday said that tension over Pyongyang had to be stopped from reaching an "irreversible and unmanageable stage".
14/04/2017 16:10 Comments 0 Comments
Just two days ahead of Easter Sunday, Christians around the world are celebrating Good Friday, the holy day marking the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
14/04/2017 16:06 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The United States has urged all countries to  hold soldiers accountable for sexual abuse and exploitation.
14/04/2017 16:03 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: A misdirected airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition earlier this week killed 18 allied fighters battling the Islamic State group in northern Syria, the U.S. military said Thursday.
14/04/2017 15:59 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: The US military on Thursday dropped a massive GBU-43 bomb, also known as the "mother of all bombs", in eastern Afghanistan against a series of caves used by the Islamic State.
Tags US
13/04/2017 15:37 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: New satellite photos have showed North Korea's nuclear base prepared and ready for a new test, something that will add to the rising tension in the peninsula.
13/04/2017 15:29 Comments 0 Comments
The United Kingdom (UK) on Wednesday offered technology transfer to India for co-production of military platforms and weapon systems to jointly become "world beaters" in arms exports.
13/04/2017 15:25 Comments 0 Comments
Canberra: Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday said it might not be possible to reach a free trade deal with New Delhi, despite his and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's attempts to revive talks.
12/04/2017 21:51 Comments 0 Comments
Mogadishu: Somalia's security forces have freed eight Indian crew members who had been held hostage by pirates, an official said Wednesday.
12/04/2017 21:47 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia's top diplomat today accused the United States of carrying out an unlawful attack against Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces as he opened a fraught meeting with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
12/04/2017 21:43 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The United States has warned Syria that it will pay a very heavy price if Damascus used chemical weapons again.
11/04/2017 21:28 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The United States has concluded Russia knew in advance of Syria's chemical weapons attack last week, a senior U.S. official said Monday.
11/04/2017 21:25 Comments 0 Comments
Mogadishu: Somali security forces have freed an Indian cargo ship from the pirates who hijacked it last month, but could rescue only two of the ten crew, authorities said.
10/04/2017 22:22 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Former Indian naval officer Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was arrested by Pakistan last year and was charged with espionage and sabotage activities, has been sentenced to death, Pakistan Army said today.
10/04/2017 22:14 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday declared a three-month state of emergency in the Arab country after two church blasts triggered by ISIS killed at least 45 and injured over 100.
09/04/2017 21:33 Comments 0 Comments
Oslo: Norway Police has said they neutralised an explosive device found in a busy area of downtown Oslo on late Saturday night and arrested a suspect.
09/04/2017 21:23 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: At least 18 people, including five children, were killed when warplanes on Saturday struck Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, where a chemical attack had killed scores of people earlier this week.
09/04/2017 21:17 Comments 0 Comments
Cairo: At least 21 people were killed and 40 others injured today when a powerful bomb exploded in a church north of Cairo that was packed with Palm Sunday worshippers.
08/04/2017 22:25 Comments 0 Comments
Russian Prime Minister on Friday said that the US missile strike in Syria has put Moscow and Washington "on the verge of a military clash."
Tags US
08/04/2017 21:58 Comments 0 Comments
Stockholm: Four people were killed as a hijacked beer truck ploughed into a crowd outside a busy department store in central Stockholm on Friday.
08/04/2017 13:58 Comments 0 Comments
London: The British government has backed the United States missile strikes on a Syrian air base, terming it as an ‘appropriate response’ to the incumbent President Bashar Assad’s chemical attack earlier this week.
08/04/2017 13:50 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: The missile strikes against a Syrian airbase, from where a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched earlier this week, has claimed the lives of four soldiers and six civilians.
07/04/2017 22:32 Comments 0 Comments
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will begin his four-day visit to India on April 9.
07/04/2017 22:27 Comments 0 Comments
Turkey on Thursday claimed that the chemical agent allegedly used in a recent attack in Syria could have been ‘Sarin’, a nerve agent that causes organophosphate poisoning.
06/04/2017 22:30 Comments 0 Comments
The United States on Wednesday hinted that it will take  its own action in Syria unless the UN Security Council moves to prevent the use of chemical weapons in the war-torn country.
Tags US
05/04/2017 22:21 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: The death toll in the suspected chemical attack on a northern Syrian town rose to 72 on Wednesday even as Russia defended Damascus in face of an international outcry.
05/04/2017 22:14 Comments 0 Comments
Lahore: At least six people were killed and more than 18 injured after a suicide bomber blew himself near an army vehicle in Lahore's Bedian Road today.
05/04/2017 22:10 Comments 0 Comments
Japan today slammed North Korea for its missile launch and pointed out that the North Korea has acted in clear violation of the UN Security Council resolutions.
05/04/2017 22:07 Comments 0 Comments
Reacting sharply to the missile test by North Korea, the United States today said that it is considering all options to tackle the threat posed by Pyongyang’s repeated nuclear arms tests.
Tags US
05/04/2017 21:59 Comments 0 Comments
Ahead of the summit meet between US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping scheduled to take place later this week, North Korea today fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan, according to US and South Korean officials.
04/04/2017 22:14 Comments 0 Comments
Beirut: Warplanes carried out a suspected chemical attack in a town in Syria's northern Idlib province, killing at least 58 people on Tuesday, a monitoring group said.
03/04/2017 22:11 Comments 0 Comments
At least 254 people have been killed in devastating mudslides in the Colombian town of Mocoa.
03/04/2017 22:06 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: At least 10 people died and 50 others were injured when a powerful explosion ripped through a subway train in the Russian city of St. Petersburg on Monday evening, official said.
03/04/2017 21:50 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Donald Trump says that the United States is prepared to act alone if China does not take a tougher stand against North Korea's nuclear program.
02/04/2017 22:33 Comments 0 Comments
BOGOTA (Colombia): The number of people killed in Colombia after a surge of mud and water from three overflowing rivers swept through a small city has risen to 200.
01/04/2017 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
With a stated aim to crack down on religious extremism, China on Friday banned burqas, veils and abnormal beards in the Muslim province of Xinjiang.
01/04/2017 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
North Korea today alleged that by continuing with military drills on the Korean peninsula, the United States was raising the war mood in the region.
31/03/2017 21:56 Comments 0 Comments
US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has claimed that an 18-year-old Pakistani origin boy was planning to carry out Paris-style attacks on “heavily populated areas” in New York City.
Tags FBI
31/03/2017 21:52 Comments 0 Comments
Aerospace giant China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) today announced that it plans to launch a network of 156 mini-satellites to facilitate broadband coverage.
30/03/2017 22:12 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold his first summit with US counterpart Donald Trump in Florida next week during which the two leaders are expected to set the tone for bilateral ties amid tensions over various issues like trade and the South China Sea dispute.
30/03/2017 22:06 Comments 0 Comments
New York: US’ permanent representative to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said on Wednesday that her mother was not allowed to be a judge in India because she was a woman.
30/03/2017 22:00 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: The Syrian army on Wednesday captured the town of Deir Hafer, a major stronghold for the Islamic State (IS) group in northern Syria.
29/03/2017 22:04 Comments 0 Comments
London: A senior European diplomat today said that the European Union won't seek to punish Britain for leaving the 28-nation bloc.
29/03/2017 21:57 Comments 0 Comments
Scotland: The Scottish Parliament on Tuesday formally  backed the call given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for a second referendum on independence for Scotland.
28/03/2017 21:39 Comments 0 Comments
The people of Balochistan held protests across the world on Monday to mark the 'Balochistan Occupation Day'.
27/03/2017 21:41 Comments 0 Comments
Melbourne: In yet another incident of crime against Indians, a man from Kerala was allegedly assaulted by a group of people including a woman in a restaurant in Australia’s Tasmania state.
26/03/2017 20:06 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: Six people were killed and nearly 40 others injured, including a top intelligence officer, in two powerful blasts outside a building occupied by the Islamist militants as army commandos prepared for a final assault to flush them out in northeastern Sylhet city in Bangladesh after over a 30-hour security siege, police said today.
26/03/2017 20:03 Comments 0 Comments
Las Vegas: A gunman involved a fatal shooting on the Las Vegas Strip who barricaded himself inside a public bus surrendered peacefully after shutting down the busy tourism corridor for hours, police said.
26/03/2017 19:59 Comments 0 Comments
Cincinnati: One person was killed and at least 14 injured in a shooting at a nightclub in Cincinnati, Ohio, early on Sunday, police said.
Tags US
26/03/2017 19:55 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A US counter-terrorism airstrike earlier this month in Afghanistan killed top al Qaeda leader Qari Yasin, responsible for multiple deadly attacks in Pakistan which claimed dozens of innocent lives, the Pentagon said Saturday.
26/03/2017 19:51 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa said on Saturday that the country has started fencing the border with Afghanistan in a move to stop the cross-border movement of the militants.
25/03/2017 21:19 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: The Islamic State has taken responsibility for a blast in front of a police box at the entrance to Dhaka's Shahjalal International Airport, describing it as a "suicide attack".
25/03/2017 21:12 Comments 0 Comments
London: Khalid Masood, the man behind the London attack near British Parliament, impressed the manager of the hotel where he was staying,  with his friendly manner.
24/03/2017 21:56 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The United States has warned that the Islamic State (ISIS) has stepped up efforts to recruit young people from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Tags US
23/03/2017 22:30 Comments 0 Comments
London: The Islamic State group today claimed responsibility for an attack by a knife-wielding man who plowed an SUV into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and then stabbed a police officer to death at Britain's Parliament.
23/03/2017 22:26 Comments 0 Comments
Brussels: Belgian police today arrested a man after he tried to drive at high speed through a busy shopping street in the port city of Antwerp, forcing pedestrians to jump out of the way.
23/03/2017 22:21 Comments 0 Comments
London: Terror group Islamic State on Thursday claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack near the Parliament on Wednesday afternoon in which four people were killed including the lone attacker.
23/03/2017 22:16 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: The Syrian army has killed over 150 rebels during the three-day long military showdown in the eastern part of the capital Damascus, state news agency SANA reported on Wednesday.
23/03/2017 12:32 Comments 0 Comments
London: A knife-wielding man went on a deadly rampage on London's Westminster Bridge before stabbing an armed police officer to death inside the gates of Parliament. Five people were killed, including the attacker, and about 40 others were injured.
22/03/2017 21:36 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: Days after North Korea claimed a major breakthrough in its rocket development program, the US and South Korean militaries today said that Pyongyang’s latest missile launch ended in failure on Wednesday.
22/03/2017 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: President Donald Trump today signed a bill authorising USD 19.5 billion (approx Rs 1.3 lakh crore) funding for NASA programmes and setting a new goal to send humans to Mars.
21/03/2017 21:51 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Emerging from his first meeting with President Donald Trump, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Monday he was assured the U.S. will accelerate its support for his country's struggle against the Islamic State group.
21/03/2017 21:40 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The FBI is investigating whether Donald Trump's associates coordinated with Russian officials in an effort to sway the 2016 presidential election, Director James Comey said on Monday in an extraordinary public confirmation of a probe the president has refused to acknowledge, dismissed as fake news and blamed on Democrats.
Tags FBI
21/03/2017 21:35 Comments 0 Comments
Juba: A passenger jet carrying 49 people crash-landed in South Sudan's north-western city of Wau Monday, but all passengers and crew survived, said an airport official.
20/03/2017 21:46 Comments 0 Comments
London: Prime Minister Theresa May will trigger Britain's exit from the European Union on March 29, a government spokesperson said on Monday.
20/03/2017 21:41 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: Irked over the invitation to Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama for an international Buddhist seminar in Bihar, China today warned India to respect its "core concerns" to avoid disruption to bilateral ties.
19/03/2017 21:34 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: A day after the first meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US President Donald Trump on Saturday said that Germany owes "vast sums of money" to NATO and the U.S. "must be paid more" for providing defense, reiterating his stance that European allies need to meet their end of the bargain if they are to continue benefiting from the military alliance.
19/03/2017 21:18 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: Despite opposition from several quarters, US President Donald Trump plans to go ahead with wall on Mexico border, which he claims would help in stopping illegal immigration.
19/03/2017 21:09 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A man who tried to grab a female soldier's weapon at Paris' Orly airport was shot and killed by her colleagues on Saturday, triggering a major security alert that shut down the airport.
18/03/2017 21:33 Comments 0 Comments
United Nations: The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Friday asked the government of Afghanistan to tackle the extremist groups like the Taliban, al-Qaida and Islamic State affiliates which are posing serious threat to security and stability of the country.
18/03/2017 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: On Friday made it clear  that its stand on Kashmir will not be affected by the roll out of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC).
17/03/2017 21:54 Comments 0 Comments
Dhaka: A suspected militant today blew up himself near a temporary camp of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in Ashkona Hajj Camp area of Dhaka, Bangladeshi media said today.
17/03/2017 21:51 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The US intelligence community and defence officials are anticipating that North Korea will soon carry out a new round of testing of its missile and nuclear programme, a media report said on Friday.
17/03/2017 21:47 Comments 0 Comments
New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh police has increased security around the Taj Mahal after a new poster doing the rounds on the internet claims that the Islamic State has set sight on Agra's famed monument.
16/03/2017 22:14 Comments 0 Comments
Paris: A terror warning has been issued in France after a shooting at a high school in southern French town of Grasse left several injured, Associated Press reported. Officials are still trying to determine whether there are any casualties.
16/03/2017 22:05 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: US President Donald Trump has vowed to fight a federal court ruling halting his revised temporary ban of refugees and nationals from six Muslim-majority countries, describing the decision as "judicial overreach".
16/03/2017 21:55 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: Pakistan on Wednesday launched a countrywide census, in what is first such exercise in nearly two decades, amid massive security for which some two lakh soldiers have been deployed.
15/03/2017 22:06 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: A suicide bomber detonated his explosives' vest inside the main judicial building in the Syrian capital on Wednesday, killing at least 25 people and wounding many others, state media said.
15/03/2017 22:01 Comments 0 Comments
Moscow: Russia on Tuesday said that it was not surprised by the new CNN documentary about Russian President Vladimir Putin as it was part of anti-Russian propaganda.
15/03/2017 21:55 Comments 0 Comments
Ankara: Launching a scathing attack against the Netherlands, Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday alleged that Amsterdam was patronising state-sponsored terrorism.
14/03/2017 18:10 Comments 0 Comments
Luxembourg: In a first of its kind decision, the European Union’s top court ruled on Tuesday that employers may bar staff from wearing visible religious symbols. The court’s order came during a hearing on the issue of women wearing Islamic headscarves at work.
14/03/2017 18:02 Comments 0 Comments
The Chairman of Russia's State Commission on Chemical Disarmament Mikhail Babich on Monday indicated that Moscow may completely destroy its chemical weapons this year.
14/03/2017 16:52 Comments 0 Comments
London: The British Parliament on Monday overwhelmingly approved a bill that empowers Prime Minister Theresa May to start negotiations for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
13/03/2017 21:54 Comments 0 Comments
Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday called on international organisations to "raise their voices" against the Netherlands while promising that the Dutch would "pay the price" for their unusual action of escorting one of his ministers out of the country and preventing another one from landing in the country.
13/03/2017 21:47 Comments 0 Comments
Islamabad: For the first time in history, this year's Pakistan Day parade will have participation from Chinese and Turkish armies, the army said on Monday.
13/03/2017 21:43 Comments 0 Comments
Baghdad: Islamic State (IS) terrorists are completely "trapped" and "the last road out of Mosul" has been cut off as the remaining western neighborhoods of the city held by the terror group are now completely surrounded, a senior coalition official said.
12/03/2017 21:29 Comments 0 Comments
Ankara: The relationship between Turkey and the Netherlands took further dive on Saturday after a Turkish minister was stopped by Dutch police from entering the consulate in Rotterdam late Saturday.
12/03/2017 21:23 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: Twin bombs targeting Shiite pilgrims killed 59 people, mostly Iraqis visiting a shrine, in Damascus on Saturday, a monitoring group said.
12/03/2017 13:26 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: Arab media are reporting at least 40 people are dead after twin blasts in a Damascus neighborhood that is home to tombs of religious figures frequented by Shiite pilgrims. There were conflicting reports on what caused the explosions.
10/03/2017 21:39 Comments 0 Comments
Bern: Two persons were killed and one injured following a shootout in a cafe in Basel, Switzerland.
10/03/2017 21:34 Comments 0 Comments
Seoul: South Korean President Park Geun-hye was removed from office on Friday after the country’s constitutional court  upheld his impeachment.
10/03/2017 21:27 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The top US commander in the Middle East signalled Thursday that there will be a larger and longer American military presence in Syria to accelerate the fight against the Islamic State group and quell friction within the complicated mix of warring factions there.
10/03/2017 21:21 Comments 0 Comments
Tehran: Putting aside a threat by the United States, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have successfully test-fired a domestically built Hormuz-2 ballistic missile.
09/03/2017 21:24 Comments 0 Comments
Damascus: US Marines arrived in northern Syria with artillery to support Washington-backed local forces fighting the Islamic State (IS) terror group, according to top officials.
08/03/2017 21:31 Comments 0 Comments
Washington: The textbooks found by Iraqi soldiers at an orphanage titled 'English for the Islamic State' teaches 'G' is for gun, 'S' is for sniper and 'B' is for battle, Fox News reported.
08/03/2017 21:26 Comments 0 Comments
Beijing: China's foreign minister said Wednesday that North Korea could suspend its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for a halt in joint U.S.-South Korea military drills, in an unusually public proposal that analysts said showed Beijing's growing alarm over the tensions.
08/03/2017 21:10 Comments 0 Comments
Kabul: At least three persons were killed and 66 injured when three explosions rocked a military hospital here on Wednesday. The Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack.
08/03/2017 21:04 Comments 0 Comments
Malaysia has made it clear that it has no plans to cut off diplomatic ties with North Korea despite the continuing standoff between the countries.
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